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Featured Iran expresses readiness to accept Pakistani investment in Chabahar


Jan 5, 2020
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
United Kingdom
slamabad, Oct 21, IRNA -- Islamic Republic of Iran has announced its readiness to accept the investment from Pakistani businessmen and companies in Chabahar Special Economic Zone, Mirjaveh and the new Rimdan border crossing.

Mandana Zanganeh, the deputy governor of the southeastern province of Sistan and Baluchestan for economic affairs said this while heading an Iranian delegation at a two-day meeting of the Pakistan-Iran Joint Border Trade Committee in Quetta on Wednesday.

"Chabahar, Mirjaveh and Rimdan of Iran are open to Pakistani investors," she said.

She also emphasized on launching of new border crossings between Iran and Pakistan, especially "Rimdan-Gabd" gate next month.
The official added there are suitable and productive capacities between the two countries, especially Sistan and Baluchestan province and Baluchestan province and we must seize these opportunities, especially in the areas of transport, trade and tourism.

The head of the Iranian delegation proposed to increase the customs working hours at the Mirjaveh-Taftan border checkpoint to 12 hours per day from November 1, 2020 and increase it to 24 hours in the next three months, which was welcomed by the Pakistani side.

slamabad, Oct 21, IRNA -- Islamic Republic of Iran has announced its readiness to accept the investment from Pakistani businessmen and companies in Chabahar Special Economic Zone, Mirjaveh and the new Rimdan border crossing.

Mandana Zanganeh, the deputy governor of the southeastern province of Sistan and Baluchestan for economic affairs said this while heading an Iranian delegation at a two-day meeting of the Pakistan-Iran Joint Border Trade Committee in Quetta on Wednesday.

"Chabahar, Mirjaveh and Rimdan of Iran are open to Pakistani investors," she said.

She also emphasized on launching of new border crossings between Iran and Pakistan, especially "Rimdan-Gabd" gate next month.
The official added there are suitable and productive capacities between the two countries, especially Sistan and Baluchestan province and Baluchestan province and we must seize these opportunities, especially in the areas of transport, trade and tourism.

The head of the Iranian delegation proposed to increase the customs working hours at the Mirjaveh-Taftan border checkpoint to 12 hours per day from November 1, 2020 and increase it to 24 hours in the next three months, which was welcomed by the Pakistani side.

I have no doubt that Chabahar will be the focus as Gawadar becomes more mature. Plenty of chicken for everyone! Especially since Chabahar has now become non-political.
I have no doubt that Chabahar will be the focus as Gawadar becomes more mature. Plenty of chicken for everyone! Especially since Chabahar has now become non-political.

Chahbahar and Gawadar need to become sister ports and connected as part of Iran-Pakistan and China trilateral partnership. Nothing should be allowed to hinder this. These three counties between them have everything they need to form major economical developments in Iran, Pakistan and even China itself . All the ingredient are there, from natural resources, human resources, finance etc.
Gwadar and now Chabahar is practically a Chinese baby as they are the one putting in the major investment. China by using diplomacy and investment has captured the whole of Arabian sea coastline in the region, thus providing China twin marine outlets for CPEC.

This is how peaceful expansionism should work, unlike the USA who just play havoc in every region it sets foot in. This will increase Chinese stack/influence in south Asia and the middle east and will be beneficial for both Pakistan and Iran.

I can now see a permanent Chinese military presence and maybe a naval base in the Arabian sea, as everyone has a right to protect its investment. The only downside is that it will not play well within the Arab-Pak equation.
Yeah as soon as all of Sunni sistan-balochistani land is given to Pakistan in order to protect the sunni minorities there. Iran just plays a double game. When Pakistan is down they hit us hard but when they are down they expect our help.
Pardon my ignorance but what money does our rag tag country has to invest in Iran?? Am I living on a different planet or all of sudden this topi drama filled corrupt Establishment has spare money to spend in another country??
Pakistan needs to control energy. I'm not sure if localizing energy production (via coal) is totally feasible, so we need an arrangement with another country that brings our energy costs to $0. If that means an IPI where we get gas for a lower cost and can charge a toll fee for gas going to India, then we'll probably need to consider it. Otherwise, if Pakistani companies are going to invest, then it should be in Iran's oil and gas sector. We can use the remittances / earnings of that FDI to fund our energy needs.

Pardon my ignorance but what money does our rag tag country has to invest in Iran?? Am I living on a different planet or all of sudden this topi drama filled corrupt Establishment has spare money to spend in another country??
I think the target for FDI is our private sector. That said, our private and public sector can look at investing in Iran's oil and gas if it results in securing our energy needs. Not too different from what the US and Europe will look to do. We just need to convince Iran that us getting a hand on their oil and gas has more to do with our survival than colonization. We can cut a fair deal.

Basically, let's look at synergistic investment.

We buy into their oil and gas.

They buy construction services, labour services, etc from us.

We share / co-invest in manufacturing high-tech products like cars, powerplants, electronics, etc, and split the work-share, profits, and other value/benefits. Basically, set-up multi-national Irani-Pakistani businesses. In turn, those new multi-nationals can enter Afghanistan and stabilize that country and, from there, move into Central Asia.

The big problem here is that schemes like this require sincere and competent leadership that may be lacking across Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan. Too many weak links in the chain.
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Chahbahar and Gawadar need to become sister ports and connected as part of Iran-Pakistan and China trilateral partnership. Nothing should be allowed to hinder this. These three counties between them have everything they need to form major economical developments in Iran, Pakistan and even China itself . All the ingredient are there, from natural resources, human resources, finance etc.

We need more Iranians like you on this forum!

Excellently put!
Thats a positive development, the more Pakistanis get involved in Iran's port, the less influence India will get and moreover Iran too will not have any more reasons to support India or turn a blind eye on Indian sponsored terrorism.
i hope we capitalize.
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