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Iran FM arrives in Islamabad to attend OIC Afghanistan Summit

Afganistan is a terrorist country. It is becoming threat for global peace again. OIC should take stance, enhance military capabilities and eliminate terrorism from afganistan.

You have become a true joker, haven't you? Both mentally and physically.
So far Taliban has been successful in controlling insuergency and also fighting ISIS terrorists inside Afghan territories.

They need support from OIC, it is a duty of OIC to help them stabilize Afghanistan.
Are they hauling TTP???
They greatly sympathize with TTP. Hight time for Pakistan to conduct drone strikes on their leadership, then take out hardened core, then may be misguided ones could be reducated and assimilated.
Taliban have to provide support to pakistan to eliminate TTP from. Afghanistan.
Are they hauling TTP???
They greatly sympathize with TTP. Hight time for Pakistan to conduct drone strikes on their leadership, then take out hardened core, then may be misguided ones could be reducated and assimilated.
Taliban have to provide support to pakistan to eliminate TTP from. Afghanistan.
Key word bro, Negotiate.
IMCTC should assist, it will help Afghanistan and neighbours, and will help to change / remove negative perception of Afghanistan.
IMCTC should assist, it will help Afghanistan and neighbours, and will help to change / remove negative perception of Afghanistan.

Location of HQ : Riyadh

I think that Sauds are a part of problem not the solution here.
Million dollar question, did these two meet ????

Won't work everywhere mate. This Western mindset about economic prosperity and democracy all over the globe is the core of the problem. Just let people be. Let them live the way they want as long it does not harm others.

Western mindset is "Basic Human Rights" for all, while democracy is far from being a priority.

If majority of any country want Kingdom or dictatorship, then be it so, but no compromise should be done upon the Basic Human Rights.

And the situation of Basic Human Rights is in front of us in the Afghanistan of Taliban (and even in countries like Pakistan and Iran itself which is ruled by religious dictatorship).

All of them want to have the right to preach their religion in the West, but don't allow others to preach their own ideologies and let people to convert to any religion that they want.

These double standards are not going to be ignored by the world, and sooner of later they will be declared as extremists in the whole world.
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