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Iran hangs 26-year-old woman rape victim

How do you know it wasn't proved that no rape happened? You expect them to release whole documents to appease the media?

Also, I was reading that she had texted her friends few nights before that "she is finally going to kill him". Although this text message doesn't prove that a rape was going to happen or not, but it proves that she didn't decide to murder him on that day specifically and that she had planned it before.

I was going by your statement which i quoted.......not by media....
I think it didn't help that she killed an "intelligence" official.

RIP to the poor lady.
I was going by your statement which i quoted.......not by media....

As I said earlier, I myself don't know what the truth is, maybe the rape was going to happen or not.

What I was trying to say was that, only because the details of this case are not released, doesn't mean we should blindly accept what western media or governments or the hypocrite amnesty international say. Her stupid family are the ones to blame for sure, since they talked to every news outlet they could and many many bad rumors about the victim was spread across the country and it made his family even more angry.

The rumors went as far as saying that the victim's wife was sexually incapable to satisfy her husband or bear any more children, hence the rape was about to happen! Just imagine what can such a horrible rumor do to a family who have lost their father and husband.
As I said earlier, I myself don't know what the truth is, maybe the rape was going to happen or not.

What I was trying to say was that, only because the details of this case are not released, doesn't mean we should blindly accept what western media or governments or the hypocrite amnesty international say. Her stupid family are the ones to blame for sure, since they talked to every news outlet they could and many many bad rumors about the victim was spread across the country and it made his family even more angry.

The rumors went as far as saying that the victim's wife was sexually incapable to satisfy her husband or bear any more children, hence the rape was about to happen! Just imagine what can such a horrible rumor do to a family who have lost their father and husband.

I agree with your point on amnesty international and their selective human right interests..... But when there is a case like this, isint the responsibility of the govt to explain the truth to the world,(if not the world at least to the local population)
I have always been intrigued by @Azizam 's fondness of all things Iran. :lol:

Anyway she was not a rape victim, she clearly stated she thought the dude wanted to rape her hence she killed him. She never even said he actually tried to do it, now whether her fear about the possibility warrants his death and if she should have been hanged over such a thing is definitively debatable.

As I said earlier, I myself don't know what the truth is, maybe the rape was going to happen or not.

What I was trying to say was that, only because the details of this case are not released, doesn't mean we should blindly accept what western media or governments or the hypocrite amnesty international say. Her stupid family are the ones to blame for sure, since they talked to every news outlet they could and many many bad rumors about the victim was spread across the country and it made his family even more angry.

The rumors went as far as saying that the victim's wife was sexually incapable to satisfy her husband or bear any more children, hence the rape was about to happen! Just imagine what can such a horrible rumor do to a family who have lost their father and husband.

So she wasn't raped though? Then wtf is up with the title? You should change it.
No difference between Iran and Is..
none that I can see
these fanatic ayatullahs massacred tens of thousands of Iranian liberals who had actually helped them in their revolution against the Shah.
when it comes to barbarian laws then Iranian regime is no different to any other apartheid state in the middle east.
I am against the death penalty.

But i will never say sorry about someone who killed someone else.
none that I can see
these fanatic ayatullahs massacred tens of thousands of Iranian liberals who had actually helped them in their revolution against the Shah.
when it comes to barbarian laws then Iranian regime is no different to any other apartheid state in the middle east.
Which state are u refering to? KSA ?
So she wasn't raped though? Then wtf is up with the title? You should change it.
It's not the first time that @Azizam changes the title in his own favor. No she wasn't raped.
I agree with your point on amnesty international and their selective human right interests..... But when there is a case like this, isint the responsibility of the govt to explain the truth to the world,(if not the world at least to the local population)
Mate, I just found the court's full statement on this trial including facts and proofs about the crime scene and it seems I was wrong about not releasing the details. . Unfortunately it's in Persian, but I might translate parts of it if I get the time. For any unbiased person it'll prove that no rape was going to happen. Still I won't conclude anything.

One of the main parts of the proofs is that she herself admitted that she had bought the knife few days earlier to kill him.

Here's the Persian text, you might use G translate to get an idea what it's talking about.

در پی گزارش ارتکاب یک فقره قتل عمد فردی به نام مرحوم مرتضی عبدالعلی سربندی در تاریخ شانزدهم تیرماه سال 1386 و پس از کشف تلفن همراه مقتول و دسترسی به آخرین تماس وی با فردی به نام ریحانه جباری، نامبرده به عنوان مظنون ارتکاب قتل تحت تعقیب قرار می گیرد. با مراجعه ماموران به محل اقامت ریحانه جباری، از منزل او یک عدد کارد آشپزخانه ی آغشته به خون و جلد آن و یک عدد روسری آغشته به خون کشف می گردد.

ریحانه جباری متولد 1366 در تمام مراحل تحقیق نزد ضابطان، بازپرس و دادگاه به ارتکاب قتل از سوی خود اقرار نموده و برای توجیه اقدام خود مدعی شده بود مرحوم قصد تجاوز به وی را داشته، این در حالی است که:

1 - اظهارات بعدی متهمه خلاف این ادعا را ثابت نموده است؛

2 - محل اصابت ضربه کارد به مرحوم (میان دو کتف) نشان از آن دارد که قتل در حالت دفاع نبوده است.

گزارش معاینه جسد در سراسر بدن و دست ها آثار ضرب و جرح را گواهی کرده است. در پشت تنه یک بریدگی عرضی به طول هشت سانتی متر، در سمت راست ناحیه میانی خلف تنه و فاصله دو سانتی متر از خلف وسط و هشت سانتی متری در استخوان کتف راست دیده شده است.

3 - خریدن کارد به منظور ارتکاب قتل، پیش از حادثه حکایت از سبق تصمیم ریحانه جباری بر قتل دارد. در بازرسی از منزل متهمه، جلد مقوایی کارد آشپزخانه کشف می شود که نشان می دهد آلت قتاله را خود خریداری کرده است. وی به خرید کارد آشپزخانه دو روز پیش از جنایت اقرار کرده است.

4 - مفاد پیامک ارسالی از سوی ریحانه جباری برای دوست خود مبنی بر این که قصد کشتن فردی را دارد، دلالت بر سبق تصمیم وی برای قتل و نیز کذب بودن ادعای دفاع در مقابل تجاوز است. قاتل در تاریخ 13/4/1386 (سه روز پیش از ارتکاب قتل)، با ارسال پیامکی به یکی از دوستان خود نوشته است: «فکر کنم امشب بکشمش»؛

5- ساکنان مجتمع محل ارتکاب جنایت اظهار داشته اند که با شنیدن سر و صدا، بیرون آمده و مشاهده کرده اند مقتول در حالی که زخمی و خون آلود بوده، با فریاد «دزد دزد» از طبقه پنجم به پایین آمده و در جلوی واحد طبقه سوم بیهوش می شود. این در حالی است که در صورت صحت ادعای قاتل، موجبی برای فرار وی نبوده و نامبرده می بایست با ایجاد سر و صدا، همسایگان را آگاه می کرده و با حضور آن ها احساس امنیت می نموده است.

6- درب آپارتمان از نظر قفل فاقد تخریب بوده و این امر نشان می دهد که قصد تجاوزی در میان نبوده است. متهم در خصوص بسته بودن درب و عدم امکان فرار می گوید: «در ابتدای ورود درب را باز گذاشتم. ولی او بعد از آمدن به سمت من درب را بست، اما قفل نکرد».

متعاقبا در ادامه تحقیقات ریحانه جباری مدعی گردیده قتل از ناحیه فردی به نام شیخی برنامه ریزی شده بود. متهمه هم چنین مدعی گردیده که پس از ایراد ضربه به پشت مقتول، شیخی وارد خانه شده و با مقتول درگیر شده است.

وی می گوید: «شیخی فقط دنبال مدارکی در منزل مقتول می گشته و نقشی در قتل نداشته است». در این راستا بازپرس اقدامات بسیاری را در جهت شناسایی شخص مذکور به عمل آورده و پس از شناسایی افرادی با نام های مشابه و مواجهه حضوری بین ریحانه جباری با آن ها، در نهایت جباری با اعلام این که افراد مذکور را نمی شناسد، اقرار نموده که اظهاراتش در خصوص فردی به نام شیخی صرفاً به منظور انحراف مسیر پرونده بوده است.

گرچه ادعای ریحانه جباری در خصوص شیخی به هیچ وجه اثبات نشده و در مرحله ای نیز توسط محکوم انکار گردیده، اما با فرض صحت موضوع ، وی نقش نامبرده را صرفاً حضور در محل جنایت اعلام کرده و به صراحت ارتکاب قتل به تنهایی از ناحیه ی خود را پذیرفته است.

متهمه اقرار نموده برای قتل از پیش کارد تهیه کرده بود. هم چنین فروشنده ی کارد ضمن مواجهه ی حضوری با جباری، او را شناسایی کرده بود.

در ادامه تحقیقات صاحب کار و همکاران متهمه به دروغگو بودن وی اذعان نموده و گفته اند در روز وقوع قتل اعلام کرد که پدرش یک اتومبیل تویوتا کمری خریده این درحالی است که خودروی مذکور متعلق به مرحوم بوده است. آنها وی را فردی دروغگو توصیف کرده اند که دوست داشت خود را بزرگ تر از آنچه که هست نشان دهد.

پس از انجام تحقیقات توسط بازپرس ویژه قتل و برگزاری جلسات رسیدگی در دادگاه کیفری استان، دادگاه نهایتاً با اعلام ختم رسیدگی با احراز اتهام قتل عمد، ریحانه جباری را به قصاص نفس محکوم نمود که رای صادره از سوی شعبه 27 دیوان عالی کشور نیز ابرام گردید.

نظر بر این که طی چند ماه اخیر و پس از قرار گرفتن پرونده در مرحله ی اجرا، قاتل ادعاهای قبلی خود را که در جهت احراز صحت یا سقم آن ها، تحقیقات بسیاری صورت گرفته و برای مدت زمان طولانی نیز پرونده را از مسیر اصلی منحرف نموده بود، بار دیگر مطرح کرده و به این طریق تلاشی وافر در جهت مظلوم نمایی و ایجاد شائبه ی اشتباه در صدور حکم صورت داد، اعلام می گردد تمامی ادعاهای فوق در جریان پرونده بررسی شده و کذب بودن آن ها در مراحل مختلف دادرسی توسط بازپرس، قضات دادگاه کیفری استان (پنج نفر) و قضات دیوان عالی کشور احراز گردیده است.

به رغم موارد فوق این دادستانی در جهت حصول سازش و کسب رضایت اولیای دم تلاش نموده و با وجود برگزاری جلسه ای با حضور اولیای دم و قاتل و خانواده ی وی، اولیای دم در نهایت خواستار اجرای حکم قصاص شدند که حکم صادره سحرگاه روز جاری به موقع اجرا گذارده شد.
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@Secularpakistani @halfilhal Delete your posts which is offensive, from this thread and try to stick to topic, If not deleted will be rating you negative....

It was okay till you threatened with negative rating. Go ahead.

This thread was not about Pakistan but he dragged Pakistan in just for the sake of trolling .

A Pakistani criticizing Iran for ill-treating rape victim. Yaar accha sa time dekh ke doob kyon nahi marta.
It's not the first time that @Azizam changes the title in his own favor. No she wasn't raped.
I rarely post threads so tell me where have I changed titles before? I don't carry any hidden intentions here. I posted because I felt sympathy for the person that was hanged as I had read her story few years ago and found it sad. Beside that I don't have any political alignments with any party. I just try to be as neutral as possible.

I have always been intrigued by @Azizam 's fondness of all things Iran. :lol:
I was just hoping to bring attention to her story. Nothing else.
if you go to communautary websites and check the news (independent not press tv stuff or worst)
there are many points about this story:
- she is 19yo and she said she was at his home (the guy killed) for interior design (lol)
strange for this age. prostitution there?
- the one killed is a doctor : he is not a bad educated guy.
- he was killed in his own home : the door was opened and he was in position of prayer when killed
so the girl said he was raping her but he was with one knife stab in this position
- someone (trustable?) said she said to his boyfriend she bought the knife the day before and that time said she wanted to kill someone
- and more important : the typical sickness of Iranians who want to go abroad:
the lawyer migrates to Norway and this story helped him to go there
many times this kind of story is used by Iranians to have visas

Another point :
the story of sunni is totally bullshit . created by anti Iranian sicky guys (Egypt religious fanatics i was reading)
if you go to communautary websites and check the news (independent not press tv stuff or worst)
there are many points about this story:
- she is 19yo and she said she was at his home (the guy killed) for interior design (lol)
strange for this age. prostitution there?
- the one killed is a doctor : he is not a bad educated guy.
- he was killed in his own home : the door was opened and he was in position of prayer when killed
so the girl said he was raping her but he was with one knife stab in this position
- someone (trustable?) said she said to his boyfriend she bought the knife the day before and that time said she wanted to kill someone
- and more important : the typical sickness of Iranians who want to go abroad:
the lawyer migrates to Norway and this story helped him to go there
many times this kind of story is used by Iranians to have visas

Another point :
the story of sunni is totally bullshit . created by anti Iranian sicky guys (Egypt religious fanatics i was reading)
I still don't understand why she would intentionally kill an intelligence officer despite knowing that she would definitely get in trouble. She was brainwashed by someone? What do you think? If her boyfriend or anyone closer to her knew that she was going to kill someone, why would he/she let her do it? I don't find the part about she being an interior designer surprising. Many people just do a basic part of a specialist field without qualifications while at the same time they call themselves with some fancy title.

I haven't seen anything related to that sunni story.

Why are you being so thick headed? Swallow your useless pride and open your eyes. It's not her job to prove her innocence, it's the job of the prosecutors to prove she was guilty and in iran they will decide she's guilty if they want to regardless of the facts anyway. Let's be frank though, you're trying to save face and protect Iran's nonexistent image. Life of a woman under this shia taliban leadership isn't worth **** all. You can make all the excuses in the book and embarrass yourself and tarnish your own character by being complicit in the murder of this woman, but the world knows the truth.
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I still don't understand why she would intentionally kill an intelligence officer despite knowing that she would definitely get in trouble. She was brainwashed by someone? What do you think? If her boyfriend or anyone closer to her knew that she was going to kill someone, why would he/she let her do it? I don't find the part about she being an interior designer surprising. Many people just do a basic part of a specialist field without qualifications while at the same time they call themselves with some fancy title.

I haven't seen anything related to that sunni story.
for the sunni stuff it is even in this topic.

for the story. you get 100 times more on farsi pages than non farsi.
the story of intelligence officer ... some people said his son said he was a long time ago a non official
and that's all.

i don't know about her. but about him it is clear for something: he was doing his prayer when he was killed.
he was stabed once and that's enough to kill him

why she was there and the door opened? mystery clearly.
nobody knows what are their relations. but her story of him trying to rape her when she was killing him
is not only clearly a lie but it is an insult to the family who was very very upset against her
one of them didn't forgive her ... so it explains why she got executed (the son didn't forgive her)

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