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Iran intensifies its proxy war with the West in Syria


Sep 21, 2011
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Iran’s defiance to the US and other Western countries is now not restricted to its nuclear program only; it is fighting them all in Syria where forces opposed to Assad regime have full support of their American sympathizers. The Syrian conflict has taken the shape of a sectarian conflict where Salafis, mostly al Qaeda, are fighting a civil war to establish a Sunni state. This gives enough reasons to Iran’s clerical Shia regime to side with Assad with the help of Russian. Reuters has reported that Iran has significantly stepped up military support to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad in recent months, solidifying its position alongside Russia as the government's lifeline in an increasingly sectarian civil war. Iranian weapons continue to pour into Syria from Iraq but also increasingly along other routes, including via Turkey and Lebanon, in violation of a U.N. arms embargo on Iran, Western officials told Reuters on condition of anonymity. Iraqi and Turkish officials denied the allegations.
This is irony of history that the West have to support al Qaeda, its enemy number one for realist politics. Read more at:

Iran intensifies its proxy war with the West in Syria
What a sorry state of affairs. Overlooking the cruelty and villainous indiscretion of the Assad regime solely because they are Shiite... Sure in a world polarized towards Sunnism, the Shiites must group together and support each other wherever they can so as to effectively thwart any nefarious design which the Sunnis conjure but this absolutely shameful!

Generally speaking is there any possible way that Sunni-Shia differences can be put aside? It's caused unrest and division amongst the Muslims since the death of the Prophet of Islam (pbuh) and even 14 centuries later it's affect remains as perennial as ever. WHY? :confused: I don't see the problem with following either of the sects. I sure as hell don't care too. If you believe in the message of Islam you're a Muslim, the finer details are between you and God. Period.
Iran’s defiance to the US and other Western countries is now not restricted to its nuclear program only; it is fighting them all in Syria where forces opposed to Assad regime have full support of their American sympathizers. The Syrian conflict has taken the shape of a sectarian conflict where Salafis, mostly al Qaeda, are fighting a civil war to establish a Sunni state. This gives enough reasons to Iran’s clerical Shia regime to side with Assad with the help of Russian. Reuters has reported that Iran has significantly stepped up military support to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad in recent months, solidifying its position alongside Russia as the government's lifeline in an increasingly sectarian civil war. Iranian weapons continue to pour into Syria from Iraq but also increasingly along other routes, including via Turkey and Lebanon, in violation of a U.N. arms embargo on Iran, Western officials told Reuters on condition of anonymity. Iraqi and Turkish officials denied the allegations.
This is irony of history that the West have to support al Qaeda, its enemy number one for realist politics. Read more at:

Iran intensifies its proxy war with the West in Syria

The US and EU should in this case cuddle up to Russia and Assad; help them crush the Syrian opposition in quick order (fast surgery, less pain), and thus restore order to Syria, enabling the many refugees to return home and for rebuilding to start.

Letting it slide into a state of misery and ongoing war will only enable AlQuada and extremist muslim influences to take hold there.

Acknowledging our mistake in letting the Syrian 'resistance' foster for this long, will go a long way to mend ties with Assad and Russia, and effectively rob the Iranians of the chance to foster ties with both, which DOES serve US and EU interests (considering the nuclear weapons program of the Iranians). (and don't tell me it's not a weapons program, i refuse to believe that ruse)

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