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Iran hails turning point in nuclear talks


Dec 31, 2012
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Iran hails turning point in nuclear talks

Six-nation group offers concessions including sanctions relief in return for acceptance of limits on uranium enrichment.


Saeed Jalili, Iran's chief nuclear negotiator, in Almaty. Photograph: Stanislav Filippov/AFP/Getty Images

Iran has declared that negotiations with a group of world powers have reached a "turning point" after it was offered a series of concessions, including sanctions relief on gold and petrochemical exports, in return for acceptance of limits on uranium enrichment.

Two days of talks in the Kazakh city of Almaty between Iran and a six-nation negotiating group ended on Wednesday with an agreement to hold further meetings aimed at finalising a deal.

In return for a limited relaxation of sanctions, the six-nation group – the US, UK, France, Germany, Russia and China – maintained its insistence that Iran stop making 20%-enriched uranium, which is relatively easy to turn into weapons-grade material.

However, it relaxed its demand that all of Iran's stockpile of about 170kg of 20%-enriched uranium should be shipped out of the country, allowing Iran to retain enough to fuel a research reactor in Tehran.

The six powers also softened the stipulation put forward at a series of abortive meetings last year that an underground enrichment plant at Fordow, in central Iran, should be shut down.
In Almaty the Iranians were asked only to "reduce the readiness" of Fordow while accepting more intrusive monitoring of the facility by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), a western diplomat said.

Other officials said enrichment at Fordow would have to be suspended and demonstrable steps taken to ensure it could not be quickly restarted.

The main financial and oil sanctions on Iran would stay in place, but sanctions relief on gold and other precious metals would allow it to sidestep some banking restrictions. The ability to export petrochemical products would allow it to boost foreign currency earnings and potentially increase its domestic oil refining capacity.

The chief of the Iranian delegation, Saeed Jalili, welcomed the offer, saying: "We consider these talks a positive step which could be completed by taking a positive and constructive approach and taking reciprocal steps … We believe this is a turning point."

Nuclear experts from all sides are due to meet in Istanbul on 18 March to hammer out details of the proposal, and another meeting of senior diplomats in Almaty is scheduled for 5 April.

A western diplomat said: "I think we now have traction to get into proper detailed negotiations. This is the first time we have put sanctions relief on the table. Its more than a gesture, it's sending a message. We have shown we are listening and are serious without giving up the major lever we have, which is the oil embargo."

The diplomat said a deal on Iran's 20% uranium could open the way to a more comprehensive agreement later on in which the oil and financial sanctions could be lifted in return for permanent limits on Iran's nuclear programme and robust IAEA monitoring.

"It's more for less," said Shashank Joshi, the author of a study on the Iranian nuclear negotiations, The Permanent Crisis. "It's offering more sanctions relief and asking less of Iran, which is a move in the right direction that many of us have been calling for. What is just as important is the Iranian reaction. They are talking in the same terms about the same things rather than just putting forward diametrically opposed positions."

Iran hails turning point in nuclear talks | World news | guardian.co.uk
Thar's great news - India's go between involvement may have helped too.
With oil embargo Iran would be kaput, hence they have decided to compromise.
Because that was the trump card of the west.
With oil embargo Iran would be kaput, hence they have decided to compromise.
Because that was the trump card of the west.

Perhaps..but it would have also without any doubt gone fully nuclear for sure...thats the trump card of Iran..
Revive your economy. Keep researching and build conventional force with modern weapons. You won't need nukes.
Kerry says Iran talks useful, hopes Tehran will engage

US Secretary of State John Kerry said on Wednesday that two days of nuclear talks between Iran and world powers had been useful and said a serious engagement by Iran could lead to a longer-term, comprehensive agreement.

Kerry, who was in Paris meeting the French president and his counterpart Laurent Fabius during a tour of Europe, repeated that Washington was ready to hold bilateral talks with Iran. (Reuters)

Kerry says Iran talks useful, hopes Tehran will engage - Israel News, Ynetnews
Sanction reliefs?! Are you kidding me?! ALL SANCTIONS must be lifted if we are to limit the enrichment! They have to invest in our oil fields and import more oil from us because of the damages they've caused to our economy!
A relevant /r/polandball comic


LOL, nice. :P

In case anyone is wondering what the Chinese text says, here is it: "取得最后胜利。"

(Meaning = Acquired the final victory).
Sanction reliefs?! Are you kidding me?! ALL SANCTIONS must be lifted if we are to limit the enrichment! They have to invest in our oil fields and import more oil from us because of the damages they've caused to our economy!

That's show how much our government are stupid.what's difference if we would made a deal with them a decade ago? there was no sanction and no damage that time and there were no worry and no need and try to relief of sanction. now after all these years with taking many damage and being under sanction. you try to make deal to stop enriching uranium to relief of sanction and they don't wanna do that because you haven't upper hand and you are not in a position to make a fair dealing.

God never forgive khamenei and his hot head guys like Ahmadinejad. all Sober people knew what's going on. The reformists and Previous government knew what's going on. but some idiot couldn't understand it. khamenei and his pro are responsible for the situation.
@Uhuhu Buddy, if you have given up at that time, they would have got the upper edge. Now instead of zero-sum game, this is Quid Pro Quo situation.

Opposing sanctions then and dealing with it and making them to come to diplomatic channel is a good move. Your coming generation will look up to you that you stood against the most powerful nation in the world and even in dire circumstance didn't give up the national pride.

I know it doesn't sound rational, but in life span of nations, a decade is not a big time. You can jump back to revive your economy but during the sanction time you have built robust domestic industries in many sectors.

Sometimes it is about sending a message to opposition that no matter how bad our situation will be, we won't be bullied. Talk with us with reason and have bilateral agreement rather than ordering us what to do or not.

LOL, nice. :P
In case anyone is wondering what the Chinese text says, here is it: "取得最后胜利。"
(Meaning = Acquired the final victory).
Where is India ? :undecided:

We were also with Iran during this tough times. We also showed West the middle finger for our economic, strategic and cultural ties with Iran.

Just Kidding, we don't need any applause because we did it for our national interest. I will be more happy if all sanctions are lifted from Iran as soon as possible. :enjoy:
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@Uhuhu Buddy, if you have given up at that time, they would have got the upper edge. Now instead of zero-sum game, this is Quid Pro Quo situation.

Opposing sanctions then and dealing with it and making them to come to diplomatic channel is a good move. Your coming generation will look up to you that you stood against the most powerful nation in the world and even in dire circumstance didn't give up the national pride.

I know it doesn't sound rational, but in life span of nations, a decade is not a big time. You can jump back to revive your economy but during the sanction time you have built robust domestic industries in many sectors.

Sometimes it is about sending a message to opposition that no matter how bad our situation will be, we won't be bullied. Talk with us with reason and have bilateral agreement rather than ordering us what to do or not.

Where is India ? :undecided:

We were also with Iran during this tough times. We also showed West the middle finger for our economic, strategic and cultural ties with Iran.

Just Kidding, we don't need any applause because we did it for our national interest. I will be more happy if all sanctions are lifted from Iran as soon as possible. :enjoy:

how they would have got the upper edge?
actually at that time we had the upper edge, because we could get good gifts instead of limiting enriching uranium. but now we are trying to stop it instead of Sanction reliefs and trying to live in a normal situation like the past.

I'm not gonna say it's not our right. absolutely it's our right and it shows how much they are jerk and unjust. we had proven many times how much we are tough people like the war in 80's.
honor, humanity all are good stuff, but rationality is more important. in a war you have to defend your country, your people and their opinion, at this situation both tell you to do that because enemy is targeting your existing.

but in this case. it was just act like an stupid. when our nuclear program revealed by some traitors, it's over. we were not in a position to stand against US and Europe.we should first work on our economy and science to be one of the strong one in the world and then again working on nuclear program and shouldn't give them an excuse like we wanna wiped out Israel or yelling and insulting like idiot people. even if you have such goal, you shouldn't reveal it.

but now, it just made cost for the country and we are trying to just turn back the situation to the past. it's not honor, it's Stupidity.

India can invading by nuclear bombs to the US and They will suffer heavy casualties.... hence US wiped India out from the map.
but I assure you, we will say how much Indian people were brave, and .. such a glory ...etc. do u believe it? why you are not gonna do that?
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@Uhuhu Actually I have mentioned the same thing in different thread regarding nuclear program. Iran should stop nuclear program for few decades, develop its economy, get more conventional fire power and if it wants civil nuclear plant, it can give contract to US itself.

P.S. I like your rational arguments. Keep posting more.
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