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Iran Rolls Out National Internet by May

oh no....i will miss yahoo messenger so much is 3 years that i'm using it.....i really hope that they wont close at least this client like they did during the anniversary of the islamic revolution (yahoo messenger was open)OH..but i have another question? will they probably close also yahoo mail?

Don't worry dude, yahoo will work only difference will be AhmadiNijad will be reading your romantic msgs :butcher:

And don't worry, give me details in case of any problem i will deliver your msg personally :kiss3:
also read this article...it seems that iran will be totally isolated in August 0_0

Iran will isolate its citizens with their own version of Internet

is this propaganda? (hope yes but i doubt)

This news has been denied by Iran. AFP and Reuters both have carried the news of denial quoting Iranian officials. Your link which is Wikitonicia is not really a reliable source of news. So I would say it is false. You have to realize that there are so much propaganda going against Iran in western media. So choose your sources of news carefully and tally it with Iranian news coming out of Iran for example on PressTV.

Yes but if u search on net u will see everyhwre that they want to close completely the net JUST for common citizens! for the high customers like big companies governmet or banks internet will be free! understand now? oh my God...so they are smart they want to block net for the normal population but they leave the big net customers to use net like as before! my girlfriend said that we can't know till they do it....but or the articles that i read are fake (and i doubt) or they really want to close net...if the situation is like this it will be also useless to search for an alternative client.........

I told you have other accounts as back up. And the phone is always there too.

Don't worry dude, yahoo will work only difference will be AhmadiNijad will be reading your romantic msgs :butcher:

And don't worry, give me details in case of any problem i will deliver your msg personally :kiss3:

Hmmm. Good proposal. But would he trust you or Ahmadinejad? I would pick Ahmadinejad though. Your mustaches are too big.
Yes but if u search on net u will see everyhwre that they want to close completely the net JUST for common citizens! for the high customers like big companies governmet or banks internet will be free! understand now? oh my God...so they are smart they want to block net for the normal population but they leave the big net customers to use net like as before! my girlfriend said that we can't know till they do it....but or the articles that i read are fake (and i doubt) or they really want to close net...if the situation is like this it will be also useless to search for an alternative client.........

This will just be idioicy
I really hope that u have reason guys... let'see what will happen so.Anyway thank you for your answers.
Now in September Iran wants to disconnect from net the governative websites, i'm reading from net that this will be the first step in order to disconnect the iranian people from worldwide web...So it means that when the national net will be completed...(as i read) the iranians can't see any websites or using any program to communicate except the national one? practically they will communicate just inside iran? i read these news.
Iran's future > North Korea is it so hard to see mullahs doing this to control your internet life? What do you think will happen when you guys started to use national message/chat/e-mail services? All of your internet life will be watched by state , this is no different than the other states making stupid internet censorship laws.AKP tried do similar things in the name of family protection and backfire them everytime.Many Turkish young people protested , now know how to use VNPs or DNS changer but what iranian mullahs trying to is more dangerous and more larger scale.Mullahs relaize the more free information flow runs more young iranians understood oppressive islamic republic and islam itself , they will want islamic republic to fall.Therefore stopping free information flow is only way , at this point you guys are going to more isolated and your mullahs and mullah lover islamists turn more radical.Whats worse thanks to isolation mullah going brainwash more children as the protecters of Iran and tighten their control over Iran.

There are similars laws all over the world by goverments who wants to watch citizens action in internet but when this kind of law imposed by religous mullahs danger is completly on an another level , more isolation and you guys going to turn North Korea i am very serious.

i don't know what else they can do! we will just have an intra-net , so the speed will increase + safety
This intranet is only for businesses and government. So we can't get hit by viruses like Stuxnet from hostile countries. I don't think it is meant to replace internet. Atleast I know that Iranian people wouldn't stand for that.
Ok, Thanks.

(i think that my last post was eliminated ,sorry if i asked smth wrong!!!)
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