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Iran-Pakistan Gas Pipeline (IPP) News & Updates.

When is this pipeline is planned to get started..

It's already under construction, the problem is that the current gov is pro-Saudi, so it may be put on hold at least until Nawaz can secure Saudi financial assistance.
New stakeholders: IP gas pipeline could be extended to China
By Zafar BhuttaPublished: August 24, 2013
According to sources, Pakistani and Chinese officials will discuss the laying of the gas pipeline from Gwadar to western China in a meeting to be held here on August 26. CREATIVE COMMONS
Setting aside fierce US opposition to the Iran-Pakistan (IP) gas pipeline project, in a strategic move, the pipeline may be stretched and connected to western China as Islamabad and Beijing have made it part of the planned economic corridor.
Earlier, India was actively involved in the pipeline project, but withdrew following a civil nuclear energy agreement with the US. Now, prospects have emerged that China will replace India and receive gas from the pipeline that will connect Iran, Pakistan and China.
According to sources, Pakistani and Chinese officials will discuss the laying of the gas pipeline from Gwadar to western China in a meeting to be held here on August 26. They will also take up a proposal about constructing an oil pipeline between the two countries.

The two sides will sign a memorandum of understanding (MoU) on the economic corridor, which had already been approved by the cabinet.
The upcoming dialogue is a follow-up to Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif’s visit to China in the first week of July. During the trip, Chinese companies expressed interest in laying the gas pipeline from the Gwadar Port to western China. Iran has also expressed interest in stretching the pipeline to China.
As part of the economic corridor, Gwadar Port will be connected through road and rail links to China which will help enhance trade between the two countries. Oil and gas pipelines will feature in the economic corridor, providing much-needed boost to economic activities in insurgency-hit Balochistan.
Pakistan government has asked Iran to bear the entire cost of the gas pipeline as it has found it difficult to arrange funds from some countries following pressure from the US.
The US is pressing Pakistan to shelve the IP pipeline and rather focus on the TAPI gas pipeline which will start from Turkmenistan and reach India through war-torn Afghanistan and Pakistan.
Iran has already committed $500 million for financing Pakistan’s side of the pipeline but Islamabad insists that Tehran should enhance the credit limit
Total cost of pipeline construction in Pakistan has been estimated at $1.5 billion. To cover part of the cost, the government will award a contract for engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) to Iranian firm Tadbir Energy.
“We are waiting for a response from the new Iranian government,” an official said, adding Tehran had already assured the previous government that it could enhance the credit limit if required.
Under the project, Pakistan will import 750 million cubic feet of gas per day (mmcfd) with an option to increase it to one billion cubic feet. Of the import, the Balochistan government seeks to consume 250 mmcfd at the Gwadar Port, which may encourage the central government to purchase more from Iran to meet needs of the least developed province.
Published in The Express Tribune, August 24th 2013.
New stakeholders: IP gas pipeline could be extended to China – The Express Tribune
Ignoring US sanctions, Russia offers to build Pak-Iran gas pipeline
MehrNews.com - Iran, world, political, sport, economic news and headlines

TEHRAN, Sep. 21 (MNA) – Russia is ready to execute the Pakistan-Iran gas pipeline project, ignoring the U.S. sanctions on Iran, a Russian minister has revealed in a meeting with Pakistan’s petroleum minister in Islamabad.This will be done in view of the new Russian policy to look towards South Asia.To this effect, Gazprom, a state-owned Russian company or one of its subsidiaries will soon make a formal contact with the Government of Pakistan to execute the Pak-Iran gas pipeline project.

This message has been clearly conveyed by a Russian delegation led by Yury Sentyurin, Deputy Minister of Energy, at a meeting with the Federal Minister for Petroleum and Natural Resources, Shahid Khaqan Abbasi, a top official who was part of the meeting told The News.

The Russians have also decided to play a role in accomplishing the TAPI gas line project and want to become part of a consortium which is to execute the project. Apart from it, Moscow has also clearly indicated to Islamabad that it wants the electricity trade project (CASA-1,000) to be extended to Russia as it is rich in electricity and is currently exporting power to Mongolia, China and Europe.

The official said that Russia has also sought a role in developing coal-based projects at Gadani, arguing that it has the best expertise in the world to make such coal based projects.Additionally, the Russian delegation also offered its services to install power projects based on the lignite coal of Thar.

“In the meeting, the visiting team also expressed its willingness to install a 600MW coal based project at Jamshoro,” the official said, adding that both sides have decided to hold another meeting some time in November at the Joint Working Level to workout a roadmap for future cooperation in the energy sector.

A press release says the Russian delegation led by Yury Sentyurin, Deputy Minister of Energy, expressed the Russian intentions to invest in the energy sector of Pakistan. Abbasi, while talking to the members of the delegation, said Pakistan has huge potential of investment in the energy sector, especially in the oil and gas sector. He welcomed the Russians’ desire for investment in oil and gas exploration and expressed the hope that this cooperation will help a great deal in coping with the energy shortages in the country.

The Russian delegation also had a meeting with the Pakistani delegation led by the Minister of State for Petroleum and Natural Resources, Jam Kamal Khan, who assured the Russian delegates that Pakistan encourages foreign investment on equality basis, and a level playing field will be provided to all companies whether public limited or private.
Ignoring US sanctions, Russia offers to build Pak-Iran gas pipeline
MehrNews.com - Iran, world, political, sport, economic news and headlines

TEHRAN, Sep. 21 (MNA) – Russia is ready to execute the Pakistan-Iran gas pipeline project, ignoring the U.S. sanctions on Iran, a Russian minister has revealed in a meeting with Pakistan’s petroleum minister in Islamabad.This will be done in view of the new Russian policy to look towards South Asia.To this effect, Gazprom, a state-owned Russian company or one of its subsidiaries will soon make a formal contact with the Government of Pakistan to execute the Pak-Iran gas pipeline project.

This message has been clearly conveyed by a Russian delegation led by Yury Sentyurin, Deputy Minister of Energy, at a meeting with the Federal Minister for Petroleum and Natural Resources, Shahid Khaqan Abbasi, a top official who was part of the meeting told The News.

The Russians have also decided to play a role in accomplishing the TAPI gas line project and want to become part of a consortium which is to execute the project. Apart from it, Moscow has also clearly indicated to Islamabad that it wants the electricity trade project (CASA-1,000) to be extended to Russia as it is rich in electricity and is currently exporting power to Mongolia, China and Europe.

The official said that Russia has also sought a role in developing coal-based projects at Gadani, arguing that it has the best expertise in the world to make such coal based projects.Additionally, the Russian delegation also offered its services to install power projects based on the lignite coal of Thar.

“In the meeting, the visiting team also expressed its willingness to install a 600MW coal based project at Jamshoro,” the official said, adding that both sides have decided to hold another meeting some time in November at the Joint Working Level to workout a roadmap for future cooperation in the energy sector.

A press release says the Russian delegation led by Yury Sentyurin, Deputy Minister of Energy, expressed the Russian intentions to invest in the energy sector of Pakistan. Abbasi, while talking to the members of the delegation, said Pakistan has huge potential of investment in the energy sector, especially in the oil and gas sector. He welcomed the Russians’ desire for investment in oil and gas exploration and expressed the hope that this cooperation will help a great deal in coping with the energy shortages in the country.

The Russian delegation also had a meeting with the Pakistani delegation led by the Minister of State for Petroleum and Natural Resources, Jam Kamal Khan, who assured the Russian delegates that Pakistan encourages foreign investment on equality basis, and a level playing field will be provided to all companies whether public limited or private.

but iran was already financing didnt it?
but iran was already financing didnt it?

I think people on this forum do not know how international projects are launched awarded and executed....

Thank you Russia for your offer.... but this is not how things shall work in so called democratic state, where media is free and some people are educated and know the rules of business.

Sorry, i can never approve a foreign company,... while we have our local people... doing the job for them for meagre salary.

Forget about the funding of this project and rather try to find out what is the purpose of surcharge.. (if) you pay on every utility bill.

State of affairs... is that Iranian oil is freely being sold in Pakistan since i remember.
Our own refineries are suffering, because Iranian oil is being mixed in shipments from local refineries and giving them bad name. on top of that our national exchequer is facing revenue loss.

State of affairs is that every politician and blogger and media has been playing dumb... until i start writing about it.... yes this is my country and my loyalties are with Pakistan... first.

Already, notice being taken but i know big fishes at govt. level are involved in this business.

Ogra to take strict action against hoarding of petroleum products

ISLAMABAD - Following the complaints of illegal and unsafe hoarding and sale of smuggled petrol and diesel in various areas of the country, Oil and Gas Regulatory Authority (OGRA) has decided to take strict action against those who are involved in the hoarding of petroleum products.
This was told by the well-informed sources at the ministry of petroleum & natural resources while talking to this scribe on late Saturday. They said that stringent action against un-registered dealers has been decided after persistent complaints of sale of smuggled and adulterated diesel and petrol in various parts of the country.
“Sale of poor quality diesel and petrol in comparison to the international standard is not only causing major faults in the engine of vehicles but also has become the sole reason behind increasing environment pollution in the country, “a senior official said, adding, that only oil refineries and oil marketing companies (OMCs) can stock petroleum products (POL) as they are OGRA licence holders.
The sources also said that the regulatory authority (OGRA) has taken serious notice of uncontrolled and unchecked illegal sale of poor quality of diesel and petrol and also decided in principle to take sever action against the smugglers and those unregistered oil dealers which are allegedly involve in the sale of adulterated oil. The enforcement division of OGRA has been given the task to immediately take stern action against these elements involved in the ugly business of oil smuggling and sale of adulterated oil to the consumers/masses. They also informed that the OGRA is not authorised to take direct action so the regulator had written letters to all chief secretaries of four provinces in this regard. As per the petroleum rules, OGRA teams would not only identify the people who would be involved in illegal hoarding and sale of adulterated/smuggled diesel and petrol but would also join hands with district administration to end the menace. More, according to relevant rules, all those are involved in such businesses would face Rs10 Lakh penalty coupled with six months imprisonment.
Pak 'peace pipeline' needs Iran funds

The Pakistani government is seeking finance for its natural gas pipeline from Iran as not many are interested in backing the project, given the threat of U.S. sanctions.

Tehran has already offered $ 500 million — out of a total of $ 2 billion required to complete it.Islamabad says it needs the rest. Federal minister for Petroleum and Natural Resources Shahid Khaqan Abbasi told The Hindu on Thursday that in this situation, only Iran could raise that amount. He added that Pakistan has asked for a meeting and is yet to hear from Iran.

The project was inaugurated in March when former Iran President Mahmoud Ahmedinejad came to Pakistan but construction is yet to begin. However, the minister said the project design was ready for execution as soon as funds were available.

Conceived in the 1990s as a “peace pipeline” the project initially had India on board and was scheduled to be completed by December 2014. Iran, which has finished most of the work on its side, has expressed concern over Pakistan’s delay in starting work. The 780 km stretch from South Balochistan to Nawabshah or Shahid Benazirabad is Pakistan’s share of the pipeline.

According to a 2010 agreement with Iran, Pakistan is expecting 750 million cubic feet of gas which could be scaled up to one billion cubic feet a day (BCFD) from the project. This, along with the proposed Trans Afghanistan Pipeline or TAPI pipeline, in which India is also involved, should be able to meet its requirement of 2 BCFD.

The Iran pipeline could be one of the issues discussed with U.S. President Obama when Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif visits him on October 23.

Mubin Saulat, managing director of Interstate Gas Systems Limited, a public sector company, said while most of the 1100km portion of the pipeline in Iran is complete, financing the project for Pakistan was a challenge. But there were other positive developments in the project for instance, the design was completed.

While the construction should have started by now, he said itnot was not rocket science and if everything falls into place, the project could be completed as scheduled by next year. “It’s challenging but not impossible,” he added.

He said Pakistan is also looking at its huge gas reserves in Sui in Balochistan and in Sindh and if the investment environment is good then there may not be a need for imported gas. At present the production of gas is 4 BCFD while the demand is six BCFD. This could double in ten to 15 years time. Pakistan uses gas — The bulk of gas usage in Pakistan is for domestic purposes; half of its energy comes from natural gas. The company was also pinning its hopes on the TAPI project which if completed in the next four to five years could deliver 1.3 BCFD.

ISLAMABAD: As a Chinese company has distanced itself from the Iran-Pakistan (IP) gas pipeline, Pakistan is now looking to Russian energy giant Gazprom for providing necessary financing for more than a billion-rupee project.

“Russia may be the best choice for financing and constructing the pipeline,” an official said. Pakistan was willing to accept Gazprom’s offer to build its side of the pipeline, which would cost about $1.5 billion, he added. Gazprom wants its subsidiaries to engage in the project

Though Pakistan has placed a request before the Iranian government for providing all financing for the construction of the pipeline on its side of the border, government officials believe it will be difficult for Tehran to make a commitment.

“The issue of Gazprom participation in the IP pipeline will feature in a meeting of the Pakistan-Russia joint working group next month,” the official said, pointing out Islamabad and Tehran had been going through the power transition process because of which progress on the project had slowed down.

Pakistan and Iran have to sort out technical issues to pave the way for the award of engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) contract to Iranian firm Tadbir Energy. An agreement in this regard has already been inked and will be formally signed after technical issues are addressed.

The two countries have finalised a $500 million loan deal and a high-level meeting between them is expected to be held soon to discuss the possibility of Iran providing all investment required for the pipeline. Petroleum and Natural Resources Minister, Shahid Khaqan Abbasi, is likely to lead Pakistan’s side in the talks.

A Chinese company, which had offered $500 million for the pipeline, pulled out after Pakistan refused to extend the validity of its bid.

After inviting bids from interested companies, Inter State Gas Systems, a state-owned Chinese company that handles energy import projects, had selected Panyn Chu King Steel Limited of China as a qualified bidder, which would provide pipes at the rate of $1,650 per ton including compressors. The company sought extension in the bid validity period, but the government turned down the request.

“As the Chinese company is no more interested in the venture, the government is now banking on Iran and Russia to fund the laying of gas pipeline in Pakistan,” a source said.

Iran has already committed to providing $500 million to finance the pipeline, but now the government wants Tehran to increase the credit line. Against the financing, Pakistan will award EPC contract to Iran-designated firm Tadbir Energy.

Under the project, Pakistan will import 750 million cubic feet of gas per day (mmcfd), which can be increased to one billion cubic feet. Of the quantity, the Government of Balochistan seeks 250 mmcfd for consumption at the Gwadar Port, therefore, the central government is expected to go for enhanced supplies from Iran to cater to the needs of the province

IP pipeline: Pakistan looks to Gazprom for project financing – The Express Tribune
ISLAMABAD: As a Chinese company has distanced itself from the Iran-Pakistan (IP) gas pipeline, Pakistan is now looking to Russian energy giant Gazprom for providing necessary financing for more than a billion-rupee project.

“Russia may be the best choice for financing and constructing the pipeline,” an official said. Pakistan was willing to accept Gazprom’s offer to build its side of the pipeline, which would cost about $1.5 billion, he added. Gazprom wants its subsidiaries to engage in the project

Though Pakistan has placed a request before the Iranian government for providing all financing for the construction of the pipeline on its side of the border, government officials believe it will be difficult for Tehran to make a commitment.

“The issue of Gazprom participation in the IP pipeline will feature in a meeting of the Pakistan-Russia joint working group next month,” the official said, pointing out Islamabad and Tehran had been going through the power transition process because of which progress on the project had slowed down.

Pakistan and Iran have to sort out technical issues to pave the way for the award of engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) contract to Iranian firm Tadbir Energy. An agreement in this regard has already been inked and will be formally signed after technical issues are addressed.

The two countries have finalised a $500 million loan deal and a high-level meeting between them is expected to be held soon to discuss the possibility of Iran providing all investment required for the pipeline. Petroleum and Natural Resources Minister, Shahid Khaqan Abbasi, is likely to lead Pakistan’s side in the talks.

A Chinese company, which had offered $500 million for the pipeline, pulled out after Pakistan refused to extend the validity of its bid.

After inviting bids from interested companies, Inter State Gas Systems, a state-owned Chinese company that handles energy import projects, had selected Panyn Chu King Steel Limited of China as a qualified bidder, which would provide pipes at the rate of $1,650 per ton including compressors. The company sought extension in the bid validity period, but the government turned down the request.

“As the Chinese company is no more interested in the venture, the government is now banking on Iran and Russia to fund the laying of gas pipeline in Pakistan,” a source said.

Iran has already committed to providing $500 million to finance the pipeline, but now the government wants Tehran to increase the credit line. Against the financing, Pakistan will award EPC contract to Iran-designated firm Tadbir Energy.

Under the project, Pakistan will import 750 million cubic feet of gas per day (mmcfd), which can be increased to one billion cubic feet. Of the quantity, the Government of Balochistan seeks 250 mmcfd for consumption at the Gwadar Port, therefore, the central government is expected to go for enhanced supplies from Iran to cater to the needs of the province

IP pipeline: Pakistan looks to Gazprom for project financing – The Express Tribune

I think its better for Pakistan to make this pipeline on its own with local people help.
Sucker Chinese not interetsed and Russia will be interested.......interesting times ahead.
Sucker Chinese not interetsed and Russia will be interested.......interesting times ahead.

Guess they forgot to Ask Hindustan on this matter.

23 September 2013

"Russian state-owned energy giant Gazprom, or one of its subsidiaries, will "soon" formally contact the Pakistan government on the IP gas pipeline project, with the aim to speed up the much-delayed project, the official said."

Russia keen to help build Iran-Pakistan gas pipeline - Natural Gas | Platts News Article & Story
Guess they forgot to Ask Hindustan on this matter.

23 September 2013

"Russian state-owned energy giant Gazprom, or one of its subsidiaries, will "soon" formally contact the Pakistan government on the IP gas pipeline project, with the aim to speed up the much-delayed project, the official said."

They won't .India is playing its chanakya neeti with Russia ,Russia has seen it. Now indians will given the taste of their own medicine by Russia.
They won't .India is playing its chanakya neeti with Russia ,Russia has seen it. Now indians will given the taste of their own medicine by Russia.

You can't be Chinese for sure, BDeshi by any chance ??
Guess they forgot to Ask Hindustan on this matter.

23 September 2013

"Russian state-owned energy giant Gazprom, or one of its subsidiaries, will "soon" formally contact the Pakistan government on the IP gas pipeline project, with the aim to speed up the much-delayed project, the official said."

Russia keen to help build Iran-Pakistan gas pipeline - Natural Gas | Platts News Article & Story

Bro I am not doubting the news. I am highlighting the irony. Something fishy.. try smelling. Forget it.
I have two copies of Chanakya Niti Shahstara - does that make me a Bangladeshi?

If you use the term "Chanakiyan/Chanikyan design/plan" constantly or pointedly then YES! :taz: They've put more time into analyzing Chanakya then even we have.:confused:
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