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Iran Reports ‘Progress’ on Indigenous S-300 Missile


Jan 13, 2010
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Russian Federation
Iran’s Defense Minister Ahmad Vahidi has announced progress in the development and manufacture of an indigenous version of the advanced Russian S-300 air defense missile system, the Fars news agency reported on Tuesday.

"The production of an alternative missile system is underway,” he said, adding that the work “has yielded good results.”

Iranian military officials earlier said the missile system, called Bavar (Belief) 373, is even more powerful and more advanced than the Russian S-300.

The $800-million contract to supply Iran with the missile system was signed in late 2007. Russia was to deliver five S-300PMU-1 battalions to Tehran.

However, on September 22, 2010, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev signed a decree terminating the contract in line with UN Security Council Resolution 1929, which bans supply to Iran of conventional weapons including missiles and missile systems, tanks, attack helicopters, warplanes and ships.

Iran Reports
I prefer they name it something else, for an example "SPEB or Systeme Padafande Ertefae Boland" (In Persian) means "High altitude defense system". This name is just to show my concept. I am sure there are better options for this name. You know, S-300 is a weapon not a name for a known & classified military ongoing program.
What Iran can do(and probably is doing) is to send best of her students abroad for studies.
I prefer they name it something else, for an example "SPEB or Systeme Padafande Ertefae Boland" (In Persian) means "High altitude defense system". This name is just to show my concept. I am sure there are better options for this name. You know, S-300 is a weapon not a name for a known & classified military ongoing program.

Name is fine. Important is its capability. B-373 is also a good name. Also this system is supposed to be similar or have better performance than S-300 so it has to have both low and high altitude as well as short, medium and long range defense capability and in order to reach S-300 PMU2, then also some ABM capability as well. So it is a very complex system.
well that true. they neither have money nor enough ppl. but they r trying their best, u have to give credit to them.

Yes its very hard to do it alone these days. Every country is dependant on other to get the best of the toys. SU-30 is a wonderfull aircraft yet India needed western avionics. Same goes for China, USA Russia etc. Its impossible for Iran to make any reliable quality system by itself.
Yes its very hard to do it alone these days. Every country is dependant on other to get the best of the toys. SU-30 is a wonderfull aircraft yet India needed western avionics. Same goes for China, USA Russia etc. Its impossible for Iran to make any reliable quality system by itself.

How America became America?Aliens helped them?
Instead of moaning and saying we can't,we can't,we should start at some point.That's how other countries can go through a real success.
How America became America?Aliens helped them?
Instead of moaning and saying we can't,we can't,we should start at some point.That's how other countries can go through a real success.

I was trying to be realistic, no hurt feelings.

My point was, Iran is trying to reinvent the wheels which is already available in the market. By the time you make S-300 (I dout Iran has that capability) the world will move a long way and S-300 will become obsolete. Yo cant pace yourself up competing with the innovation of the whole world.
well that true. they neither have money nor enough ppl. but they r trying their best, u have to give credit to them.

They are indeed trying their best, but sometimes "trying your best" is just not enough :D

How America became America?Aliens helped them?
Instead of moaning and saying we can't,we can't,we should start at some point.That's how other countries can go through a real success.

I would have to agree with you, there has to be a starting point and the most important is to have an ambition.
Personally I prefer the "Not cutting edge but active local products" to those "Cutting edge imported ones" which gonna be unsupported in case of any tiny political conflicts.

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