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Iran fires mortar shells into Pakistan: Report

I'm against any war, but the Iranians that I know(not talking about some small group) they will fight to the last one in any war.

I'm not defending India, just bringing up some possibilities.
Fighting till annihilation,till the destruction of your country is not a wise decision. You can't win a war against rogue nuclear nation like pakistan
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Time to teach a hard lesson to Iran our stupid friendship policy hurting us

Iranian are seriously trying to push their luck. Pakistan can be the greatest friend but we can also make their lives miserable. Iran seriously needs to revaluate its priorities considering saudis are waiting for such an opportunity.

Iran is testing our patience



How many times have the Americans murdered dozens of your soldiers and you've done nothing.....

when you are poor and weak, it's best to just bend over and ...
Hahaha. Tell me about your 5th gen fighter made by high school students

/you run out of words and you want troll . who said or announced Qaher is 5th Gen fighter plane, i mean apart from few Turkish and western media propaganda outfits did any Iranianofficial said anything about 5th Gen .
Dear not only KSA but USA and Israel are more serious and believe me in future if Pakistan facilitates USA utterly due to Irani hostile acts then they shall blame Pak to be anti Islamic as they are calling KSA.

Now Iran is openly helping Houtis as previously they were denying such acts.

One can only pray that sanity prevails in Irani law makers.
AFAIK is actually anti Islamic,the Islam I know is against wars especially war against other Islam,look KSA,the sole nation responsible for present day wahabi terrorism,in my opinion Pakistan is more Islamic than KSA.
/you run out of words and you want troll . who said or announced Qaher is 5th Gen fighter plane, i mean apart from few Turkish and western media propaganda outfits did any Iranianofficial said anything about 5th Gen .

Just ignore him, please. He wants to start a troll fest.
AFAIK is actually anti Islamic,the Islam I know is against wars especially war against other Islam,look KSA,the sole nation responsible for present day wahabi terrorism,in my opinion Pakistan is more Islamic than KSA.

I am sorry but I do not consider either Iran or KSA as Islamic states as both are sectarian states claiming to be Islamic. However blame of spreading sectarian violence is more on shoulders of Iranis. They know better what they and their allies have done in Lebanon, Syria, Behrain and in Yemen.
Pakistan was once the battle ground for ideologies of both KSA and Iran. Thankfully though we still have their moles in our country still their terrorists are suppressed by government. This process was started especially by Musharaf ( though I disagree with his many acts).
Pakistan has always declared it as an Islamic estate despite having Sunni majority.
Fighting till annihilation,till the destruction of your country is not a wise decision. You can't win a war against rogue nuclear nation like pakistan
I agree but when one of your family member is dead in a war you won't let your enemy go, you go for him or you die. That's what Iranian are made of(most of them).
Look at 8 years war against Iraq, Iran had nothing but soldiers.


How many times have the Americans murdered dozens of your soldiers and you've done nothing.....

when you are poor and weak, it's best to just bend over and ...

Population: 9,498,700
Independence: 25 August 1991

Population: 332,529
Independence: 17 June 1944

Countries with population less than a town in my country, huh, dont tell us what to do.
[QUOTE="Iranm, post: 9501202, member: 184316"]I agree but when one of your family member is dead in a war you won't let your enemy go, you go for him or you die. That's what Iranian are made of(most of them).[/QUOTE]
I will try to save rest of my family members first.
Anyway any conventional war between Iran Pakistan will results in destruction of Iranian military,which will results in destruction of Shia regime. Pakistan doesn't have the resources to invade Iran, so common men need not to arm themselves to fight. I think pakistan will not use theirs nuclear weapons against Iran in the event of war.
Population: 9,498,700
Independence: 25 August 1991

Population: 332,529
Independence: 17 June 1944

Countries with population less than a town in my country, huh, dont tell us what to do.

Great logic..... you'd rather have 200 million population and humiliated every day, or be a small country and hold your head high?
I am sorry but I do not consider either Iran or KSA as Islamic states as both are sectarian states claiming to be Islamic. However blame of spreading sectarian violence is more on shoulders of Iranis. They know better what they and their allies have done in Lebanon, Syria, Behrain and in Yemen.
Pakistan was once the battle ground for ideologies of both KSA and Iran. Thankfully though we still have their moles in our country still their terrorists are suppressed by government. This process was started especially by Musharaf ( though I disagree with his many acts).
Pakistan has always declared it as an Islamic estate despite having Sunni majority.
How many shias are murdering eery year and how many Sunnis are murdering every year in terrorists acts,then you will get those answer who is less evil. Statistics says Iran is less evil compares to ksa., though uncle Sam may not agree with me here.
[QUOTE="Iranm, post: 9501202, member: 184316"]I agree but when one of your family member is dead in a war you won't let your enemy go, you go for him or you die. That's what Iranian are made of(most of them).
I will try to save rest of my family members first.
Anyway any conventional war between Iran Pakistan will results in destruction of Iranian military,which will results in destruction of Shia regime. Pakistan doesn't have the resources to invade Iran, so common men need not to arm themselves to fight. I think pakistan will not use theirs nuclear weapons against Iran in the event of war.[/QUOTE]

saudis will fund pak like crazy in an event like this
Logic is that, dont tell us how to handle our matters.

LOL.... I was just laughing. You are a nobody for me to tell what to do..... and you make me laugh even more..... I mean you are taking yourself seriously?

You did an internet search to see when Belarus and Iceland became independent! LOL
When did your "country" become independent?
Who made your country? England?

LOL... I would saying feeding your people is more important than having misplaced pride!
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