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Iran-Pakistan Pipeline: News & Discussions

We will know more next week as Ahmedinijad visits.

Better if it goes through, we need all the energy we can. It breaks my heart to see 1.7 million Faisalabadians who were made redundant because of this bloody energy crisis.
Better if it goes through, we need all the energy we can. It breaks my heart to see 1.7 million Faisalabadians who were made redundant because of this bloody energy crisis.

I agree that Pakistan's energy needs must be met somehow. But to complicate the situation by struggling with Iran's sanctions may or may not be a good idea.
I agree that Pakistan's energy needs must be met somehow. But to complicate the situation by struggling with Iran's sanctions may or may not be a good idea.
Any deal with Iran will be detrimental for already weakening ties between US and Pakistan. it would be such safer to buy energy from India or focus more on TAPI rather than on IPI.

One should remember that US is still necessary for Pakistan especially for advanced technologies that are required in many fields and its importance in various monetary organizations from where Pakistan takes loan. Not to forget, US can strong arm Pakistan indirectly through a common friend like KSA.
Pakistan should seek out its interests, even when they come in conflict with other nations interests.
sorry to burst everyone's bubble....we all want the energy shortfall to be solved.....but:

a.) the "democratics" you elected lack the spine to stand up against western pressure/sanctions

b.) Iran is facing domestic shortfalls.....their exportable (surplus) gas supplies are becoming more and more limited --due to lack of efficient refining capacity

among other reasons.....

notice how this was announced just days after Turkmanistan and the West are again making noises about this so-called TAPI pipeline (a pipe dream only)
Any deal with Iran will be detrimental for already weakening ties between US and Pakistan. it would be such safer to buy energy from India or focus more on TAPI rather than on IPI.

One should remember that US is still necessary for Pakistan especially for advanced technologies that are required in many fields and its importance in various monetary organizations from where Pakistan takes loan. Not to forget, US can strong arm Pakistan indirectly through a common friend like KSA.

The IP project is very unlikely for the reasons you mention.

Pakistan should seek out its interests, even when they come in conflict with other nations interests.

Yes, but to do so requires a certain - what is the word I am looking for - yeah - "spine", as AZ says below, does it not?

sorry to burst everyone's bubble....we all want the energy shortfall to be solved.....but:

a.) the "democratics" you elected lack the spine to stand up against western pressure/sanctions

b.) Iran is facing domestic shortfalls.....their exportable (surplus) gas supplies are becoming more and more limited --due to lack of efficient refining capacity

among other reasons.....

notice how this was announced just days after Turkmanistan and the West are again making noises about this so-called TAPI pipeline (a pipe dream only)

Hey, at least you could have waited till next week, like I was, to burst this particular bubble. Spoilsport! :D
sorry to burst everyone's bubble....we all want the energy shortfall to be solved.....but:

a.) the "democratics" you elected lack the spine to stand up against western pressure/sanctions

b.) Iran is facing domestic shortfalls.....their exportable (surplus) gas supplies are becoming more and more limited --due to lack of efficient refining capacity

among other reasons.....

notice how this was announced just days after Turkmanistan and the West are again making noises about this so-called TAPI pipeline (a pipe dream only)

You are bursting no ones bubble because there is no single post condemning the pipe line. we are cursing the500 million which have delayed it.
You are right about timing, TAPI heats up and Iran pitched in with 500million!
Do you really believe that project is not going ahead due to capital investment of 500 million.
Is this news not a surprise for you? Were all the discussions about capital Investment?
btw, TAPI is not western dream it is purely business interest of Turkmenistan.
IMO. in the end it is same lobby which will not let any of the pipe line happen because it benefits Pakistan.
Many tools can be made to delay and cancel these projects.
Any deal with Iran will be detrimental for already weakening ties between US and Pakistan

Pakistan will do what is in her best national interests.

it would be such safer to buy energy from India or focus more on TAPI rather than on IPI.

Joke of the century. In the 1990s it was Pakistan exporting electricity to indian. Now there are talks of purchasing electricity from indian; this topic is not about electricity purchase it's about gas supplies.

We're sitting on more untapped gas reserves than ALL of india combined. india is herself facing rising domestic demand and shortages. So what exactly you have that you are talking about

One should remember that US is still necessary for Pakistan especially for advanced technologies that are required in many fields and its importance in various monetary organizations from where Pakistan takes loan.

if you are referring to the World Bank and the IMF --- they are independent of US Government (or so we are told at least)

Pakistan is meeting its debt obligations in a very timely manner. Again -- absolutely immaterial to discussion.

On technology --- yes there are dependencies and we are working to reduce them where and when possible. This applies especially to the fields of defence. We have a nuclear program TOTALLY independent of US; we have a fighter aircraft project TOTALLY independent of US (though companies like Rockwell Collins did show interest)....

POLITICALLY -- yes it is "fashionable" to be in the good shoes of the U.S. Who doesn't know that already? In our case we need to do what the Turks do. I always refer to the Turkish model of diplomacy as I see it best fit for Pakistan. Induct proper leadership, be strong domestically. Political leverage would come inevitably. Like Turkey, we must leverage the strategic location in which we are situated. We must continue our close and friendly ties with China as well. It's more than just a balancing act game which you indians are good at time to time; it's about doing what is SENSIBLE.

There are obviously political considerations and economic considerations that must be taken into account, vis a vis this Iran-Pakistan pipeline. Quite frankly, any patriotic Pakistani will take offense to the Americans trying to dictate to us who we do our business with. Our relations with Iran go back to our Independence from Britain. Despite some geo-political rivalries, the people of both countries view eachother favourably and our economic ties (as modest as they have been) are old and well established.

Iran is a Muslim country and our neighbour. It's arrogant of the US to dictate to other countries who to trade with and who not to trade with. But with a Superpower will inevitably come arrogance.

Not to forget, US can strong arm Pakistan indirectly through a common friend like KSA.

like hell they can...show me an instance where they "strong armed us through a common friend like KSA"

KSA is busy dealing with the ongoing Revolutions in the Arab neighbourhood -- as well as the fallout. Pakistan doesn't figure high on its priorities or agenda right now.

to do so requires a certain - what is the word I am looking for - yeah - "spine", as AZ says below, does it not

absolutely, that is right 100%. And I stand by my words!

Hey, at least you could have waited till next week, like I was, to burst this particular bubble. Spoilsport! :D

aho.....shorrrrry!!!! :D
I just wonder what Pakistan has done which is in its best interest. WoT and drone strikes, are over and over again said by many people, that its not working well for Pakistan. Still what they are doing about it ?

When I talk about energy resources, I mean these resources which are used to generate electricity. Lets forget electricity and load shedding which is a major issue for Pakistani economy. We all know how much resource Pakistan have, much more than India. But where is the utilization of these resources ? Why Pakistan is facing this problem ? Don't tell me its the stupid Zardari govt. and what not, as you have had these resources since the beginning and still no effort to get your own resources. In 65 years, you had many govts., no one took the task to utilize these resources.

We know how much influence US have on World Bank and IMF. If you are told, US have no influence, then I am fine with it. How can I change your ideal assumptions.

As for technology, nuclear plants and fighter aircraft doesn't mean you are independent of US. Even China is still dependent on US for many technological issues but they are trying to build everything by themselves. Just look at chip industry. They are trying to build their own. I think Pakistan is no way near China's ability. So Pakistan will depend on US and other western nations for few more years to come.

US dictated their terms when they forced you to join WoT. What did people do ? Still part of this messy war.

Are you saying that if US gives Pakistan the ultimatum that sanctions will be imposed if Pakistan imports gas from Iran, Pakistan will not back down ?

You should also factor in the fact that post 2014, there won't be any leverage Pakistan will have on US in form of supply lines.

I understand all your points regarding resources, US, China and all......but lets be realistic here. We aren't living in 1990s. Pakistan is now facing some of the most challenging problems. I don't think going against US will help Pakistan.
I just wonder what Pakistan has done which is in its best interest. WoT and drone strikes, are over and over again said by many people, that its not working well for Pakistan. Still what they are doing about it ?.............

Simple: We PRETEND to act in our best interests. :D

Its sad to see Iran which is under global sanctions but still has the capacity to give money to Pakistan.

It should be the other way around.

Just sad.

point well taken; but Iran is also a lot older and a lot better managed than Pakistan is. Law & order is no problem there because justice is delivered swiftly (albeit "brutally" compared to our more convoluted and sometimes complacent justice system)

they also happen to be sitting on the second largest proven nat. gas reserves (not to mention plenty of petroleum)

the sanctions are definitely starting to bite them though; undeniable, bitter fact.
I just wonder what Pakistan has done which is in its best interest. WoT and drone strikes, are over and over again said by many people, that its not working well for Pakistan. Still what they are doing about it ?

Let me correct my statement. Pakistan OUGHT to act in her best interests and while there have been leaderships that placed emphasis on this, we are currently bogged down by a "democracy" whose civilian servants' loyalties and judgement are at times questionable (and suspect)

We do have some bright minds in power (e.g. Hafeez Sheikh, Nadim ul Haq, etc.) but due to politics and domestic issues they have little room to do their work.

When I talk about energy resources, I mean these resources which are used to generate electricity. Lets forget electricity and load shedding which is a major issue for Pakistani economy. We all know how much resource Pakistan have, much more than India. But where is the utilization of these resources ? Why Pakistan is facing this problem ? Don't tell me its the stupid Zardari govt. and what not, as you have had these resources since the beginning and still no effort to get your own resources. In 65 years, you had many govts., no one took the task to utilize these resources.

you're asking the same question that a lot of Pakistanis themselves should be asking :laugh:

(i.e. thanks for that!)

Where is utilization of these resources? Well there are political issues (e.g. a low level insurgency in Balochistan); the exorbitant costs involved to extract things like shale gas (requires foreign investors....who the f*ck in their right mind wants to invest in a country if they feel it's dangerous and unstable).....we have the means to connect China to Central Asia and by extension Eurasia. But nothing materializes because of the unstable nature of the region; the corruption; and foreign interference/pressure (which the spineless bunch in Islamabad can't seem to shake off or at least contain it)

We know how much influence US have on World Bank and IMF. If you are told, US have no influence, then I am fine with it. How can I change your ideal assumptions.

You don't need to. I'm not stupid. On IMF actually the Europeans have more say and leverage, traditionally.

As for technology, nuclear plants and fighter aircraft doesn't mean you are independent of US. Even China is still dependent on US for many technological issues but they are trying to build everything by themselves. Just look at chip industry. They are trying to build their own. I think Pakistan is no way near China's ability. So Pakistan will depend on US and other western nations for few more years to come.

i never implied that we are independent of US....re-read what I wrote.

Theyre a major export market of ours so obviously a sudden "cut-off" would be detrimental to our economy though nobody here I dont think is talking about "cut-offs" and what not

US dictated their terms when they forced you to join WoT. What did people do ? Still part of this messy war.

The US was like a wounded, hungry bear just after 9/11....a large animal acts irrational when they are injured and/or feeling under threat.

The US didnt act rationally, in my opinion. In fairness - they did HAVE to respond in order to project and show strength. But they went about doing it in a reckless, emotional fashion.

And yes, we're still part of this messy war and we will continue until anti-State elements are either eradicated or at least minimized to a point they could be controlled and manageable.

Are you saying that if US gives Pakistan the ultimatum that sanctions will be imposed if Pakistan imports gas from Iran, Pakistan will not back down ?

If I were in power? Hell no we wouldnt back down. Iran is a Muslim country, they are our neighbour. They were first to recognize Pakistan's independence. But I'm not in charge. So to answer your question, NO I am not saying that.

Oh by the way, a veiled threat was already issued to Pakistan. But there have been no talks to scrap or delay the project thus far. Construction is already taking place.

Being the weaker side, our bozos in Islamabad have to contend with photo-opps and ambiguous statements on state media.

You should also factor in the fact that post 2014, there won't be any leverage Pakistan will have on US in form of supply lines.

You should also factor in the fact that post 2014 that military stuff will have to be brought back to the mainland; moreover, non-military goods (most of which go through Torkham) would need to continue in circulation.

Post 2014 we wont need leverage over USA vis-a-vis Afghanistan because hopefully by then someone more 'friendly' will be replacing the emotionally unstable puppet of Kabul. (i'll get back to you on that one when the time actually comes up). The only thing keeping him afloat is the Americans and we all know that the puppet of Kabul's overall "utility" is waning.

I understand all your points regarding resources, US, China and all......but lets be realistic here. We aren't living in 1990s. Pakistan is now facing some of the most challenging problems. I don't think going against US will help Pakistan.

It's one of the most testing times of our existence, though I do believe that no matter how destabilizing the past few years under this regime has been --- it's almost made us a lot stronger and more resolute in many ways.

I don't want Pakistan to "go against" the US. We had very close relations during the Cold War (the fun Reagan days). It would be sad to see them divorce. The relationship just needs to be reviewed and re-defined. As you know, it isnt about friendships anymore. Just interests (economic, political, military). That's it.

With the US and Pakistan --- there's a reason why there's scores of books out on this subject. Because it can't be answered or reviewed in a matter of lines only. It's been 'complicated'.....ups and downs.

but with Iran --- despite geo-political rivalries of the past and present --- we need to work closer with them. That's my opinion, maybe i'm right maybe i'm wrong.
Simple: We PRETEND to act in our best interests. :D


but see, there's a difference between "acting in our best interests" versus "being a sissy azz paddy azz unpatriotic azz pushover that BLINDLY does as told, when told, just to please uncle"

be confident, choose your side.....Stand by your conviction, stand by your word. Keep your faith in God. That's it.

Any deal with Iran will be detrimental for already weakening ties between US and Pakistan. it would be such safer to buy energy from India or focus more on TAPI rather than on IPI.

One should remember that US is still necessary for Pakistan especially for advanced technologies that are required in many fields and its importance in various monetary organizations from where Pakistan takes loan. Not to forget, US can strong arm Pakistan indirectly through a common friend like KSA.

We can go for TAPI after IP. No need for your energy better give it to your people first.
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