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Iran has built new ballistic missile launch positions, satellite images show

Thanks to Trump and his undisputed stupidity, the so called diplomacy is dead already. Americans always resort to so called diplomacy when they fail to take on the pre defined enemy. Naives, traitors and idiots like Rouhani, Zarif and co can't use the diplomacy card to weaken the state, not anymore.

At the moment, Iran is completely encircling Israe, all Arabs are aware of the fact that one wrong move would cast them their luxury lives destroying their backward stone age sheikhdoms. Therefore they won't be a part of regional competition in the near future. Israeli existence is already at stake and USA is getting weak day by day.

Time is on Iran's side if dumbfks like Zarif don't give it away, Iran will be the absolute winner in this fight of wills in the region. With a landlocked Israel, everything will be fine.
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