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Iran Gets Green Light For Naval Base in Syria

which port ??
I think Iran interested in Baniyas port.
or Lattakia.

or somewhere b/w these two cities
We can deploy these systems immediately :
AD systems


Missile units :
Fateh-110's family. Anti ship BM and surface to surface anti radiation and ordinary ballistic version.
F-110 :

Anti ship Khalije Fars :

Anti radar Hormoz-1 :

Surface to surface Zolfiqar :

Anti sub torpedo Hoot :

Naval forces :
A group of Jamaran-1-2-3

Khark class Helicopter carrier and supporter unit

They can immediately be deployed. Suez channel will be their passage way to Syria's port in Lattakia.

I hope this happens asap.
Does Iran have the economy resources and Industrial capacity to maintain a military base offshore in such a sensitive region?
Does Iran have the economy resources and Industrial capacity to maintain a military base offshore in such a sensitive region?
Operating it is not the problem we can do that , but honestly I rather we went after an airport for something like difference base and drone base .
Does Iran have the economy resources and Industrial capacity to maintain a military base offshore in such a sensitive region?
Of course we do.
My post was just based on conjectures, not official claimant. Those suggested stuff can be sent within days, if there was a political agreement between Iran and Syria.
Operating it is not the problem we can do that , but honestly I rather we went after an airport for something like difference base and drone base .
Drones are an other possibility but even the smallest base needs some defensive equipment like air defense systems. We have no treaty with USA or other states to respect their bullshit balance of power in that region. So we can deploy anything that Syrian army and government approves and agrees with. We are responsive only to Syrians

We have to go for this, and defend Syria from foreign invasion, a vital decision
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