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Iran ends cooperation agreement with Pakistan

Pakistan doesn't really care what Iran does. After iranis repeatedly violated our borders and killed our soldier, I am against any cooperation with them.

We must not go ahead with IP pipeline and invite International hostility, Iran doesn't care its already under sanctions.

Yeah you dont need to cooperate with anyone. India is attacking us, Afghanistan is attacking us, Iran is attacking us, USA is attacking us. China is our friend but they will not do anything about people attacking us. We are so pure breed and innocent that every country want to misuse our innocence against us. We are helpless. We are Pakistani and we just support terrorism we are not terrorists.....:flood::flood::flood::flood::flood:
Its better to avoid dealing with a country that is sanctioned and aggressive

We have plenty other options on the table.

- The TAPI Pipeline (Turkministan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India)

- LNG deal with Qatar which will develop terminals in Gwadar and Karachi

- The extraction of domestic Shale Oil and Gas currently valued world's 7th largest in reserves.
All this when the previous deal got cancelled because you guys were not able to lay a pipeline in your own territory.

Other than the LNG terminal the rest are non-starters because of cost.
Pakistan due to her short term clever tactics has become regional sequester.

A long term vision coming out from both sides of Pakistan politics especially relationship with regional players has become rare.

All what is coming out of Pakistan is self proclaimed analysts with their condescending attitude having opinion about every thing and anything especially other nations of the region; no remedy about own problems fearing backlash, neither any rational which is backed by ground work done by Government/s in power.
Iran dismisses canceling gas pipeline project with Pakistan

The Iranian oil ministry has dismissed the reports about canceling the Iran-Pakistan (IP) gas pipeline project, the ministry’s official news agency SHANA reported Oct. 19.

Earlier, Pakistani media outlets reported that Iran has unilaterally ended the government-to-government cooperation agreement with Pakistan, and after this decision the IP gas pipeline project has become unfeasible.

The Islamic Republic’s oil ministry announced that despite some differences on the issue, the Iranian side is committed to continue cooperation to finalize the project, the oil ministry’s PR department said.

A high-ranking Pakistani delegation is due to visit Iran in the new future to discuss accelerating the project’s implementation, according to the report.

The IP gas pipeline is projected to cost $1.2-1.5 billion and would enable to export 21.5 million cubic meters of Iranian natural gas to Pakistan on a daily basis.

Iran has already built 900 kilometers of the pipeline on its own soil and is waiting for the Pakistani side’s 700-kilometre section to be constructed.

However, Pakistan has made little progress on laying its section of the long planned pipeline; largely due to lack of funds for the costly project and the U.S pressure to drop it.

Pakistan will have to pay a penalty if it fails to lay the pipeline within its territory by December this year.

Source: Iran dismisses canceling gas pipeline project with Pakistan


Indians....oh poor....shames down more, thread starter.
Just wondering what was the reaction of Pakistani members where when India walked out of this project!!! Every pakistani member was blaming and abusing India , now the tables have turned again and it is proved that Indians took that decision with a vision and it was under a well thought process, not under the pressure.
What's the big deal? Bashing India is part of their DNA!
Actually good news for Pakistan, As Iran unilaterally backed off - so we don't have to pay plenty for idiot agreement sign by zardari know fully that Pakistan can't stand pressure of sanctions.
Actually Iran never had any choice. How are they going to make Pakistan pay the penalty? Pakistan cant even settle trade with Iran let alone do anything else. And both Iran and Pakistan knew that this pipeline would remain a pipedream unless it got the blessings of US. Pakistani policymakers thought that they could convince US but that didnt happen.
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