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Iran has no strategic regional ally: ex-IRGC chief

Lankan Ranger

Aug 9, 2009
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Iran has no strategic regional ally: ex-IRGC chief

Former IRGC commander has said that “Iran has no strategic allies in the region save for Syria and Turkey which are to some extent close to us but they are not considered as Iran’s allies in real terms.”

Today Iran’s enemies atop of them the U.S., Britain and the Zionist regime are working together with the aim of harming Iran’s interests, Major General Yahya Rahim Safavi told the Mehr News Agency in an exclusive interview with the Mehr News Agency published on Wednesday.

“On one hand the U.S. is responsible for imposing political and economic pressure against Iran by means of the United Nations Security Council sanctions.

“By that policy they are trying to compel European and Arab states to distance themselves from Iran,” he commented.

He added, “The role of Britain, on the other hand, is to sow schism, discord, and (spread) pessimism among the people and the state officials.”

In addition to driving a wedge between the public and the system, Britain is seeking to disrespect Islamic values, Islamic figures, and religious authorities one example of which was the defacing of the picture of Imam Khomeini in December 2009, the military advisor to the Supreme Leader stated.

Against the above backdrop “we shouldn’t blame foreign countries for all the problems we are facing today,” as there are some self-centered officials in the system who are only after greater power, thus their actions are not to the interest of the country, he explained.

Foreign enemies, the U.S. and Britain have come to the conclusion that in order to harm the Islamic Revolution they should target the leadership and the IRGC at the same time, Safavi noted.

tehran times : Iran has no strategic regional ally: ex-IRGC chief
I wonder what category does Pakistan belong too in the eyes of Iran.
Pakistan is at nutral bases with Iran... nothing more other then now this gas pipe line deal we can not offerd to me more to them at the time as they are not in good eyes at all in front of the US .
Pakistan and Iran could be strategic partners. We have no border conflicts and share ethnic, religious, cultural and historic ties. During the Shah's time we had very close relations. These relations were complicated only by Iran's conflict with UAE over Islands in Persian Gulf where they expected us to support them. Pakistan has moved closer to Saudi Arabia since it has provided financial aid to Pakistan over the years. The Afghanistan imbroglio has also created fissures since Pakistan has supported Talibans with their anti-Dari and anti-Shia tendencies. Pakistan-Iran has been complicated due to Saudi-Iran cold war.
The problem is Iranian regime has cross all borders of decency and anyone associating with them risks being the target. The post revolution Iran being commanded by bunch of delusional mullahs has turned it into a no1 failed state and largest brain drain in the world. Myths aside, the Iranian people themselves do not like this despotic regime
The problem is Iranian regime has cross all borders of decency and anyone associating with them risks being the target. The post revolution Iran being commanded by bunch of delusional mullahs has turned it into a no1 failed state and largest brain drain in the world. Myths aside, the Iranian people themselves do not like this despotic regime

This is mostly propaganda by Americans, Zionists and corrupt Arab governments. The Saudi Arabian government still ruled by Wahabi-Saudi clique that has been suppressing its people. Iran has large educated middle class and a degree of democracy.
hahhaha US (Zionist) again try to make another super duper propoganda like 9/11 Stupid Americans
This is mostly propaganda by Americans, Zionists and corrupt Arab governments. The Saudi Arabian government still ruled by Wahabi-Saudi clique that has been suppressing its people. Iran has large educated middle class and a degree of democracy.

Democracy is just a show off ... All main powers are in the hand of supreme leader which is not elected by the people of Iran .. he will rule until he dies & the next one came ... its like Dictatorship .
This is mostly propaganda by Americans, Zionists and corrupt Arab governments. The Saudi Arabian government still ruled by Wahabi-Saudi clique that has been suppressing its people. Iran has large educated middle class and a degree of democracy.

Comparing wahabis of Saudi Arabia to people of Iran is like showing torch to sun. Iran is a nation of history, achievements and courage despite some really tasteless mullahs. The fate of Wahabis will soon mirror that of Shah.

Democracy is just a show off ... All main powers are in the hand of supreme leader which is not elected by the people of Iran .. he will rule until he dies & the next one came ... its like Dictatorship .

Despite being despotic, at time they do listen to their people a lot. It is a mix of democracy and controlled authroity. However their international stance is a mix of abject foolishness.
The problem is Iranian regime has cross all borders of decency and anyone associating with them risks being the target. The post revolution Iran being commanded by bunch of delusional mullahs has turned it into a no1 failed state and largest brain drain in the world. Myths aside, the Iranian people themselves do not like this despotic regime

The biggest American, Israelis and Zionist puppet in the region is Arab world...
The dacoits of Arabs in the early nineteenth century are the rulers of Arabia..
You forget Lawrence of Arabia....
Democracy is just a show off ... All main powers are in the hand of supreme leader which is not elected by the people of Iran .. he will rule until he dies & the next one came ... its like Dictatorship .

This post of Grand Ayatollah (آية *الله العظمی) existed among Usuli Twelver Shī‘ah clerics. This post also now includes itile of Supreme Leader of Iran (رهبر انقلاب). The post of Grand Ayatollah is achieved after decades of study and publishing of Islamic theology.

The Shah's coup d'état against Mohammad Mosaddegh in 1953 was start of dictatorship in Iran. Then 1979 the revolution in Iran overthrew Shah. Both have failed to create strong democratic institutions in Iran. The Iraqi invasion of Iran supported by US and Saudi Arabia resulted in less acceptance of opposition.
Comparing wahabis of Saudi Arabia to people of Iran is like showing torch to sun. Iran is a nation of history, achievements and courage despite some really tasteless mullahs. The fate of Wahabis will soon mirror that of Shah.

Good points.
Pakistan and Iran could be strategic partners. We have no border conflicts and share ethnic, religious, cultural and historic ties. During the Shah's time we had very close relations. These relations were complicated only by Iran's conflict with UAE over Islands in Persian Gulf where they expected us to support them. Pakistan has moved closer to Saudi Arabia since it has provided financial aid to Pakistan over the years. The Afghanistan imbroglio has also created fissures since Pakistan has supported Talibans with their anti-Dari and anti-Shia tendencies. Pakistan-Iran has been complicated due to Saudi-Iran cold war.


and I wish we could help the 2 come closer together, though we know that given their size and their goals they wont be on the same page for quite some time -- I think its politics and the habit of both countries to exert their religious ideals politically (Wahhabism/Politicized Shiism)

those wishing to capitalize on a division between 2 large Muslim countries are having a field day

but we cannot allow even the Arabs to do things that could harm us.....supporting or funding groups like Jundollah can hurt Pakistan too

Jundollah is very dangerous because it is sectarian as well as ethno-nationalistic

Saddam Hussein used to abuse Iraqi embassy in Islamabad before Intelligence agencies busted their doors down and discovered heavy weapons there.

to get back on subject, there are irritants between Iran and Pakistan (diplomatically, not at all on people-to-people basis) but they are a friendly country and we must condemn any terrorism or bloodshed taking place there no matter what scenario it is

both countries are helping in Afghanistan, even if it is different ''stake-holders'' and interests

Jundollah does not represent Baluch people and does not represent Islam. They are just like TTP. They are propped up and supported from external forces, are brain-washed into carrying out massacres against civilians and against the state.

they are enemies and they must have their hands cut off before being thrown in the fire
I been in Iran and every Irani I met, they blame british for all their misery to start with. Second Mullahs who I found the second most hated.

back to topic.. its true Iran made everybody uncomfortable... :rolleyes:

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