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Iran Executes Two for ‘Perversion

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Arabian Legend

Mar 7, 2012
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Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia
Iran executed two gay men on Sunday for the crime of “perversion” and has sentenced a third individual to death for “insulting the prophet,” according to human rights activists tracking the situation.

The head of Iran’s judiciary department in the northern city of Rasht announced on Sunday that two homosexual men had been executed for “perversion,” which is considered a severe crime under Iran’s hardline Islamic law.

The executions come less than two months after Iranian authorities publicly hanged40 individuals in a two-week period. Iran is executing at least two people a day, according to activists.

Executions in Iran have surged over the past year with well more than 500 being killed for crimes ranging from “waging war against God” to misdemeanor drug charges that would carry minimal penalties in Western countries.

State-sanctioned killings have spiked since the election of Iranian President Hassan Rouhani, who initially vowed to address the issue.

Not much is known about the two men executed over the weekend due to Iranian efforts to sweep such executions under the rug, according to Banafsheh Zand, an Iranian political and human rights activist.

The two men had been held in central prison near Rasht before being killed. The crime of “perversion” is a cover-all under Iran’s hardline brand of Sharia law and typically accounts for offenses that are seen as going “against morality,” according to Zand.

The Iranian Judiciary also upheld the death sentence for a 34-year-old man who was arrested at his home and charged with “insulting the Prophet.”

Rouhollah Tavana was seized by authorities in 2011.

Intelligence officials reportedly “confiscated a private video recording of Tavana on his personal computer, in which while under the influence of alcohol he allegedly uttered a phrase the judge interpreted as insulting the Prophet of Islam,” according to the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran (ICHRI).

ICHRI Executive Director Hadi Ghaemi warned that an “inquisition” is taking place in Iran.

“This is an unbelievable act of inquisition at its worst,” Ghaemi said in a statement.

“The Iranian Judiciary’s insistence on the death sentence calls into question whether these sentences are politically-motivated and intended to confront the wave of international protests against the trend of ever-increasing executions in Iran.”

As the Western world negotiates with Iran over its contested nuclear weapons program, human rights activists warn that the country’s rising execution rate is being ignored.

“When people talk about the nukes, the nukes are a symptom,” said Zand. “The cause is the human rights violations—a regime that is a bloodthirsty human rights violator in and of itself.”

While Iran is known to plan and fund terror attacks across the globe, its biggest target is Muslims, Zand said.

“They can’t even respect other Muslims,” she said. “They’re the bigger targets. Their biggest enemies up to now seem to be Muslims because they kill so many.”

Iran Executes Two for ‘Perversion’ | Washington Free Beacon
do support homosexuals??? no wonder why you have many gays in your countries
so islam is barbaric and the quran??? are muslim or secularists then why you live in islamic country follow sharia and why you love al who follow sharia not you should be against ksa then??
The way Iran executes people is disgusting. Deliberately prolonging the suffering.
Sad that in 2014 this is possible, but for now it is no surprise coming from Iran.

Unfortunately for those in charge, Iran is full of young and educated citizens who will move the country into this century as soon as the dinosaurs are gone.

This is not an Islamic thing, as the vast majority of Muslim countries don't execute based on sexual preference.
These zealots and their dumb supporters with retarded arguments...

Intelligence officials reportedly “confiscated a private video recording of Tavana on his personal computer, in which while under the influence of alcohol he allegedly uttered a phrase the judge interpreted as insulting the Prophet of Islam,” according to the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran (ICHRI).

Isn't it amazing that a random judge has the power to interpret an Iranian member's post here as an insult to the Prophet and hang him from a crane for daily public entertainment which seems the Iranian masses can't get enough.
Support or oppose is non of your business.

Executing people for homosexuality is nothing but a disgusting, barbaric and inhuman act.

We don't tolerate homosexuals in Islam because they're fake liars. There was no homosexuality when people knew the strict laws that were at the time of our Prophet(SAW). The term itself is a lie, people choose to be perverted like that and it's not an thing they're born both like some industrialist anti God people's say. Of course that doesn't mean there isn't an alternative, maybe rehab would work better.
We don't tolerate homosexuals in Islam because they're fake liars. There was no homosexuality when people knew the strict laws that were at the time of our Prophet(SAW). The term itself is a lie, people choose to be perverted like that and it's not an thing they're born both like some industrialist anti God people's say. Of course that doesn't mean there isn't an alternative, maybe rehab would work better.

Listen to yourself FFS. :lol:

You're western-born and talk like you're straight out of a cave in the desert.

Gays have been around since long before Islam was even created.

Cultures much more advanced than yours had gays throuout society.
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