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Iran demolishes only Sunni mosque in Tehran

Shia and Sunni do not hate each other. they have been living together since centuries.
Wahabis always try to make it shia sunni. It is talk for JUD and not sunni.

I know many sunni who do not like JUD and consider them terrorists.

Instead of state institutions, JUD is buildup as a savior of nation. the process is going on for the second defence or replacement line of pa.

we have to wait for sometime before the wahabi terrorists come out of their dens. since their leaders are the students of wahabi Bin Baaz. In interview with dawn h.s confirmed he is student of bin baaz. most elite terrorists are student of Wahabi Bin Baaz. It is only a matter of time, when people will know about jud in real.

after conquering and plundering the world the same west started teaching human rights to the people.
SlI am not avwahabi but i will not stereotype ql wahabis as terrorists plus i have worked with jud i personally know many shia workers of jud
Iran doesn't want peace. It lives on hate.

Those pictures of mosques in Tehran for the sunni Muslims do not say so! Either those mosques are not for sunni Muslims or you're not being fair about Iran.

Some members of radical Shia clergy are concerned about the increase of Sunnis in Iran. In this video Shaykh Daneshmand wants to restrict Iranian citizenship to only first two children of Iranian Sunni couples.

Some members of radical Shia clergy are concerned about the increase of Sunnis in Iran. In this video Shaykh Daneshmand wants to restrict Iranian citizenship to only first two children of Iranian Sunni couples.
Nowhere in my identity card or bird certificate or national card its stated that which sect or religion I belong to.
Some members of radical Shia clergy are concerned about the increase of Sunnis in Iran. In this video Shaykh Daneshmand wants to restrict Iranian citizenship to only first two children of Iranian Sunni couples.

dude it nothing new. Shias are under siege since the era of the colonial powers. Every effort is done to turn Middle east into a Sunni Majority area by importing and influxing millions into this region.

Examples are Iraq, Lebanon, Yemen, Hejaz, Persian Gulf. Yemen was totally shia, Persian Gulf region was totally shia 97% just 50 years ago.

Yemen Shias are constantly under war since decades. Iraqi and Iran Shias are continuously under wars and sanctions. The Siege of IRAQ is now many decades old.

The Arabian Peninsula sunnis are minority among locals and majority is camouflaged by the immigrants.

What the indian immigrant wahabi daggas are doing to Shias in Pakistan is not a secret.

What is going on we know it well.

The enemies now shiver. Thanks to the Nukes of Allah swt. :lol:

The most dumb thing is that Sunnis think they are a decisive majority. while they too are segment into major gangs that enable Shias to become the second largest community in Muslim world. In Middle East past of Asia shia form majority provided there are no borders.
Shia have Masjids like typical masjids which are used for mass prayer, religious celeberations, After-funeral memorance event by reading Quran for the dead person.

There are also places called Husseinyeh which is not masjid but are used to mourn or celeberate religious events like birth of Muhammad, Besat of Muhammad, Birth of Ali, Hussein, Imam Mahdi and other respected figures... But the main purpose of these Husseiniyehs are for Ashoura, Qadr night events....

There are Imam Zadeh or Imam Bargah which are the holy shrines of those who are considered saint mostly by their decendant to Muhammad the prophet and his ahlul beit.

The usage of all above mentioned places are interchangable. Means, people might use husseynieh or Imam zadeh or Masjid for mass prayer too... So, we can somehow consider all of them as Masjids.

In Shia fiqh we are encouraged to pray in Sunni mosques too for solidarity. We are even encouraged to do the Namaz in Sunni way if we afraid that will hurt the unity of Islam.

In Iran many Sunni mosques are Masjids that both Sunni and Shia mass pray together... I don't know if this is the case in Pakistan too but in Arab countries it is very rare to see such united mass prayers...

building n argument and make your decision based on a false news! no wonder muslims are easy to deceive...

The reason the Great Ayatullah Ruhullah was feared by the Zionists and West is because he had urged all to unite. He taught that the Shia-Sunni difference evolved over centuries for narrow political advantages. There is nothing spiritual/religious about this. As far as the essence of Islam is and the teachings of the Holy Quora'n are concerned there is absolutely no difference between the two sects.
Examples are Iraq, Lebanon, Yemen, Hejaz, Persian Gulf. Yemen was totally shia, Persian Gulf region was totally shia 97% just 50 years ago.

Lebanon was French colony and they have census showing that Shia were and still are second largest sect from Maronites. In Persian Gulf Shaikhdoms, only Bahrain is Shia majority country. I don't think modern UAE had Shia majority.
Sunni Muslims in Iran's capital are not allowed to open or operate mosques.

BEIRUT – Iranian security forces have reportedly demolished a prayer hall serving as the only Sunni mosque in the capital Tehran in the latest act of repression against Sunni Muslims residing in the theocratic Shiite state.

“The Tehran municipality has demolished parts of a mosque in the city’s western Pounak quarter,” Al-Jazeera cited unofficial sources as saying late Thursday.

“The Tehran authorities have justified the demolition with the excuse that the mosque is an illegal center which allows foreigners to come to the country,” the Qatari-owned network added.

Al-Jazeera’s Tehran bureau chief Abdul Qader Fayez said that the demolition had included parts of the building Sunnis use as a prayer room and “that it is the only [such location available to] Tehran’s Sunnis, who number around 1 million individuals.”

“So far, apart from the municipality’s remarks—that it is dealing with ‘a center witnessing illegal activities’—there has been no official statement,” the report added.

The Pounak site was originally shut down by Iranian authorities on January 17, 2015, according to a report published by BBC Persian.

“Sunnis do not have an official prayer site in Tehran, and during previous years have rented a hall to be used as [a substitute for] a mosque,” London Center for Baluchistan Studies director Abdul Sattar Doshoki told the outlet.

The anti-Iranian government National Council of Resistance of Iran went into further details on the destruction of the place of worship,saying that on early Wednesday morning state security forces raided and destroyed the Pounak prayer hall.

“The suppressive forces further searched the premises of the mosque’s Sunni Imam Abdullah Moussa-Zadeh and confiscated his mobile phone,” the report added.

The destruction of the site—which had previously been ordered shut by Iranian authorities in January—prompted the Sunni imam of Zahedan to send protest letters to Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei and President Hassan Rouhani.

“Intolerance towards even a single ordinary prayer hall and its destruction in a city that does not allow Sunnis to build a mosque ... not only hurts the sentiments of Iran’s Sunni community, but also offends all Muslims of the world,” NCR-Iran and other online outlets quoted Molavi Abdul Hamid as writing in his missive.

Abdul Hamid is considered the spiritual leader of Sunnis in Iran and is known for his advocacy of Sunni rights. Iran strapped a travel ban on the Sheikh in 2014.

Sunni Muslims in Tehran have not been allowed to build and operate mosques since the 1979 revolution that brought Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomenei and his Vilayat-e Faqih political system that places the reins of government in the hands of a Shiite religious authority.

Because the Sunnis cannot operate official mosques in the Iranian capital, Human Rights Watch noted, a Sunni council in Tehran has “established a system of namazkhanehs, or provisional prayer sites, to accommodate Sunni worshippers in Tehran province during Friday prayers and Eid holidays.”

Iran demolishes only Sunni mosque in Tehran

These Mullah's have no shame...Churches and synagogues are allowed but sunni mosques are not allowed in Tehran,Shows their true mentality..

Now ..now... let us see how Pakistanis react.... they went crazy when a ceertain Shia Mosque was damaged in a certain country... I really want to see some people frothing and breaking their keyboards on an act done by a Muslim Government..against a Muslim sect...
False propaganda


Great news by official mouthpiece of almost all terrorist groups in Middle east, aka Aljazeera.
source of news is not Al-Jazeera.

Well in Pakistan shias have different timing of prayers and they pray with their arms open so most shias prefer to pray in their own mosques called imam bargahs

Shias in Pakistan have their own graveyards, and all their houses illegally hold hate classes aka 'majlis' against so called wahabis, while according to them all seeking guidance from Quran wahabis.

In Pakistan, Ahmedis also have mosques, Christians have churches and crosses and Hindus have Mandirs.
Lebanon was French colony and they have census showing that Shia were and still are second largest sect from Maronites. In Persian Gulf Shaikhdoms, only Bahrain is Shia majority country. I don't think modern UAE had Shia majority.

The western history will not tell you that the Shia Marja Sharafudheen stopped shias from obtaining French provided Lebanese ID and passport. So they were not counted in census making sunnis majority than shias. Shias were slaughtered to reduce their population. according to French colony census shias were third as less only one fourth took the french provided id due to residence in cities while infact shias were first.

The Shia in Lebanon are in Majority today due to the Right decision by Sharafudheen. Otherwise 90% of shias would have been slaughtered and for ever they would have been converted into minority in Lebanon.

they would have met fate like the Iraqis. this is just one example how enemies try to keep in check the shia growth http://www.commondreams.org/headlines/072100-03.htm

just break the borders in gcc. the current generation thinks immigrants are labourers. while we know the third generation of immigrants will be given residency as current generation cannot accept loabourers as naitonals in large numbers.

The modern era will be different as the enemies already reached their dead end.

source of news is not Al-Jazeera.
Shias in Pakistan have their own graveyards, and all their houses illegally hold hate classes aka 'majlis' against so called wahabis, while according to them all seeking guidance from Quran wahabis.

In Pakistan, Ahmedis also have mosques, Christians have churches and crosses and Hindus have Mandirs.

In Pakistan, Shias and Sunnis Live together. they do not have separate graveyards except in tribal areas where each tribe has their own graveyard.

Sunnis too attend Majlis and ashura processions in Pakistan.

wahabis tried to break the bond between shias and sunnis and that is not possible for them despite spending billions of petro dollars and purchasing all mosque and mullahs.
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Some members of radical Shia clergy are concerned about the increase of Sunnis in Iran. In this video Shaykh Daneshmand wants to restrict Iranian citizenship to only first two children of Iranian Sunni couples.
he is a shekh that even state does not allow his speeches to be aired... the main shia Iranian preachers are Islam unity guys with strong enmity toward both takfiris and London shia (as we call those who are shia extremist but sponsored by UK!!)

The only shia stream that act like Takfiris are UK made and are settled in London, broadcasting hate 24/7... Iran banned these channels from both operating and airing their TVs... this shows opposite to Saudis who support Takfiri extremists, Iran hate and fight Shia extremism... Although we don't have such thing as Shia Takfiri in Iran... These new london-based anti-sunni channels were emerged a few years ago and are sponsored openly by UK government and MI6! guess why UK and MI6 spend all these amounts to support channels like these!?

Muslims, shia or sunni must be fair and wise...seeing %90 commonalities between them rather than minor differences...

Muslims must be wise with open eyes, not letting MI6 or Saudi spread a pointless hate in their hearts... If prophet were alive today he would condemn this stupid hate spreading...
SlI am not avwahabi but i will not stereotype ql wahabis as terrorists plus i have worked with jud i personally know many shia workers of jud

yeah the shias are trying to turn the jud terrorists into human beings. may be some day jud open its eyes and accept real Islam and seek guidance from Holy Quran instead of Saudi Bin Baaz. :lol:

just in recent past the criminal H.S termed the Yemenis Shia uprising as jewish uprising. but we did not break his tongue. Allah swt has already set traps for its enemies.
dude it nothing new. Shias are under siege since the era of the colonial powers. Every effort is done to turn Middle east into a Sunni Majority area by importing and influxing millions into this region.

Examples are Iraq, Lebanon, Yemen, Hejaz, Persian Gulf. Yemen was totally shia, Persian Gulf region was totally shia 97% just 50 years ago.

Yemen Shias are constantly under war since decades. Iraqi and Iran Shias are continuously under wars and sanctions. The Siege of IRAQ is now many decades old.

The Arabian Peninsula sunnis are minority among locals and majority is camouflaged by the immigrants.

What the indian immigrant wahabi daggas are doing to Shias in Pakistan is not a secret.

What is going on we know it well.

The enemies now shiver. Thanks to the Nukes of Allah swt. :lol:

The most dumb thing is that Sunnis think they are a decisive majority. while they too are segment into major gangs that enable Shias to become the second largest community in Muslim world. In Middle East past of Asia shia form majority provided there are no borders.
guess why Western imperialism prefer to have a ME full of Sunnis!

yeah the shias are trying to turn the jud terrorists into human beings. may be some day jud open its eyes and accept real Islam and seek guidance from Holy Quran instead of Saudi Bin Baaz. :lol:

just in recent past the criminal H.S termed the Yemenis Shia uprising as jewish uprising. but we did not break his tongue.
what is this JUD? any wiki links?

View attachment 243239

source of news is not Al-Jazeera.

Shias in Pakistan have their own graveyards, and all their houses illegally hold hate classes aka 'majlis' against so called wahabis, while according to them all seeking guidance from Quran wahabis.

In Pakistan, Ahmedis also have mosques, Christians have churches and crosses and Hindus have Mandirs.
what a credible source!! I brought up proof by Iranian sunnis' website that Tehran has 9 major Sunni mosques and they are open and Sunnis practise their rituals in those masjids... I even provided you with addresses! so please @was , @Serpentine some Mod close this stupid thread which is based on false news... The only sunni mosque in Tehran!! come on guys... be smart

Now ..now... let us see how Pakistanis react.... they went crazy when a ceertain Shia Mosque was damaged in a certain country... I really want to see some people frothing and breaking their keyboards on an act done by a Muslim Government..against a Muslim sect...
do u even fooking read the posts are just build a false argument based on a false piece of news? I mentioned that Tehran has 9 major mosques so the news is false that the only sunni mosque in Tehran is destroyed.... false news...false argument...
guess why Western imperialism prefer to have a ME full of Sunnis!

Do not tell it is the issue of Energy resources.

It is the Issue of Blockage to Mahdi.

what is this JUD? any wiki links?

you made me laugh. it comprise the most Ugly India immigrated daggas who had no choice but to migrate to pak and is part of the establishment. Now they are the state champions of Islam powered by stolen shia petro dollars by wahabis.

just write Jud terrorists or LeT terrorists you can find them easily.
Those pictures of mosques in Tehran for the sunni Muslims do not say so! Either those mosques are not for sunni Muslims or you're not being fair about Iran.
they are bound to spread false hate while Turks themselves are doing a very ugly job with Alevi Shia in Turkey:
Refworld | Turkey: Treatment of Alevis by society and government authorities; state response to mistreatment (2008-May 2012)
Alevi associations react against halt of mosque-cemevi project

Do not tell it is the issue of Energy resources.

It is the Issue of Blockage to Mahdi.
no... because shia won't stay silent for them to do whatever they like...shia fight back...shia is not extremist so they can not portray Muslims as savages in favor of their own religions...
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