Dear We must join hands to build Ummah strong, You can see how Indian are trying to brake unity of Ummah.
They Talk about Muslims and forget how they treat Dallit the low cast Hindu.
If Iran join hands with Pakistan it will be grate for booth as we have Gul Train project it will joint Pakistan and Iran with Europe via Turkey.
And many other Project will be done.........But if Iran support India what will Happen A Muslim will kill other Muslim just because of Dirty Hindu Policy....
They Are Hindu They have millions of gods and godees every thing is there god they drink urine of cow and think it will pure them will Iran join hand with them????
If Iran joins hands with India against Pakistan or Against other Muslim country it will betray with HAZRAT Ali rz
I have seen in many videos that show Iranian Love with Hazrat Ali rz Do you really think it is real love?
What ever was done in Iran the more deadly was done in Pakistan we have prove that terrorist used the Land of Iran did we say any thing Like this as Iran is saying now.
We say Kalbhoshan is Indian Hindu agent of RAW, Did we say it was done by Iran, No because we know that Hindu is playing with us.
They cant be one because of their cast system so they want to break unity of Muslims....
If India is your friend so what they are doing with USA???
KSA is their first priority, Iran is only a game to make Pakistan weak.