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Featured Iran intends to block strait of Hormoz


Aug 23, 2016
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Iran is establishing 1000 km oil pipeline from Goreh to port of Jask to avoid strait of Hormoz for exporting oil. Within a short period of time Iran will be able to fulfill its threats about strait of Hormoz ... or Iran is able to sell its oil openly or no one in the region will sell a drop of oil 🙂

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And exactly who dares to attack Iran ?

Launched from within Saudi Arabia and there is no 100% evidence Iran did. Some say it was Iraqi militias but nothing direct came from Iran. But Iran knows what is on stake. They are not idiots
Launched from within Saudi Arabia and there is no 100% evidence Iran did. Some say it was Iraqi militias but nothing direct came from Iran. But Iran knows what is on stake. They are not idiots
Saudi King openly said Iran did that .

Iran made it self ready for blocking the strait


Supposedly location of American aircraft carriers for an invasion against Iran

Zoulfaqar Basir anti ship ballistic missile with a range of 700km


Swarm of Iranian advanced drones


Equipped with advanced Qaem bombs


Swarm of suicidal drones

Fast boats equipped with suicidal drones


Cruise missiles for fast boats


Swarm of fast boats equipped with cruise missiles

One of biggest fleets of submarines in the world


New advanced Yasin torpedo

Valfajr torpedoes


Abo Mahdi anti ship missile with a range of 1000 km

Not to mention sea mines 🙂
Hoot the fastest torpedo of world

Jask project for launching cruise missiles from submarines
Launched from within Saudi Arabia and there is no 100% evidence Iran did. Some say it was Iraqi militias but nothing direct came from Iran. But Iran knows what is on stake. They are not idiots

Iran didn't give iraqi militias that kind of weapons to make such an attack. and lets assume it was an iraqi militia group who do you think they would have the missile or drone from to make such an attack? YES IRAN! how do you know nothing came directly from Iran do you own a satelite and watch the attack. all militaries said it was Iran.
the only country who have the capability to make such an attack and who is in a war (a proxy war) with saudi is Iran.

Saudi Arabian officials said that many more drones and cruise missiles were used for the attack and originated from the north and east, and that they were of Iranian manufacture.

According to the NCRI, the attack came from the Omidiyeh military base in Ahvaz.

if you don't know where Ahvaz is, it's in Iran.

and if you think it were the houthis. why they didn't launch more attacks like this. cause it wasn't them they they don't have capability to do so, if they had saudi wouldn't export one drop oil anymore.

the missiles came from the north and the east.
Hahaha.. This will only force the neighbouring countries to finally attempt an invasion on iran and dethrone the gov't. The Iranians are not Idiots they know what it means messing with this pass

No one will invade Iran.
Launched from within Saudi Arabia and there is no 100% evidence Iran did. Some say it was Iraqi militias but nothing direct came from Iran. But Iran knows what is on stake. They are not idiots

lol okay, convince yourself that Iraqi militias or Saudi militia somehow manage to plan a sophisticated strike on an oil facility, and acquired such weapon systems to conduct it without Iran.
Hahaha.. This will only force the neighbouring countries to finally attempt an invasion on iran and dethrone the gov't. The Iranians are not Idiots they know what it means messing with this pass
Oh...do you mean the same "arab nato" that couldnt even defeat the remnant of the yemeni military allied with the houthis?......and these guys are going to invade iran and "dethrone the govt"?
Well dreams are free I suppose,but honestly I think that if anyone is going to be doing any actual "dethroning" in the region in the near future,then it will very likely be iran doing it to the gulf state vassal despots,not the other way around.
In the event of a general blockade of hormuz by iran the gulf states would not be completely cut off from exporting some oil and receiving some vital imports,there would still be the 2 red sea saudi ports and the oil pipelines leading to them......however its likely that the allowance of their continued operations would be conditional on the gulf states not doing anything either directly or indirectly to interfere with either the blockade or irans ability to export its oil and other goods.
Saudi King openly said Iran did that .

Iran made it self ready for blocking the strait


Supposedly location of American aircraft carriers for an invasion against Iran

Zoulfaqar Basir anti ship ballistic missile with a range of 700km


Swarm of Iranian advanced drones


Equipped with advanced Qaem bombs


Swarm of suicidal drones

Fast boats equipped with suicidal drones


Cruise missiles for fast boats


Swarm of fast boats equipped with cruise missiles

One of biggest fleets of submarines in the world


New advanced Yasin torpedo

Valfajr torpedoes


Abo Mahdi anti ship missile with a range of 1000 km

Not to mention sea mines 🙂
Hoot the fastest torpedo of world

Jask project for launching cruise missiles from submarines

All these pictures and videos look good on forum like this but we know Iranian preparedness after Sulaimani killing. Iran shot down passenger plane which just flew from her own airport means your defense systems are not capable to differentiate enemy plane versus yours in panic situation.
All these pictures and videos look good on forum like this but we know Iranian preparedness after Sulaimani killing. Iran shot down passenger plane which just flew from her own airport means your defense systems are not capable to differentiate enemy plane versus yours in panic situation.

It was a Tor AD and Iran is developing its own version of short range AD soon you'll see them ... and what's your opinion about Global Hawk drowning ? Was it a propaganda ?
Iran didn't give iraqi militias that kind of weapons to make such an attack. and lets assume it was an iraqi militia group who do you think they would have the missile or drone from to make such an attack? YES IRAN! how do you know nothing came directly from Iran do you own a satelite and watch the attack. all militaries said it was Iran.
the only country who have the capability to make such an attack and who is in a war (a proxy war) with saudi is Iran.

Saudi Arabian officials said that many more drones and cruise missiles were used for the attack and originated from the north and east, and that they were of Iranian manufacture.

According to the NCRI, the attack came from the Omidiyeh military base in Ahvaz.

if you don't know where Ahvaz is, it's in Iran.

and if you think it were the houthis. why they didn't launch more attacks like this. cause it wasn't them they they don't have capability to do so, if they had saudi wouldn't export one drop oil anymore.

the missiles came from the north and the east.

Well ofcourse he laid blame on Iran to get war on Iran approved but IRAN itself never claimed responsibility but the tech was somehow iranian but guess what some sort of non-state actors claimed responsibility and even in that war was about to happen it was very close due to some diplomacy from the EU and US somehow blocked the war trumps.

But closing Hormuz would be a declaration of war. Period! I know you are just an internet troll but they are not idiots. As an internet troll you can act all tough you want or trying to proof something but the reality will remain the same. Closure of Hormuz would be a regional conflict period you don't need to be a math scientist to understand this. I don't see Iran being ready to declare war anytime soon nor does it want it so you can say whatever you want in here but they don't want none of this trust me
All these pictures and videos look good on forum like this but we know Iranian preparedness after Sulaimani killing. Iran shot down passenger plane which just flew from her own airport means your defense systems are not capable to differentiate enemy plane versus yours in panic situation.

This is an outlandish deduction.

1) It seems you did not look at the very "pictures and videos" you commented on. They do not depict any Iranian air defence systems, but offensive assets (such as anti-ship ballistic missiles and cruise missiles, UAV's and torpedos) to be used against a hypothetical invading US force.

2) In case of an actual all out war (as opposed to the missile strikes on illegal US bases in Iraq), civilian flights are more likely to be cancelled.

3) By your logic the US is equally unable to conduct war, given how they shot down an Iranian civilian airplane over the Persian Gulf in 1988.
This is an outlandish deduction.

1) It seems you did not look at the very "pictures and videos" you commented on. They do not depict any Iranian air defence systems, but offensive assets (such as anti-ship ballistic missiles and cruise missiles, UAV's and torpedos) to be used against a hypothetical invading US force.

2) In case of an actual all out war (as opposed to the missile strikes on illegal US bases in Iraq), civilian flights are more likely to be cancelled.

3) By your logic the US is equally unable to conduct war, given how they shot down an Iranian civilian airplane over the Persian Gulf in 1988.

Point 1) Their effectiveness will be seen once a conflict starts only for now they look good on paper.

Point 2) Did you over looked the word I used 'preparedness' when I commented earlier. When Iran was about to launch their missiles, which actually didn't resulted in a single kill, they were anticipating US counter attack so naturally all the civilian airlines/airports should had been stopped right that moment which they didn't unlike on Feb 27, 2019 during Pakistani-Indian aerial skirmish. This just showed lethargic and unprofessional attitude of Iranian Govt/forces as a whole or simply a lack of preparedness in a potential fight. And mind you, if US/Israel attacks Iran, than the attack won't last long for days. It will be a quick, strategic single burst and that's it. US/Israel not interested in invading Iran. Their primary interest in Iranian nuclear sites which they can take out in a single strike thru their superior airforce and cruise missiles.

Regarding 3rd point: It was an intentional hit by US. Worst form of bullying.
Point 1) Their effectiveness will be seen once a conflict starts only for now they look good on paper.

In other terms, you have no grounds to assume they are inefficient.

Point 2) Did you over looked the word I used 'preparedness' when I commented earlier. When Iran was about to launch their missiles, which actually didn't resulted in a single kill, they were anticipating US counter attack so naturally all the civilian airlines/airports should had been stopped right that moment which they didn't unlike on Feb 27, 2019 during Pakistani-Indian aerial skirmish. This just showed lethargic and unprofessional attitude of Iranian Govt/forces as a whole or simply a lack of preparedness in a potential fight.

It's merely a US claim that no American troops were killed. Washington could be lying just as they did according to you with Iran Air 655. Indeed several suspicious coincidental deaths of US troops serving abroad were published in the news shortly after the strikes. Also Iran's intention in these strikes was not to eliminate as many occupation forces as possible, but to knock down the illusion of US invulnerability by demonstrating the precision of Iranian ballistic missiles.

One can impossibly infer wholesome unpreparedness of the Iranian military based on a single incident. But even so, problems like this do not equal incapability to fight back effectively. As a matter of fact, the missile attack on Ayn Al-Assad was succesfully conducted in spite of the incident with the Ukrainian airliner. So the latter incident by no means implies Iran will be unable to hit US assets.

And mind you, if US/Israel attacks Iran, than the attack won't last long for days. It will be a quick, strategic single burst and that's it. US/Israel not interested in invading Iran. Their primary interest in Iranian nuclear sites which they can take out in a single strike thru their superior airforce and cruise missiles.

And you think Iran is not going to strike back in case its nuclear infrastructure is subjected to large scale bombing? Iran's aptness to do so was proven in the Abqaiq and Ayn Al-Assad operations.

Regarding 3rd point: It was an intentional hit by US. Worst form of bullying.

Fair enough (and true, I believe), but then there's this:

November 21, 2008 12:20 AM
CIA faulted in shooting down of missionary plane

There are also reports that French fighter jets mistakenly downed an Italian airliner in 1980, with NATO subsequently trying to cover up the truth:

We recall Pakistan's preparedness during the February 2019 aerial skirmish against India, yet sadly Pakistan too is on the list of countries which shot down a passenger plane.

I won't enumerate the multiple downings of civilian aircraft over the USSR and Warsaw Pact countries during the Cold War. The fact is that no serious observer would have taken these events as a justification for considering that the Eastern Bloc was unable to fight a war against NATO.

In conclusion, the unfortunate case of the Ukrainian passenger plane does not signify incapacity on Iran's part to strike back at US forces in the event of a military aggression by the latter.

As for puny Isra"el", please... Let's not go there.
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In other terms, you have no grounds to assume they are inefficient.

It's merely a US claim that no American troops were killed. Washington could be lying just as they did according to you with Iran Air 655. Indeed several suspicious coincidental deaths of US troops serving abroad were published in the news shortly after the strikes. Also Iran's intention in these strikes was not to eliminate as many occupation forces as possible, but to knock down the illusion of US invincibility and invulnerability by demonstrating the precision of Iranian ballistic missiles.

One can impossibly infer wholesome unpreparedness of the Iranian military based on a single incident. But even so, problems like this do not equal incapability to fight back effectively. As a matter of fact, the missile attack on Ayn Al-Assad was succesfully conducted in spite of the incident with the Ukrainian airliner. So the latter incident by no means implies Iran will be unable to hit US assets.

And you think Iran is not going to strike back in case its nuclear infrastructure is subjected to large scale bombing? Iran's aptness to do so was proven in the Abqaiq and Ayn Al-Assad operations.

Fair enough (and true, I believe), but then there's this:

November 21, 2008 12:20 AM
CIA faulted in shooting down of missionary plane

There are also reports that French fighter aircraft mistakenly downed an Italian airliner in 1980, with NATO subsequently trying to cover up the truth:

We recall Pakistan's preparedness during the February 2019 aerial skirmish against India, yet sadly Pakistan too is on the list of countries which shot down a passenger plane.

I won't enumerate the multiple downings of civilian aircraft over the USSR and Warsaw Pact countries during the Cold War. The fact is that no serious observer would have taken these events as a justification for considering that the Eastern Bloc was unable to fight a war against NATO.

In conclusion, the unfortunate case of the Ukrainian passenger plane does not signify incapacity on Iran's part to strike back at US forces in the event of a military aggression by the latter.

As for puny Isra"el", please... Let's not go there.

the links you mentioned are normally the incidents which happened 30 years or more. That time tech was not that advanced as compare to now.
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