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Iran operation against Mossad in Iraq

Once time allows, we should shoot Al-Qaida locations in Iran, they are a globally recognized terror group and a regional threat that needs to be taken care of.

Maybe 24 missiles.

Al-Qaida locations in Iran? According to whom?
I dont know what you irani’s smoke but it must be some real strong chit to get this high.

Turks ruled Iran for a thousand years just since couple of decades persians are back and the result is obviously the failed state we see today.

Turks have always been masters and experts when it comes to war history Turkish armies always were superiour to their counterparts.

Sultan Yavuz Selim wiped out Safevi army and he even took the wife of your king. Your king was able to escape and save his life. After this no more trouble from Iran.

your own people are refugees and kissing europeans azz to get residence permit they are chitting on iran and his leadership over here.

no need to divert the topic further bottom line is Iran is a treacherous backstabbing terror state. Turkiye should change its perception regarding iran from partner to hostile entity and deal with it accordingly.
Stop fighting over the past and look to a prosperous future.
The mansion being registered under that person's name doesn't mean he was actually staying there. Also, if Mossad establishes itself somewhere, one thing it will certainly refrain from doing is to install a massive sign at the entrance reading "Mossad base here", or rent the place under its own name.

Baz Karim is illegally selling northern Iraqi oil on international markets, but Turkey isn't the only client, Isra"el" is another major one. The Dutch regime-funded, Persian-language Radio Zamaneh (which is hostile to the Islamic Republic) has suggested as much in the following paper: https://www.radiozamaneh.com/707816/

It is highly likely that Baz Karim is trading with the zionist entity. This would imply he had zionist contacts, which in turn makes any villa he owns a potential candidate for housing Mossad operatives, Mossad operatives who as we know have had a long standing relationship with the Barzani clan and their Kurdistan Democratic Party, the rulers of Erbil.

he can sell it, like Egypt is buying Israel gas. What a bs argument.
Why ask for evidence ? Did Iran send Iraq solid proof regarding the presence of Zionist bases ?

There's solid evidence for Mossad ties with the KDP since 1959.


So while one suggestion appears plausible, the other seems rather outlandish.

As for attacking Iran, the last Iraqi leader who was fooled by the west into doing this is Saddam. Didn't end too well for him, did it? I'd suggest not to repeat his mistakes over and over again, especially since Iraq nowadays is even less in a position to do so, no matter what the Americans tell you.

And when discussing Saddam's heaviest historic mistake, I mean mostly the fact that he never understood the exact reason as to why the west was supporting him in his aggression against Iran. Contrary to a widespread belief, the answer is not that the west sought to weaken both parties. No, they were actually hoping that Saddam would manage to do their dirty work and overthrow the Islamic Republic. However, they never viewed him as anything other than a disposable tool, a useful idiot that they would remove as soon as necessary.

Because, entering a pact with the devil, so to say, makes one dependent on and vulnerable to the latter. Such as Iraq with its mountains of debt at the end of the war that Saddam imposed on Iran. Which led to the invasion of Kuwait, a trap which in turn triggered the destruction of Iraq and the hands of the US regime, from 1990 to 2003 and beyond.

Lesson for our Iraqi brothers: do not trust the US regime. Do not believe them when they turn reality upside down by trying to demonize Iran as a supposed "threat" to you - when in fact they and their zionist masters are the main danger to the Iraqi nation's very existence; do not listen to them when they offer you assistance for initiating completely unwarranted hostilities against Iran.


he can sell it, like Egypt is buying Israel gas. What a bs argument.

No, he cannot legally do so. Read up on the conflict between Baghdad and the KRG about the extraction and sale of local northern Iraqi oil resources.

Secondly, as said if the Mossad sets up a base in northern Iraq, it's going to do so under some sort of a cover, not overtly. And yes, local businessmen with extensive contacts to Tel Aviv are ideal candidates for providing such a cover. It's all very logical, if you can't see why then I cannot help you.
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No, he cannot legally do so. Read up on the conflict between Baghdad and the KRG about the extraction and sale of local northern Iraqi oil resources.

Secondly, as said if the Mossad sets up a base in northern Iraq, it's going to do so under some sort of a cover, not overtly. And yes, local businessmen with extensive contacts to Tel Aviv are ideal candidates for providing such a cover. It's all very logical, if you can't see why then I cannot help you.

Againg you are coming with stories, if he sell or can not sell is not up to foreigner country to interfering. Still you are not able to proof it, only thing you are doing sugar coating. He is doing business with zionist to cover up :p: .
There's solid evidence for Mossad ties with the KDP since 1959.


So while one suggestion appears plausible, the other seems outlandish.

As for attacking Iran, the last Iraqi leader who was fooled by the west into doing this is Saddam. Didn't end too well for him, did it? I'd suggest not to repeat his mistakes over and over again, especially since Iraq is even less in a position to do so, no matter what the Americans tell you.

And when I mention Saddam's heaviest historic mistake, I mean mostly the fact that he never understood the exact reason of why the west was supporting him in his aggression against Iran. Contrary to a widespread belief, the answer is not that the west sought to weaken both parties. No, they were actually hoping that Saddam would manage to do their dirty work and overthrow the Islamic Republic. However, they never viewed him as anything other than a disposable tool, a moron they would remove as soon as necessary. Because, entering a pact with the devil, so to say, makes one dependent on and vulnerable to the latter. Such as Iraq with its mountains of debt towards PGCC monarchies at the end of the war Saddam imposed on Iran. Which led to the invasion of Kuwait, a trap which in turn triggered the destruction of Iraq and the hands of the US regime.

Lesson for our Iraqi brothers: do not trust the US regime. Do not believe them when they turn reality upside down by trying to demonize Iran as a supposed "threat" to you - when in fact they and their zionist masters are the main threat to the Iraqi nation's very existence; do not listen to them when they offer you assistance for initiating completely unwarranted hostilities against Iran.
Oh dear, just in case the 24 missiles part didn't make it clear enough I was merely trolling.

Having ties and cooperation is one thing, having physical bases on the ground is another, never mind that even if there were it is simply illegal to commit such a clearly aggressive act, but such minor details never stopped the IRGC.

As for trust... We don't that, not to the west, nor to the east.
Oh dear, just in case the 24 missiles part didn't make it clear enough I was merely trolling.

I understand this, nonetheless I can also sense that mainstream narratives concocted by the zio-American empire appear to be influencing your views on Iran and especially the IRGC. Singling out the IRGC this much is emblematic of this. Iranian policy making is less fragmented between institutions than what you seem to be assuming.

Having ties and cooperation is one thing, having physical bases on the ground is another,

Certainly, however given the nature of specific acts of sabotage and espionage in Iran these past years, a number of them must have originated or relied upon coordination from a territory nearby. Given the nature of zionist policy towards Iran, it also makes it probable that Mossad would seek to establish just these sorts of covert outposts wherever it can in Iran's immediate neighborhood, and the fact is that the KRG - not Iraq per se, as well as the Republic of Azarbaijan represent the only realistic options in this regard.

never mind that even if there were it is simply illegal to commit such a clearly aggressive act

So is hosting a foreign intelligence service and allowing it to conduct sabotage, assassinations and drone strikes against a neighboring state.

As for trust... We don't that, not to the west, nor to the east.

Among other nuances, 'to trust' can be synonymous with 'to believe', and that's the sense in which I employed the term. In short, I would advise against lending any credence to zionist and American propaganda concerning Iran, as well as against acting upon (systematically fake) assurances given by them. Iraq's own modern history is there to show why doing so is bound to have disastrous consequences.


Againg you are coming with stories, if he sell or can not sell is not up to foreigner country to interfering. Still you are not able to proof it, only thing you are doing sugar coating. He is doing business with zionist to cover up :p: .

Well let's just put it this way, what I've suggested is more probable for a host of reasons than the contention that Iran's missile strike was somehow meant to target Turkish business interests, for which there's no proof either.
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Why ask for evidence ? Did Iran send Iraq solid proof regarding the presence of Zionist bases ?
Well Iran warned Iraqi officials prior to attack several times, and do Iraqis need proof from Iran to know about presence of Mossad's bases in their country?

“It is in no way acceptable that one of our neighbours, which has deep ties with us, becomes a focal point for threats against the Islamic Republic of Iran,” foreign ministry spokesman Saeed Khatibzadeh told reporters on Monday.​
He claimed Israel has repeatedly created security problems for Iran through Iraqi soil, including by organizing anti-establishment rallies and “terrorist groups” in the Kurdish region of northern Iraq.​

Prior to Sunday’s missile attack, Iraq had been repeatedly warned both publicly and through diplomatic channels that it must not allow its borders to become “focal points for conspiracy, plots and sabotage” against Iran, Khatibzadeh said.
“The Islamic Republic of Iran expects Iraq’s central government that it will end this situation once and for all, and won’t allow its borders to be taken advantage of, especially considering all the claims of improving ties to new levels that exist between the two countries,” he said, also warning Israel that Iran is aware of its movements in the region.​
These Zionists are in greatest number in Palestine and America. Occupied Palestine as they say in Iran.

Iranians do not have the courage to strike Israel or America.

I don't think Turks Pakistanis Indonesians are any different.

Arabs at least fought wars but as expected of Middle Easterners who have been repeatedly conquered enslaved subjugated and beaten black and blue by Europeans from before 2000 years ago, they lost.
Well Iran has hit American bases, drones, seized and arrested American solders and isreal too ... for sure isreales are in occupied lands but they didn't attack us from there but from Iraqi soil and therefore they received responses there too ... not to mentioned Iran's warning about other isreal bases in Iraq that could face the same fate if Iraqis don't purge them.
Are you proud of enslaving, subjugating and beating others or just trying to tell us true face of Europe?
If Gulf habibis come to their senses and seek rapprochement with Iran.

Amreeka and Israel then might try to start Iran-Kurd-Turk conflict.

I mean think about it who makes up bulk of muslim political and military power?? Arabs, Turks and Iranians/Persians. If you continue to sow discord, war, instability and hatred between these nations muslims will never be able to stand on their own ever again.

Well let's just put it this way, what I've suggested is more probable for a host of reasons than the contention that Iran's missile strike was somehow meant to target Turkish business interests, for which there's no proof either.

Indeed, but still you are targeting a business men for what reason?

It seems Iran operation is not against Israel but Turkey, the building hit was of a Iraqi business men :p: . The guy sell oil to Turkey, so Iran is fooling dumb PDF members lol....


check it please, Persians are really sneaky.
if its really so then make a complaint to our embassy in turkey , through your foreign ministry
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We cannot lose Iraq to the western axis of evil. If Kadhimi continues to his stupidity then we will have to take solid actions. This retard has literally abandoned the whole Iraq focusing on Iraqi groups who have destroyed ISIS.

If it wasn't for Iranian allies in Iraq then Kadhimi should have been waxing Al-Baghdad's shoes with his tongue. Kurds are freely stablishing an independent state within state, Americans are occupying parts of Iraq, Israelis are freely roaming inside Iraq, ISIS cells are still active in areas that are closed to American bases, Turkish government is under mining Iraqi sovereignty by tens of military bases and this retard is Stuck with Iran and Iranian allies that held Iraq with their teeth. Show him his place, pounding every terrorist hideouts must be on Iranian priority in Iraq.
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