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Iran gives JCPOA parties 60 days before reducing further commitments

the process to leave NPT take 6 month

by the way some Guys here talk as if making nuke was part of the plan

You don’t spend over $100 billion dollars to build a massive nuclear program for “peaceful” energy that is absurd. Iran was racing to build a nuke before Iraq and then Saddam fell in ‘03 and Iran stopped work due to political climate.

Plus in next 50 years, nuclear fusion might be a reality rather than fission. There will be options for “alternative” energy sources. Not to mention Iran is sitting on one of the largest natural gas reserves in the world.
This is a good move. Step by step closer towards building nukes. We should leave NPT just 1 day before testing the nuke, not earlier. From strategic p.o.v we can blame the enemy till the last moment.
General staff of Iran's armed forces, in a statement, has supported Rouhani administration's decision to reduce some nuclear commitments under the JCPOA, saying that "any possible moves by the enemies will face a regrettable response."

Sepah Pasdaran and Armed Forces is ready. Quds force is on stand-by. Missiles have been pointed, troops are on alert, and proxies are sitting by their ignition systems. All it needs is the big red button to be pressed upon the orders of SL. I still think war is unlikely, but if Iran is not prepared, she will be attacked for sure.
OK if these crazy muzzies try to go nuclear, We will kill every last one of them.

Yankee you've no information or intelligence about our region. It's the power of nationalism which will unite Iranians, not abrahamic fairytales which have brainwashed and enslaved your recent created country.

General staff of Iran's armed forces, in a statement, has supported Rouhani administration's decision to reduce some nuclear commitments under the JCPOA, saying that "any possible moves by the enemies will face a regrettable response."

Sepah Pasdaran and Armed Forces is ready. Quds force is on stand-by. Missiles have been pointed, troops are on alert, and proxies are sitting by their ignition systems. All it needs is the big red button to be pressed upon the orders of SL. I still think war is unlikely, but if Iran is not prepared, she will be attacked for sure.
All should prepare, oil price should jump to 200-300 dollars a barrel in case of war. Thousands of independent acting guerilla teams of each 3/4 persons should be spread over whole Iran, being armed with snipers and ATGM's in case of a invasion scenario, to extend the war as long as possible. Chemical weapons should also be made ready for worse case scenario.

Millions of refugees from Afghanistan should be transfered towards Europe and heroin and opium traffickers should be completely left free and even assisted by Iranian police, army, intelligence to move towards Europe.
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Its a nice idea that one could perhaps force the us and europe to break ranks and for europe to put its own interests first for once,but its a pipe dream,the euros have been us vassals for just too long,over 70 years in fact almost the span of a human lifetime,to start putting their own interests first,sadly they will do whatever they`re told to do no matter what the cost to them because that is simply a vassals lot,indeed one only has to look at all of the considerable economic costs that the sanctions have inflicted upon them as well.

It has to be tried. At this point the only direction is more escalation, not less. As I said, it's the easiest option and doesn't really cost us anything. Making a breakout right now will not remove the sanctions. Might as well try and get the Europeans on-board, and steadily escalate if they don't. A breakout would probably be better in a Democrat presidency anyway, not when Bolton is in this erratic administration.

The notion that once Trump is gone the next U.S. administration would simply remove all sanction without wanting anything in return is IDIOTIC!

Well every Democrat candidate so far has said they would return to the JCPOA.

And this time around the Americans have restarted the sanction regime back up and lucky for them they have an idiotic Iranian president that wants to do nothing in response?

As you saw today, a response has been made and further escalation has been laid out.

And you think this is NOT Rohani's fault? Come on man! I voted for the guy but this is just foolish!

No, you come on. I don't give a damn about Rouhani. He can't even run in the next election. No-one could have foreseen Trump. I am not falling into the American trap of blaming ourselves for America's doing.

Today Iran is being punished as if we have already cross the threshold and built, tested, stocked & even threatened others with nukes and now we are being punished for it and the Americans have overplayed their sanction card to a point that if we started building nukes today or even start a regional war there would be no sanction card as worse as sanctioning Iranian oil left that they can pressure Iran with.

So for them the only way their idiotic strategy could potentially work for them is if Iran sits around and does nothing in response to U.S. sanction and we continue to allow EU to play the Rohani administration as fools that they are.

You are mistaking the relatively pragmatic Obama administration with the unhinged and maximalist Trump administration. If we went to 20,000 centrifuges tomorrow, the sanctions would still be in place. Nothing we do with this administration will get them to come to the table. There is no negotiating with this administration.

So we bide our time and take action on our own terms, in our own time. It's not my decision, but my observation is that Iran is trying to get the parties to stick to the JCPOA. And you know Rouhani will have had Khamenei's approval to do that. The tipping point is the 2020 US election. That is when the JCPOA's fate will finally be decided. If it's a Democrat who wants to return to the JCPOA unconditionally, pas hichi. If they want to weasel more concessions out of Iran, we'll be back to a 2007-13 situation. If it's Trump again, Iran will go above and beyond 2013 and could damn well leave the NPT. The JCPOA will be dead and buried.

Don't come back to me saying we need to take action, action, action. There has to be a reason for doing it NOW, or in six months, or next year. Because so far there is a clear plan, and the time for decisive action is set at 2021.
you were the fool who accepts such deals .
Deal was good enough to make the american go nuts and withdraw from it next to bibi .... the nuclear deal ain't the only international agreement that has been violated by yankess many have been passed by congress but the american got out from them all anyway from UNESCO, INF treaty,NAFTA,UNHRC to Paris & so on ... while the JCPOA was endorsed by UNSCR 2231 which its implementation is mandatory for all countries ..
The problem lies in international law or the way it is enforced .. the same people whom destroyed Iraq back in 2003 by false claims and lies now has returned to the power ... so the failure of international community to bring them to the court of law is the reason .. 'cause they feel no consequence for their actions ...
It has to be tried. At this point the only direction is more escalation, not less. As I said, it's the easiest option and doesn't really cost us anything. Making a breakout right now will not remove the sanctions. Might as well try and get the Europeans on-board, and steadily escalate if they don't. A breakout would probably be better in a Democrat presidency anyway, not when Bolton is in this erratic administration.

Well every Democrat candidate so far has said they would return to the JCPOA.

As you saw today, a response has been made and further escalation has been laid out.

No, you come on. I don't give a damn about Rouhani. He can't even run in the next election. No-one could have foreseen Trump. I am not falling into the American trap of blaming ourselves for America's doing.

You are mistaking the relatively pragmatic Obama administration with the unhinged and maximalist Trump administration. If we went to 20,000 centrifuges tomorrow, the sanctions would still be in place. Nothing we do with this administration will get them to come to the table. There is no negotiating with this administration.

So we bide our time and take action on our own terms, in our own time. It's not my decision, but my observation is that Iran is trying to get the parties to stick to the JCPOA. And you know Rouhani will have had Khamenei's approval to do that. The tipping point is the 2020 US election. That is when the JCPOA's fate will finally be decided. If it's a Democrat who wants to return to the JCPOA unconditionally, pas hichi. If they want to weasel more concessions out of Iran, we'll be back to a 2007-13 situation. If it's Trump again, Iran will go above and beyond 2013 and could damn well leave the NPT. The JCPOA will be dead and buried.

Don't come back to me saying we need to take action, action, action. There has to be a reason for doing it NOW, or in six months, or next year. Because so far there is a clear plan, and the time for decisive action is set at 2021.

I agree with your assessment. Iran has ground wins in its back pockets. Recent sanctions on Iran Ian metal industries are aimed to get workers pissed off rebel. IRAN NEEDs to utilize the available market demand in Syria and Iraq to produce more metal products and grow the industry. There are way too many people not paying taxes, Iran needs to crackdown on that. Iran needs to crack down on corruption and do w/e it takes to ensure the production is not stopped. Iran needs to get the f**k off carbon economy as soon as possible. Iraq is al customer of Iranian products and the produce oil which means they have cash to buy Iranian goods and services. This is the golden opportunity however there is no time to relax on backbone of military might. This is the time to grow and become a superpower or die.
Well every Democrat candidate so far has said they would return to the JCPOA.

No, they have said they would return to JCPOA but still want a side agreement to curtail Iran’s activities. BIG DIFFERENCE.

Good cop, Bad cop strategy. Don’t be naive.

This level of sanctions requires approval from Deep State of US Government and you have a more than willing Congress Who supports these measures.

Even under Obama, Congress was against the deal. A Big Red Flag. If it couldn’t become a treaty, Iran should have NEVER signed it.
It has to be tried. At this point the only direction is more escalation, not less. As I said, it's the easiest option and doesn't really cost us anything. Making a breakout right now will not remove the sanctions. Might as well try and get the Europeans on-board, and steadily escalate if they don't. A breakout would probably be better in a Democrat presidency anyway, not when Bolton is in this erratic administration.

Well every Democrat candidate so far has said they would return to the JCPOA.

As you saw today, a response has been made and further escalation has been laid out.

No, you come on. I don't give a damn about Rouhani. He can't even run in the next election. No-one could have foreseen Trump. I am not falling into the American trap of blaming ourselves for America's doing.

You are mistaking the relatively pragmatic Obama administration with the unhinged and maximalist Trump administration. If we went to 20,000 centrifuges tomorrow, the sanctions would still be in place. Nothing we do with this administration will get them to come to the table. There is no negotiating with this administration.

So we bide our time and take action on our own terms, in our own time. It's not my decision, but my observation is that Iran is trying to get the parties to stick to the JCPOA. And you know Rouhani will have had Khamenei's approval to do that. The tipping point is the 2020 US election. That is when the JCPOA's fate will finally be decided. If it's a Democrat who wants to return to the JCPOA unconditionally, pas hichi. If they want to weasel more concessions out of Iran, we'll be back to a 2007-13 situation. If it's Trump again, Iran will go above and beyond 2013 and could damn well leave the NPT. The JCPOA will be dead and buried.

Don't come back to me saying we need to take action, action, action. There has to be a reason for doing it NOW, or in six months, or next year. Because so far there is a clear plan, and the time for decisive action is set at 2021.

The U.S. economy is in a $22 Trillion USD debt so despite the propaganda they and their media put out to keep their stock market afloat in truth they are living in a glass castle that could shatter by a single major idiotic mistake like going to war with a country that could shut off 1/4 of the worlds oil supply so I have no worry about idiots like John Bolton!

If Iran is going to simply put it's hands up and cover it's face every time it's faced with a bully then Iran will get bullied every time! And if the policy of bulling Iran proves effective to any extent then it would be idiotic for any Pragmatic U.S. administration not to use the same type of tactic when dealing with Iran so what Iran does now has nothing to do with negotiations with the Trump administration and more to do with how the next administration will behave!

And you call what Rohani did a Response???? U.S. doesn't renew the sanction waiver that allows Iran to send enriched uranium to Russia for fuel and in return Iran say's if we are not allowed to do that then we'll just stock up at home rather than shut down our enrichment process and you call that a freaking response? When your only other option is to shut down your enrichment activities than that's not really a response, that's a forced defense maneuver you take simply because your only other option is surrender!

Yankee you've no information or intelligence about our region. It's the power of nationalism which will unite Iranians, not abrahamic fairytales which have brainwashed and enslaved your recent created country.

All should prepare, oil price should jump to 200-300 dollars a barrel in case of war. Thousands of independent acting guerilla teams of each 3/4 persons should be spread over whole Iran, being armed with snipers and ATGM's in case of a invasion scenario, to extend the war as long as possible. Chemical weapons should also be made ready for worse case scenario.

Millions of refugees from Afghanistan should be transfered towards Europe and heroin and opium traffickers should be completely left free and even assisted by Iranian police, army, intelligence to move towards Europe.

My response to these chest thumping :guns::usflag:stronkians:usflag::guns: who seem to be under the delusion that iran somehow needs western :police: "permission":police: to go nuclear or that the west somehow gets a say in irans strategic defence needs is usually:azn::"Oh,you mean like the way you stopped the dprk from becoming a nuclear armed state?,or the way you prevented it from developing irbms and icbms that could reach your bases in the region and even your largest cities in north america?....oh yeah!..thats right,you didnt!":no:
For some reason they always seem to forget this little piece of history,I dont know why either.:smart:
I agree with your assessment. Iran has ground wins in its back pockets. Recent sanctions on Iran Ian metal industries are aimed to get workers pissed off rebel. IRAN NEEDs to utilize the available market demand in Syria and Iraq to produce more metal products and grow the industry. There are way too many people not paying taxes, Iran needs to crackdown on that. Iran needs to crack down on corruption and do w/e it takes to ensure the production is not stopped. Iran needs to get the f**k off carbon economy as soon as possible. Iraq is al customer of Iranian products and the produce oil which means they have cash to buy Iranian goods and services. This is the golden opportunity however there is no time to relax on backbone of military might. This is the time to grow and become a superpower or die.

One thing I left out was the importance of interdependence between Iran, Iraq and Syria. In order for these countries to succeed in reshaping the middle East, they need to realize the opportunities and maximize them.

In addition, Iran has improved relation with other neighbors such as Pakistan, Turkey, Qatar and Oman. Between these countries alone, a strong Middle East can be formed that is safe, full of growth opportunities and advanced in all scientific and industrial fields such as medicine, farming, green energy, communication ,transportation, and space.
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