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Iran 'could halt' India oil supplies

Iran should ask india to pay in gold. If india cannot do so Iran should ask india to handover two or three indian navy submarines.

The debt is approx 2 billion $. I don't have much military knowledge but i guess 4 submarines would cost under 100million$, so Iran will be in great great loss.
damn sure all of iran's oil will be taken by china if other coutries do not buy it,

rest iran has give a warning in writing that it wil not give supply oil beyond aug 2011. let's wait and see what solution india provides to this payment issue if it loves to buy oil from iran.

We are trying to find an alternate to pay. It is not ill-intention that is not making us pay as I said. But then again, Iran is much more sensible and rational in its oil trade than using emotions.
The debt is approx 2 billion $. I don't have much military knowledge but i guess 4 submarines would cost under 100million$, so Iran will be in great great loss.

That was nice sarcasm..anyway he was not speaking of 4 JF-17's. I dont have any knowledge of the pricing.
I’m sure this issue will be resolved sooner or later but it just another case that highlights the complete incompetence our leaders have shown when dealing with India.

What has Pakistan got to do in this in first place? The issue is between Iran and India. What could your leaders possibly do in this case? We have shown our intention to pay them and even Iranians know the situation due to sanctions on them for payment. They don't have sufficient reserves for Rupee and we don't have reserves of Tuman. Their hatred of USA is costing other countries' trade with them.

Pakistan leaders have done their utmost to annihilate our dignity and even if our best prospect of a competent leader in I.K ever gets elected into office he will most likely take a lenient stance with regards to India. Pakistan has had many prime opportunities to completely isolate India in the region yet it remains idle and acts on the interest of foreign nation instead of its own objectives while Pakistan itself is attacked constantly by Indian supported proxies.

Isolating us isn't as easy as you think it is. To isolate someone, you need to have the credibility to do so. Simply having a government and a political setup that works on emotional bursts rather than rational judgement cannot do anything but get involved in needless issues and cause a problem for one's own self.

Iran has supported the Kashmir issue from Ayatollah Khomeini(r.a) to Mohsen Rezai, former IRGC commander, both stating that they are 'alongside their Kashmiri brothers', and have warned Delhi on the subjugating the people in IOK. Mohsen Rezai even went further in his statement by saying Iran was prepared to go into battle with their Kashmir brethren.

Source please. Otherwise don't let your imagination fly wild.

Pakistan since its inception has made a calamity of errors and I doubt any change will happen in this country until it's people wake up this dormant nation up where it's leader observe objective which it's people are passionate in fulfilling. Pakistan and Iran should have a symbiotic relationship and should that not be the case then Kashmiri’s which has a decent shia population in would be wise to take matters into their own hands!

Yawn.... for all we care. :coffee:
We will see soon. Our gutles leaders may not be anti american but the people are,
That was nice sarcasm..anyway he was not speaking of 4 JF-17's. I dont have any knowledge of the pricing.

That was NOT sarcasm, i really don't know how much a sub cost but it is my guess that it could be under 100million, i was just being logical.

@T-Rex, i don't mean to offend or something, i am sorry if my post sounds offended.
Btw...mm will they accept payment in Rubles....

Rubles is no better than Rupees.

Yuan probably is what the Iran want, so India could find some channels through your giant neighbor. Yuan can buy pretty much everything in the world, almost equivlaent with USD, except that Chinese government don't want to trade it freely. ( which i still don't understand)
There is no doubt that even though sanctions forbid selling certain specified goods (including gasoline) to Iran; it is perfectly legal to purchase Iranian goods. Because all dollar transactions are cleared thru New York, no payment can be made in dollars. Additionally, majority of the banks do not wish to engage in Iranian business because of the fear that their branches in the USA would be closed.

Like it or not, truth is that ever since the revolution, India has had lot more political clout with Iran. Among other things, one of the main reasons was that Pakistan supported Taliban whereas Iranian supported Northern Front in Afghanistan.

In August 1998 following the fall of Mazaar Sharif, Taliban troops; in addition to butchering of 8000 Shia Hazaras including women and children; also killed 11 Iranian diplomats. This was clear violation of the International Law of the Diplomatic Immunity.

Iran mobilized 70,000 troops on Afghanistan border. Taliban were then much loved by the ISI and probability of Pakistan coming out in support of Taliban and fighting Iranian Army was quite high. Better sense however prevailed and thru Nawaz Sharif diplomacy, Taliban agreed to return bodies of the slain diplomats to Iran. This defused the crisis.

I speak to NIOC about three /four times per week. Please take my word for it; Iran will never cut India’s petroleum supplies.
Its more abt political support than tech support.

Its true that India voted against Iran in IAEA but its also true that India made it clear its opposition to any military adventure against Iran.

Continued trade with India will also bring in revenue for Iran and will also help maintain some influence on this part of the region.

Stopping oil supplies to India will be a direct nail in Iran's own coffin.
There is no nail for anyones coffin. Irans non oil exports were 25 bilion dollars a few years ago and now its much higher, btw iran is already under sanctions, iran has nothing to loose. India needs to act quick
No, dats not correct, there is still lot of India-Iran transactions going on. There is still a robust multi-billion trade going on between the two countries. Complete breaking of relations will hurt Iran more than it will hurt India.

On the international scene, Iran needs Indian support more than what India needs Iranian support.

lol Indian support for Iran do give us a example when was the last time India spoke in favor of Iran as far as going about the payments of oil India can pay Iran with the same currency china is currently paying them.
Not much of a threat when there are plenty of other suppliers around.
I speak to NIOC about three /four times per week. Please take my word for it; Iran will never cut India’s petroleum supplies.

You are absolutely right. Here,

We'll not cut oil supply to India: Iran

Iran will not cut oil supplies to India despite warning to refiners over their failure to pay for several months, an official was quoted as saying by the Oil Ministry's news website SHANA on Sunday.

"A warning has been sent to those refineries that are debtors but sending such a letter does not mean Iran's oil exports have been cut and we have no intention to cut our exports to the Indian market," Mohsen Ghamsari, head of international affairs at the National Iranian Oil Co. (NIOC), was quoted as saying.

In a letter to Indian refiners dated June 27, Iran threatened to halt oil supplies in August unless a resolution to the problem was solved, sources at the refiners and NIOC told Reuters on Friday.

India owes Iran $2 billion for oil imports in recent months due to the payments dispute related to US moves to isolate Iran, which Washington suspects of seeking nuclear weapons. Tehran denies such a charge.

The impasse was triggered in December when the Reserve Bank of India ended a regional clearing mechanism, under US pressure.

Another NIOC official, Deputy Oil Minister Ahmad Ghalebani, said that although some news reports had said Iran had already cut its exports to India, it was not true.

"Iran's crude exports to India are continuing and the news reported in some media that Iran has cut its crude exports to India is absolutely wrong," SHANA quoted him as saying.

Ghamsari said he was optimistic about talks with India.

"The talks with the Indians are still under way, and considering our country's good relations with India, we are hopeful that this problem gets solved as soon as possible."
Its more abt political support than tech support.

Its true that India voted against Iran in IAEA but its also true that India made it clear its opposition to any military adventure against Iran.

Continued trade with India will also bring in revenue for Iran and will also help maintain some influence on this part of the region.

Stopping oil supplies to India will be a direct nail in Iran's own coffin.

I have been dealing with NIOC for the last 20 years. I know all the brass of NIOC International Affairs. This prelude only means to say that I know a little bit about Iranian oil industry.

Iran is currently exporting about 2.5-million barrels per day of crude oil. Indian imports at 400,000 barrels per day this forms only about 15%. That is why even if India stops importing, it will not be end of the world. Major importer of Iranian oil is currently China. Iranian economy will be in trouble only if China pulls the plug.

This would however mean a war and a probable blocking of Straits of Hormuz resulting in doubling or tripling of oil prices. Such a scenario would be disastrous for US & European economies which are already fragile and most beneficial for Russia; being the largest exporter of petroleum in the world. US as well as the UN don’t want this to happen.

Therefore, while US would like to keep pressure on Iran, she wouldn’t want to push Iran to such an extent that Iran starts blocking the Persian/Arabian Gulf.
Already Petrol price is 68 INR maaan. If Iran cuts oil I will sell my Pulsar and start using BEST.

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