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Iran Reveals Plan to Strike 400 American Targets in response to US military action


Sep 18, 2019
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United States
Iranian military leaders on Friday said the country had drafted plans to strike "400 American targets" in response to further military action by the United States.

After Iran launched missiles at Iraq's Ain al-Asad base in January, where more than 1,000 U.S. and coalition soldiers are stationed, it anticipated retaliatory attacks by the Trump administration, Brigadier General Amir Ali Hajizadeh, commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Aerospace Force, told the country's state-controlled press.

"The day we attacked on Ain al-Asad, we thought the U.S. forces would respond after 20 minutes, so we were ready to attack 400 American targets," Hajizadeh disclosed, though he did not provide detailed information about the sites in question.

"Our plan was to attack 400 U.S. targets if they responded," he said.

The revelation of Iran's plans to retaliate against U.S. military action comes as Iran continues to expand its military, this week launching a space satellite that U.S. officials say is a cover for nuclear weapons advancement.

Iran's attack on U.S. forces in Iraq came in reaction to the killing of top general Qassem Soleimani. Iranian-backed terror forces in Iraq have continued their assaults on U.S. positions in the ensuing months. While tensions have decreased since that time, President Donald Trump vowed this week to destroy any Iranian vessel that harasses American ships traveling in the Persian Gulf region.

Iran's military expansion continues to pose great risk to the United States, according to Trump administration officials, who told the Washington Free Beacon earlier this week that Tehran's recent launch of a military satellite is likely a cover for expanded ballistic missile work, weapons that are typically used to carry nuclear payloads.

"Iran's space program is clearly a cover for its intercontinental ballistic missile aspirations," Brian Hook, the administration's special representative for Iran, told the Free Beacon this week. "Any claims that Iran's space program is peaceful are pure propaganda."

Iran's ballistic missile work is a top concern for the Trump administration as it works to extend an international ban on such efforts. Later this year, Iran will be permitted to purchase missile technology if the United Nations does not renew a ban on its program.

While the United States opposes the lifting of this ban—which is set to expire under the terms of the landmark nuclear deal—countries such as Russia and China could veto these efforts, setting up a showdown in the coming months.

Qassem Suleimani episode clearly showed us that Iranian military is not ready to seriously take on the U.S might in the Middle-East in a head-on conflict.

Lets not kid ourselves. U.S would have came out unscathed from an escalated confrontation----but Iran would suffer crippling losses to military, energy sector, electricity infrastructure, and so on.
Qassem Suleimani episode clearly showed us that Iranian military is not ready to seriously take on the U.S might in the Middle-East in a head-on conflict.

Doubt US is going to come out on top. It was basically dumb luck Iranian missiles missed the bunker housing US troops at Ain al Assad. US could easily have lost dozens of troops for killing QS. They might not be as lucky next time. The bunkers that were hit were toast and nobody in those would have survived.

Also, everyone seems to be ignoring the fact that it was too risky even for the US to try to kill him in Iran, hence why they had to do it in Iraq the cowardly way.

Being able to drone strike somebody in Iraq is not an achievement in any way. Iraq has no defenses while Iran has already shot down US's most expensive drone for getting a bit too close.

Lets not kid ourselves. U.S would have came out unscathed from an escalated confrontation----but Iran would suffer crippling losses to military, energy sector, electricity infrastructure, and so on.

Yeah except for every single US base in striking range from Iran. US bases are sitting ducks. Ain al Assad was just one of them. Al Udeid is another. US scrambled to move CENTCOM away from Qatar back to South Carolina after the Aramco strike exposed the flaws in Patriot defenses. Speaks volumes. If their own top command doesn't even trust their defenses enough to protect themselves from Iran, do you think anyone else will trust it?
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Doubt US is going to come out on top. It was basically dumb luck Iranian missiles missed the bunker housing US troops at Ain al Assad. US could easily have lost dozens of troops for killing QS. They might not be as lucky next time. The bunkers that were hit were toast and nobody in those would have survived.
My understanding is that Iranians warned the Iraqis in advance of their retaliation, who in return alerted the US.
My understanding is that Iranians warned the Iraqis in advance of their retaliation, who in return alerted the US.

Exactly, what if they didn't give a warning. Only reason those US soldiers are still alive is because they got any warning in the first place.
I hope Iran does not do anything reckless.
It doesn't matter what Iran does, it matters how US Neocons trigger the conflict and what they have planned. With the US public subdued by COVID-19 anything is possible now as a distractionary pretext.

The US is not going to trigger a war with Iran. A ‘pacified’ Iran is not in our best interest.
U.S would have came out unscathed

Even with literal proof that "unscathed" is impossible, you are still making an assertion like this. How lazy. Some people simply choose to be ignorant.

Doubt US is going to come out on top. It was basically dumb luck Iranian missiles missed the bunker housing US troops at Ain al Assad. US could easily have lost dozens of troops for killing QS. They might not be as lucky next time. The bunkers that were hit were toast and nobody in those would have survived.

Also, everyone seems to be ignoring the fact that it was too risky even for the US to try to kill him in Iran, hence why they had to do it in Iraq the cowardly way.

Being able to drone strike somebody in Iraq is not an achievement in any way. Iraq has no defenses while Iran has already shot down US's most expensive drone for getting a bit too close.

Yeah except for every single US base in striking range from Iran. US bases are sitting ducks. Ain al Assad was just one of them. Al Udeid is another. US scrambled to move CENTCOM away from Qatar back to South Carolina after the Aramco strike exposed the flaws in Patriot defenses. Speaks volumes. If their own top command doesn't even trust their defenses enough to protect themselves from Iran, do you think anyone else will trust it?

Well Iran wasn't really targeting the bunkers in the first place. If Iran had warned the U.S through Iraqis and then targeted the bunkers as well directly. They would likely be hundreds of casualties. Just the blast wave alone caused brain injury to troops inside bunkers.

The fact that they are rotating thier HQ from Al Udeid to the U.S should making it clear to people that they don't feel confident that the base can survive a Iranian attack. This is a simple fact. Running operations from the U.S is done to ensure the command and control of U.S troops in the region are not destroyed in a conflict with Iran.
It's not Iran but the U.S. that'll create an excuse for a conflict.

No, only large scale loss of American lives will compel the US to go to another war.
All this sabre rattling by the Iranians is for domestic consumption. Gulf economies are stressed at the moment and the sheikhs are feeling a bit vulnerable right now. I suspect the Iranians may attempt to engineer a supply crisis with another proxy attack, or dust off their 80s playbook and target shipping in the straits.

Personally, I don’t agree with US sanctions on Iran. I don’t support the divisive US foreign policy in the Middle East.
I don’t think the US should be policing the world. I also don’t want us to revert to the isolationism era pre WWII.
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No, only large scale loss of American lives will compel the US to go to another war.
All this sabre rattling by the Iranians is for domestic consumption. Gulf economies are stressed at the moment and the sheikhs are felling a bit vulnerable right now. I suspect the Iranians may attempt to engineer a supply crisis with another proxy attack, or dust off their 80s playbook and target shipping in the straits.

Personally, I don’t agree with US sanctions on Iran. I don’t support the divisive US foreign policy in the Middle East.
I don’t think the US should be policing the world. I also don’t want us to revert to the isolationism era pre WWII.

An as American I don’t want another war either already paying for previous wars with high cost of goods and taxes etc and feel the next generation will as well. On top of that we’ve created enough enemies and no good will with interference for no reason in the Middle East without understand the local politics etc that’s it’s become a match box ready to ignite. I just don’t understand with these clowns why we can’t just leave the ME and let them do their thing. The biggest mistake was the Muslim world (Pakistan especially) aligning to much with US and destroying the multi polar balance and we’ve paid the price and hopefully with Chinese/Russia we can get the balance back. Cause we need to put a leash on our dogs (neoconservatives) before they screw whatever we have left.
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