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Iran demolishes only Sunni mosque in Tehran

LOL! one million terrorists of jud, let , JI powered by petro dollars.

IRAN is powered by ISLAM.

Now when other countries too will have Islamic Revolution, they will have good relations with IRAN.

So do not Expect from USA and Saudi Puppets to sing songs of IRAN.

Only Free People can praise Islamic Revolution of IRAN that changed the course of the bi-polar world.
Please research before posting bullcrap about jud
Enough? Then proportional to the number of Sunnis in each and every city in Iran, Sunnis has more mosques than Shia themsleves and they are totally free to attend their mosques and do their Ibadah...

Don't spread false hate between Shia and Sunnis.... It someday will destroy your home too... Be smart and live like brothers... The only thing that Iran is against as many other, are Takfiri Salafi centers that spread Takfiri agenda... Takfiris who are brainwashed to kill all people but Takfiris!! This is savage and must be stopped soon...
to all the idiots wanting closure of imam bargahs in Pakistan
You morons Pakistani shias are PAKISTANI SHIAS
Iran never send militants to any country. Iran has not sent militants to Iraq & Syria too.
Saudis are begging to Iran to say houthis to surrender and they promise us not to interfere in Iran's policies in ME includes Syria but Iran doesn't accept. Houthis soon will kick Saudi's @ss.

Lying straight on face terrorist.
A False Takfiri News outlet starts a thread here... They claim Iran destroyed THE ONLY sunni mosque in Tehran... I then listed name and addresses of at least 9 Sunni mosques in Tehran with an additional of other cities... I told you there are only %9 of Iranians as Sunni, while They have %14 of all Mosques in Iran....

I don't understand why some of you people here... build an argument based on false news?!!

IS it because some of you are trapped in Takfiri desired dreams of seeing a day that every Sunni becomes an enemy of its Shia brothers?

Stop it... all of you who comment hate... are living in cities with a huge majority of Shia and Sunni... Do you really think this hate will leave you and your family alone?

Be fair...be wise
No one care about your country, but if you try to treat Shias, then Shias and Balouchs will show they will not accept any oppression.

Typical Iranian mentality of arrogance. If no one gives a flying hoot about our country, then why are you whinging in a Pakistani Defence Forum. There is a famous proverb given by Chairmen Mao on egotistical people such as yourself "Big head with weak legs and sharp tongue with empty stomach.

The militancy in Baluchistan is virtually annihilated and anyone who raises there voice against the State deserves six bullets in the head. The Shia in our country are loyal to Pakistan, they are not interested in obeying the wet dreams of the Ayatollah's....capish.
Sunni Muslims in Iran's capital are not allowed to open or operate mosques.

BEIRUT – Iranian security forces have reportedly demolished a prayer hall serving as the only Sunni mosque in the capital Tehran in the latest act of repression against Sunni Muslims residing in the theocratic Shiite state.

“The Tehran municipality has demolished parts of a mosque in the city’s western Pounak quarter,” Al-Jazeera cited unofficial sources as saying late Thursday.

“The Tehran authorities have justified the demolition with the excuse that the mosque is an illegal center which allows foreigners to come to the country,” the Qatari-owned network added.

Al-Jazeera’s Tehran bureau chief Abdul Qader Fayez said that the demolition had included parts of the building Sunnis use as a prayer room and “that it is the only [such location available to] Tehran’s Sunnis, who number around 1 million individuals.”

“So far, apart from the municipality’s remarks—that it is dealing with ‘a center witnessing illegal activities’—there has been no official statement,” the report added.

The Pounak site was originally shut down by Iranian authorities on January 17, 2015, according to a report published by BBC Persian.

“Sunnis do not have an official prayer site in Tehran, and during previous years have rented a hall to be used as [a substitute for] a mosque,” London Center for Baluchistan Studies director Abdul Sattar Doshoki told the outlet.

The anti-Iranian government National Council of Resistance of Iran went into further details on the destruction of the place of worship,saying that on early Wednesday morning state security forces raided and destroyed the Pounak prayer hall.

“The suppressive forces further searched the premises of the mosque’s Sunni Imam Abdullah Moussa-Zadeh and confiscated his mobile phone,” the report added.

The destruction of the site—which had previously been ordered shut by Iranian authorities in January—prompted the Sunni imam of Zahedan to send protest letters to Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei and President Hassan Rouhani.

“Intolerance towards even a single ordinary prayer hall and its destruction in a city that does not allow Sunnis to build a mosque ... not only hurts the sentiments of Iran’s Sunni community, but also offends all Muslims of the world,” NCR-Iran and other online outlets quoted Molavi Abdul Hamid as writing in his missive.

Abdul Hamid is considered the spiritual leader of Sunnis in Iran and is known for his advocacy of Sunni rights. Iran strapped a travel ban on the Sheikh in 2014.

Sunni Muslims in Tehran have not been allowed to build and operate mosques since the 1979 revolution that brought Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomenei and his Vilayat-e Faqih political system that places the reins of government in the hands of a Shiite religious authority.

Because the Sunnis cannot operate official mosques in the Iranian capital, Human Rights Watch noted, a Sunni council in Tehran has “established a system of namazkhanehs, or provisional prayer sites, to accommodate Sunni worshippers in Tehran province during Friday prayers and Eid holidays.”

Iran demolishes only Sunni mosque in Tehran

These Mullah's have no shame...Churches and synagogues are allowed but sunni mosques are not allowed in Tehran,Shows their true mentality..
Where is "Sunni Masjid" in Islam ?
I don't know about 'followers' of Abdul wahhab, but certainly Saudi madrasas and their poison mentality which is perfused to Pakistan since 50 years ago is the reason of all of the terrorism in Pakistan and also in Afghanistan.

Your knowledge on Pakistan is zilch, therefore please complete your nursery education before sprouting illogical ideas. Saudi ideology of Salafism came into prominence during the 1980s during the Afghan-Soviet war and even to this very day most Muslims in Pakistan are Berelvis. Take your sectarian hatred to Iraq or elsewhere because Pakistani's don't accept such shenanigans.
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Sunni Muslims in Iran's capital are not allowed to open or operate mosques.

BEIRUT – Iranian security forces have reportedly demolished a prayer hall serving as the only Sunni mosque in the capital Tehran in the latest act of repression against Sunni Muslims residing in the theocratic Shiite state.

“The Tehran municipality has demolished parts of a mosque in the city’s western Pounak quarter,” Al-Jazeera cited unofficial sources as saying late Thursday.

“The Tehran authorities have justified the demolition with the excuse that the mosque is an illegal center which allows foreigners to come to the country,” the Qatari-owned network added.

Al-Jazeera’s Tehran bureau chief Abdul Qader Fayez said that the demolition had included parts of the building Sunnis use as a prayer room and “that it is the only [such location available to] Tehran’s Sunnis, who number around 1 million individuals.”

“So far, apart from the municipality’s remarks—that it is dealing with ‘a center witnessing illegal activities’—there has been no official statement,” the report added.

The Pounak site was originally shut down by Iranian authorities on January 17, 2015, according to a report published by BBC Persian.

“Sunnis do not have an official prayer site in Tehran, and during previous years have rented a hall to be used as [a substitute for] a mosque,” London Center for Baluchistan Studies director Abdul Sattar Doshoki told the outlet.

The anti-Iranian government National Council of Resistance of Iran went into further details on the destruction of the place of worship,saying that on early Wednesday morning state security forces raided and destroyed the Pounak prayer hall.

“The suppressive forces further searched the premises of the mosque’s Sunni Imam Abdullah Moussa-Zadeh and confiscated his mobile phone,” the report added.

The destruction of the site—which had previously been ordered shut by Iranian authorities in January—prompted the Sunni imam of Zahedan to send protest letters to Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei and President Hassan Rouhani.

“Intolerance towards even a single ordinary prayer hall and its destruction in a city that does not allow Sunnis to build a mosque ... not only hurts the sentiments of Iran’s Sunni community, but also offends all Muslims of the world,” NCR-Iran and other online outlets quoted Molavi Abdul Hamid as writing in his missive.

Abdul Hamid is considered the spiritual leader of Sunnis in Iran and is known for his advocacy of Sunni rights. Iran strapped a travel ban on the Sheikh in 2014.

Sunni Muslims in Tehran have not been allowed to build and operate mosques since the 1979 revolution that brought Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomenei and his Vilayat-e Faqih political system that places the reins of government in the hands of a Shiite religious authority.

Because the Sunnis cannot operate official mosques in the Iranian capital, Human Rights Watch noted, a Sunni council in Tehran has “established a system of namazkhanehs, or provisional prayer sites, to accommodate Sunni worshippers in Tehran province during Friday prayers and Eid holidays.”

Iran demolishes only Sunni mosque in Tehran

These Mullah's have no shame...Churches and synagogues are allowed but sunni mosques are not allowed in Tehran,Shows their true mentality..

False propaganda
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