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Iran photoshop passport Iranian 'spy' who was executes this week


Jan 28, 2012
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Another story of a innocent Iranian who was executed this week, because the regime needed a victim which they could link to Israel and the Mossad. The passport, showed as evidence in a Iranian TV program, is photoshopped and they used a Wikipedia-picture of a Israeli ID for it. A bad photoshop also: they didn't know that Israeli citizens have to look straight in the camera for the photo.

Alleged Iranian spy was scapegoated

Last week, Iranian blogger Potkin Azarmehr questioned the authenticity of reports that Iran had executed Majid Jamali Fashi, the 24-year-old Iranian accused of carrying out the assassination of Iranian nuclear scientist Massoud-Ali Mohammadi.

This morning, Potkin circulated a snapshot of an Israeli passport, showcased on Iranian TV, which authorities claim is evidence that Fashi was an Israeli agent.


I will leave it to others to decide whether Fashi’s execution was a fake. The passport certainly looks like a fake. This has less to do with the fact that the name and ID number of the passport holder have been erased and more with obvious flaws:

First of all, any passport issued since the mid-1990s by any country includes, at the bottom of its main page, a line with left-pointed arrows, much like in this picture. In an authentic passport, the line begins with the letter P followed by the three letter code of the country issuing the document (ISR for Israel), followed by the passport holder’s full name. In the snapshot, the line contains only arrows and no name – N.B. the name is not erased or blurred, it is simply not there.

Beyond this first surprising fault, the picture for Fashi is not suitable for passports – he is gazing away from the camera, whereas a passport head shot requires that the passport holder stare into the camera.

But there is something more – a small detail that Iranian state falsifiers–sloppy as ever–overlooked.

Fashi’s picture is very recent – yet the passport was issued, according to the snapshot, on 17 November 2003. Fashi’s biographical details tell us that he was 24 when he was hanged. If that is the case, he would have been 15-years-old – a teenager, with a much more boyish face with less facial hair than the picture shows.

For obvious reasons then, the year of birth of the passport holder is concealed as well.

Fashi might have been executed after all. But the attempt to turn him into a Mossad agent and gun-for-hire rests clearly on an orchestrated attempt by the regime to scapegoat someone who is innocent.

Alleged Iranian Spy Was Scapegoated « Commentary Magazine

The Wikipedia-picture:


People within the Iranian regime and who are behind this photoshop are the stupidest people I have ever seen. Bunch of dictators who killed a innocent Iranian for a crime he didn't commit.
Another story of a innocent Iranian who was executed this week, because the regime needed a victim which they could link to Israel and the Mossad. The passport, showed as evidence in a Iranian TV program, is photoshopped and they used a Wikipedia-picture of a Israeli ID for it. A bad photoshop also: they didn't know that Israeli citizens have to look straight in the camera for the photo.

People within the Iranian regime and who are behind this photoshop are the stupidest people I have ever seen. Bunch of dictators who killed a innocent Iranian for a crime he didn't commit.

Stop lapping up western propaganda.
Good that Iran executed this monster. He was the scum of the earth and a sell out. His passport was made in haste and was used only once to go to Israel and as per Russian reports when he landed in Israel, he was briefly detained because of his passport but later on Mossad intervened to have him freed. Such scums who sell out their countries should be executed. Actually he had a court proceedings. When US was in war, they used to execute such scums without any court proceedings. See their video here how US military police used to execute American communist spies. (Warning: Disturbing images ahead, do not look if you can not handle it.):

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Oh look at about the source:

COMMENTARY is America’s premier monthly magazine of opinion and a pivotal voice in American intellectual life. Since its inception in 1945, and increasingly after it emerged as the flagship of neoconservatism in the 1970s, the magazine has been consistently engaged with several large, interrelated questions: the fate of democracy and of democratic ideas in a world threatened by totalitarian ideologies; the state of American and Western security; the future of the Jews, Judaism, and Jewish culture in Israel, the United States, and around the world; and the preservation of high culture in an age of political correctness and the collapse of critical standards.

Many of COMMENTARY’s articles have been controversial, and more than a few have been hugely influential, touchstones for debate and discussion in universities, among policy analysts in and out of government, within the ranks of professionals and community activists of all kinds, and in circles of serious thought worldwide. A large number of articles can be counted as landmarks of American letters and intellectual life. Agree with it or disagree with it, COMMENTARY cannot be ignored. To read it is to take part in the great American discussion.

COMMENTARY was founded in 1945 by the American Jewish Committee. To learn more about AJC, which has worked since 1906 to safeguard and strengthen Jews and Jewish life worldwide by promoting democratic and pluralistic societies that respect the dignity of all peoples, click here.
Oh look at about the source:

COMMENTARY is America’s premier monthly magazine of opinion and a pivotal voice in American intellectual life. Since its inception in 1945, and increasingly after it emerged as the flagship of neoconservatism in the 1970s, the magazine has been consistently engaged with several large, interrelated questions: the fate of democracy and of democratic ideas in a world threatened by totalitarian ideologies; the state of American and Western security; the future of the Jews, Judaism, and Jewish culture in Israel, the United States, and around the world; and the preservation of high culture in an age of political correctness and the collapse of critical standards.

Many of COMMENTARY’s articles have been controversial, and more than a few have been hugely influential, touchstones for debate and discussion in universities, among policy analysts in and out of government, within the ranks of professionals and community activists of all kinds, and in circles of serious thought worldwide. A large number of articles can be counted as landmarks of American letters and intellectual life. Agree with it or disagree with it, COMMENTARY cannot be ignored. To read it is to take part in the great American discussion.

COMMENTARY was founded in 1945 by the American Jewish Committee. To learn more about AJC, which has worked since 1906 to safeguard and strengthen Jews and Jewish life worldwide by promoting democratic and pluralistic societies that respect the dignity of all peoples, click here.
lol... desperate zionists
Did you not think that your source might have ulterior motive?? :rofl:

I don't give a damn about the source. I just look at the facts, pictures and Iran's history with photoshopping and executing innocent Iranians.
Why so many Turks are really that stupid? I can see it here in Holland for myself.

You are reported for personal attack on a member against forum rules. I must say this is usually sign of inability to debate or have meaningful discussion due to lack of education.

Back to topic Western propaganda is so transparent these days

I don't give a damn about the source. I just look at the facts, pictures and Iran's history with photoshopping and executing innocent Iranians.

What are you really saying you do not accept that the owners of this publication may have ulterior motives??
You are reported for personal attack on a member against forum rules. I must say this is usually sign of inability to debate or have meaningful discussion due to lack of education.

Back to topic Western propaganda is so transparent these days

What are you really saying you do not accept that the owners of this publication may have ulterior motives??

I also reported him for his racist remarks about a nation.
Stop being ignorance. Just look at the passport the Iranians photoshopped. Everybody knows the great photoshopping qualities of the Iranian regime.

Once again I have reported you for being offensive. You are exposed as someone who is desperate to malign the good name of the Islamic Republic.

May Allah forgive your deception
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