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Iran, Pakistan army chiefs urge Muslim world action to end Rohingya plight

Pay us to save bengali's or save Bangladesh from humiliation?
Kinda sad you want money to save Rohingyas. Anyway if you have the will you will launch a strike on Myanmar. But it seems you lack the will.

Its a round trip of over 2000 miles not including any action over Myanmar

Actually it is 2000 miles oneway. Your planes will have to go all around India and SriLanka (budhhist, you know?) then all across BOB to Northern Rakhine where all the action is....


Its a round trip of over 2000 miles not including any action over Myanmar

Actually it is 2000 miles oneway. Your planes will have to go all around India and SriLanka (budhhist, you know?) then all across BOB to Northern Rakhine where all the action is....



But Bangladeshis seem to be of the opinion that whilst they are being humiliated snd bare the burden of 500,000 refugees. Pakistan should launch strikes from Pakistan to save them

Kinda sad you want money to save Rohingyas. Anyway if you have the will you will launch a strike on Myanmar. But it seems you lack the will.

But they are your people, shouldn't you muster the courage to deal with your countries humiliation and the slaughter of people very close to bengali ethnicity


But Bangladeshis seem to be of the opinion that whilst they are being humiliated snd bare the burden of 500,000 refugees. Pakistan should launch strikes from Pakistan to save them

That expectation is not entirely unmerited, sir. BD has many virtues but military qualities are not one of them. Pak OTOH is not only the Citadel of Islam but also its foremost and sole nuclear power. Not for nothing did the Brits, those great judges of men, call Punjabis/Pathans a martial race.

Whether of course Pakistan will chose to live upto its billing is another matter. After all, the betrayal of 1971 is something I am sure which rankles even the most devout and patriotic of all Pakistani Mussalman.



But Bangladeshis seem to be of the opinion that whilst they are being humiliated snd bare the burden of 500,000 refugees. Pakistan should launch strikes from Pakistan to save them

That expectation is not entirely unmerited, sir. BD has many virtues but military qualities are not one of them. Pak OTOH is not only the Citadel of Islam but also its foremost and sole nuclear power. Not for nothing did the Brits, those great judges of men, call Punjabis/Pathans a martial race.

Whether of course Pakistan will chose to live upto its billing is another matter. After all, the betrayal of 1971 is something I am sure which rankles even the most devout and patriotic of all Pakistani Mussalman.


Of course 1971 rankles, we ask what was the point of such betrayal only to be left so weak, expecting Pakistan to move mountains to come and save them

Waking up to see the enemies around you
Taking defence seriously
Building more wespons on Bangladesh
These are things for the future

Today Bangladesh snd Hasina must take the lead to defend their people, then formally request countries like Pakistan or Turkey or iran, indonesia come to their aid making Bangladeshi land and bases available

The problem with BDs is that they are confused souls. In 1947-71 they couldnt sort out whether they were Muslims or Bengalis (some wud argue they still cant figure out). They are confused about Ros too, some BDs argue that they are Burmese citizens, they shud stay in Burma, others insist they are Bengalis and thus their own folk.

then formally request countries like Pakistan or Turkey or iran, indonesia come to their aid making Bangladeshi land and bases available
We request and you refuse....where it puts us?
Lol at people thinking foreign countries will actually interfere at Bangladesh's behest. The countries you think will help the rohingyas, haven't even dealt with refugees in their on neighborhood yet.

The problem with BDs is that they are confused souls. In 1947-71 they couldnt sort out whether they were Muslims or Bengalis (some wud argue they still cant figure out). They are confused about Ros too, some BDs argue that they are Burmese citizens, they shud stay in Burma, others insist they are Bengalis and thus their own folk.


We are muslims of Bengal or bengali muslims. Is that hard to understand? AL doesn't represents all Bangladeshi's mindset. I don't know what bengali means in India.
Dark Prince,

I don't know what bengali means in India.

Dear ModiGee defined it in the May 2014 campaign didnt he? That Bengali means someone who celebrates Durgaashtami.

Dark Prince,

I don't know what bengali means in India.

Dear ModiGee defined it in the May 2014 campaign didnt he? That Bengali means someone who celebrates Durgaashtami.

I'm sorry but who is Modigee to define who is Bengali? He isn't a Bengali himself.

Where has hasina made a formal request to government or people of Pakistan?
If we made a formal request it will be rejected by you and others. Putting ourselves in embarrassing situation.
Dark Prince,

I don't know what bengali means in India.

Dear ModiGee defined it in the May 2014 campaign didnt he? That Bengali means someone who celebrates Durgaashtami.


Natives of Bengal are Bengalis. Durgashtami is a hindu religious ritual. Religion is someones personal matter.

Its a round trip of over 2000 miles not including any action over Myanmar

Actually it is 2000 miles oneway. Your planes will have to go all around India and SriLanka (budhhist, you know?) then all across BOB to Northern Rakhine where all the action is....

Our ICBMs should pay Naypyidaw a visit, remind them that they can too be targets.
Turkish president lambastes 'Islamic terror' epithet
'What gives you the right to say 'Islamic terror’?' while no other religion is associated with terrorism, Erdoğan says
09:30 September 22, 2017 Anadolu Agency
"Whoever kills a soul, it is as if they have killed the entire humanity. This is among the principles of our faith," Erdogan said. "Nobody should dare associate Daesh with Islam or Muslims. It is a terrorist group," he said.

A number of hecklers tried to interrupt Erdogan's speech but were angrily shouted down by the audience as they were escorted out by security guards.

"Dear brothers and sisters," Erdogan said in response, "I have a favor to ask of you: Please do not sacrifice this beautiful gathering of ours to a few town hall terrorists."

Police arrested four members of the YPG terror group, TASC Co-Chairman Gunay Evinch told Anadolu Agency.

Evinch said TASC would take legal action against the suspects on the grounds of public disorder, trespassing and crimes against a head of state.

Erdogan concluded his trip to New York on Thursday after a bilateral meeting with U.S. President Donald Trump.

The Turkish president was in the city to attend the annual UN General Assembly meetings where he addressed world leaders earlier this week.

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President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan urged the international community to take action and stop the ethnic cleansing of the Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar. He said Turkey...

Erdoğan urges world leaders to aid Rohingya Muslims
President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan urged the international community to take action and stop the ethnic cleansing of the Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar. He said Turkey...

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan urged the international community to take action and stop the ethnic cleansing of the Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar. He said Turkey would continue to support the Rohingya. Erdoğan pressed the world leaders gathered at the 72nd UN General Assembly to do more to help Myanmar's Rohingya Muslims.

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