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Iran donates $25 million to Turkey's ruling party

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Has anyone looked at the trade we are currently doing with Saudi Arabia (2002 it was 1 billion dollars) now the Saudi Government says they will invest over 400 billion dollars in a multi-year program into Turkey. UAE is another area we have increased trade with heavily as well.

The Turkey's trade with Russia has also increased many times over the years. I don't see you pointing that out in your conspiracy theories. Saudi Arabia and UAE are moving in right direction as they invest in the Middle East. You will be satisfied if only US, Zionist entity and EU invest and trade with Turkey.
The Turkey's trade with Russia has also increased many times over the years. I don't see you pointing that out in your conspiracy theories. Saudi Arabia and UAE are moving in right direction as they invest in the Middle East. You will be satisfied if only US, Zionist entity and EU invest and trade with Turkey.

Conspiracy theroy ? What are you talking about do you really think those countries right when the AKP came into power decided to throw insane amounts of cash to Turkey ? They support the AKPs islamic agenda it is the only reason why they are doing it.

As far as Russian trade that is normal Russia is one of our main energy partners ( Gas agreements were set up in the mid 80s ) Plus some of them are set to expire by 2012 so i am sure they will be renewing those if they have not already.
There is even more damning news ahead - don't be shocked to read that Turks and Iranians are, get ready, Muslims, and worse still, share history -- Oh, shame!, where will it all end?

Painting the AKP with the tar baby that is Present day Iran, in the hop that some of it will rub off on the AKP - disgraceful, not cricket.
They support the AKPs islamic agenda it is the only reason why they are doing it.

They doing it because it is profitable and Turkey is safe investment destination with growing economy. I don't see any pattern of Saudi Arabia and UAE investing billions in all other Muslim countries.

As far as Russian trade that is normal Russia is one of our main energy partners ( Gas agreements were set up in the mid 80s ) Plus some of them are set to expire by 2012 so i am sure they will be renewing those if they have not already.

The trade with Russia is increased multiple times. Russia was historical enemy of Turkey and still remains.
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Well AKP Party in Turkey is elected by people and it is not a dictator party like Saudi Monarchy which is in bed with USA so get off your high horse and please just because you know a lot about aircrafts does not mean you know everything.

It is pointless to respond. He has been to Turkey and look at the way he still sees everything it is sad. I know a few U.S. air force guys that were stationed at Incirlik and he gives them a bad name.
That is funny...When it come to the US, there are no shortage of 'experts' who loudly accused the Zionists of this, the media of that, or the corporations of the rest. But when it come to their countries, theirs are paragons of democratic virtues worthy of envy by the rest of the world...

In Turkey, military's power over secular democracy slips
ISTANBUL -- Since the Turkish republic's founding 87 years ago, the military has stood as unquestioned guardian of secular democracy, intervening when it deemed necessary to keep religion out of politics in this overwhelmingly Muslim nation.
Hm, that is very discomforting.

I feel sad for the Turkish people and what Erdogan and others might be doing with this proud Kemalist and secular country. Will Attatürks vision, that has made Turkey the most successful muslim country, be subverted?

Maybe someone here who lives in Turkey can provide some insight, but the recent move to bring the judiciary more under influence of the executive does not sound like a healthy move for the democracy. Yes there was a referendum about that, but these are easily manipulated as everyone knows. Thats why you have representative democracy and a constitution.

I don't see any pattern of Saudi Arabia and UAE investing billions in all other Muslim countries.

The Saudis actually do fund Wahabist Mosques and Imans all over the West to incite people to violence and indoctrinate them into Islamofacism. Example, some of the 9/11 attackers in Hamburg, Germany.

They can do it here and in other western countries (at least until they are found out to be teaching people terrorism) because of freedom of religion, most Muslims countries do not allow them to do that. See for example Syria.

Pakistan however suffers as well from this practice. Suicide-bombers or rather would be bombers who fled, have been reported to be indoctrinated on mass in mosques in which Saudi Imans preach their message of hate (aka Wahabism).
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i dont think Iranians are that short....my God, Erdogan is TOWERING over him. :D

who cares about men anyways.....it is Iranian women who are probably the among most beautiful in the world.
I thought political parties accecpting forigen donations fall under "ghaddari" aka betrayal or traitor
i dont think Iranians are that short....my God, Erdogan is TOWERING over him. :D

who cares about men anyways.....it is Iranian women who are probably the among most beautiful in the world.

this is abit off topic, but that whole thing about "iranian women being amongst the most beautiful in the world" is a myth. anybody who's seen iranian women in reality will tell you that....internet propoganda sucks :confused:

btw, iran has some of the highest nose jobs in the world, and alot of iranian women look like michael jackson....no lies
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well, my father spent many years growing up in Masshad. i've seen pictures, i've heard stories.

it's no myth dude. Iranian women are gorgeous. Naturally gorgeous, not fake-boobs/excess makeup/artificial ''gorgeous''

(I hope i dont get in trouble here :D)

I must protest at your post, though you are entitled to your opinion :)
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