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Iran recognizes Azerbaijan's righteous position in Karabakh conflict - defense minister


Sep 24, 2016
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Baku, Azerbaijan, Feb. 21


Azerbaijan’s Defense Minister Colonel-General Zakir Hasanov met with a delegation headed by Iran’s Defense and Armed Forces Logistics Minister Brigadier-General Amir Hatami, press-office of Azerbaijani ministry said in its message on Feb. 21.

Iranian delegation visited the Alley of Honors to commemorate Azerbaijan’s National Leader Heydar Aliyev and outstanding ophthalmologist, academician Zarifa Aliyeva, laying wreathes to their graves.

The delegation also visited the Alley of Martyrs, paid tribute and commemorated Azerbaijani heroes, who gave their lives for the independence and territorial integrity of Azerbaijan, laid wreaths to their graves.

Then an official welcoming ceremony for the Iranian delegation was held in the Azerbaijan’s Defense Ministry.

Brigadier-General Amir Hatami passed along the guard of honor and national anthems of both countries were played. The “Book of Honor” was signed in accordance with the protocol.

Then, Zakir Hasanov and Amir Hatami held a one-on-one meeting, which continued in an expanded format.

During the meeting held with the participation of delegations, Hasanov, greeting the guests, congratulated his Iranian counterpart with appointment to the post of defense minister and appreciated his first visit to Azerbaijan as a high sign of amicable relations between the two countries.

Azerbaijani Defense Minister underlined merits of National Leader Heydar Aliyev and President Ilham Aliyev in establishment of mutual trust and development of Azerbaijani-Iranian relations.

Talking about the military-political situation in the region, Colonel-General Hasanov comprehensively informed the guest that unresolved Armenia-Azerbaijan Nagorno-Karabakh conflict poses a serious threat for the regional stability.

The minister also expressed gratitude to Iranian side for their efforts in resolving of the Armenia-Azerbaijan Nagorno-Karabakh conflict in line with the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Azerbaijan.

Brigadier-General Amir Hatami noted that religious, historical and cultural ties between the two countries are based upon the good and amicable traditions, adding that a large potential for cooperation in military sphere exists.

He said that Iran recognizes territorial integrity of Azerbaijan and supports its righteous position in resolving of the conflict.

Iran, being a Muslim state, is interested in growth of Azerbaijan’s military power and is ready to support it in this sphere.

During the meeting, the sides exchanged opinions on development prospects in military, military-technical, military-medical and military-educational spheres, on organization of mutual visits of expert groups and other topics of interest.

The meeting resulted in press statements.

Guys nothing new we recognize Azerbaijan integrity but we also oppose to put siege on Armenia and consider that inhuman.
He is the most Stupid Iranian President till yet. It's the Ayatollah and other ministers who condemn Indian occupation in Kashmir but never heard a word from Rouhani.
He is a liberal

What do you expect from someone that gave our nuclear capability away to western colonialists? He makes no sense, the one that should support Kashmir, is supporting them. No worries
He is a liberal

What do you expect from someone that gave our nuclear capability away to western colonialists? He makes no sense, the one that should support Kashmir, is supporting them. No worries

Why did Iranians elect him knowing his liberal stance?
Why did Iranians elect him knowing his liberal stance?
He had a fragile victory with almost 50% vote, promised the whole nation to make a deal with west and remove all the sanctions. Yeah i know it's idiotic but he trusted Americans, and our poor people thought that he can really remove sanctions.

However the solution of improving Iran's economy is not what our reformists/liberals are saying (dealing with west), we need a serious economic team that cuts the dependence on selling crude oil and then Iran would get spared of western sanctions. Something that a wishful thinking guy like Rouhani cannot understand
He is a liberal

What do you expect from someone that gave our nuclear capability away to western colonialists? He makes no sense, the one that should support Kashmir, is supporting them. No worries
exactly which capabilities?
exactly which capabilities?
Fordow is an underground classroom thanks to those guys, we lost the threshold from less than one month to up to 6 months, Natanz is almost closed, the number of centrifuges are lowered to the most possible minimum level. May i say more?

He is damaging our brotherly relation. What he did in India is highly unlike in Pakistan and we feel betrayal
We need an other president, soon insha'llah :D
Fordow is an underground classroom thanks to those guys, we lost the threshold from less than one month to up to 6 months, Natanz is almost closed, the number of centrifuges are lowered to the most possible minimum level. May i say more?
It is really a bad shape. When will be next election?. I like this guy
He is the most Stupid Iranian President till yet. It's the Ayatollah and other ministers who condemn Indian occupation in Kashmir but never heard a word from Rouhani.
A question isn't this from Wikipedia correct
British rule in the Indian subcontinent ended in 1947 with the creation of new states: the Dominion of Pakistan and the Union of India, as the successor states to British India. The British Paramountcy over the 562 Indian princely states ended. According to the Indian Independence Act 1947, "the suzerainty of His Majesty over the Indian States lapses, and with it, all treaties and agreements in force at the date of the passing of this Act between His Majesty and the rulers of Indian States".[46] States were thereafter left to choose whether to join India or Pakistan or to remain independent. Jammu and Kashmir, the largest of the princely states, had a predominantly Muslim population ruled by the Hindu Maharaja Hari Singh. He decided to stay independent because he expected that the State's Muslims would be unhappy with accession to India, and the Hindus and Sikhs would become vulnerable if he joined Pakistan.

It is really a bad shape. When will be next election?. I like this guy
View attachment 455277
you can have him for yourselves.
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