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Iran 'could halt' India oil supplies

Where is the source?

2 billion pending for few years and 12 billion is the trade per annum....wow...what a sensational news.

Iranians are negotiating with India on regular basis, India is trying to pay but has been restricted because of european banking channels are blocked. Iran do not want to trade oil in Rupees.

Even if there is anything credible in the news then India has many ways to deal with Iran without caring much about so called sanctions. Many european countries are dealing with Iran via their proxy companies. There must be some reason behind India not paying arrears.

Iran is not stupid that she will exaggerate this issue unnecessary by halting oil supplies to India. India is not bankrupt and can pay what it purchases, everyone including Iran, knows it.

Source was AFP
There's no way Iran would ever like to loose out India as a customer knowing fully well that any no oil from Iran will make India even more pro-USA.
We are used to hearing and stating that pakistan bends to the will of americans. I think in the case of oil where pakistan has gone ahead with the iran oil pipeline and india is listening to america and letting america effect its relations with iran be affected shows that India is now americas freind, Al I can say to Indians you are welcome to america as a freind and you too will reap the rewards of american patronage.
There's no way Iran would ever like to loose out India as a customer knowing fully well that any no oil from Iran will make India even more pro-USA.

Make india pro USA? lol india is already pro america!

And Iran doesnt much care abt it....... India is thousands of miles away frm her and is of not strategic importance to Iran!

Infact Iranian deals with india are just for the sake of economic interests!

P.S=Did u forget the IPI deal india backed off coz of US pressure? Khomeini talking abt Kashmir issue.
Make india pro USA? lol india is already pro america!

And Iran doesnt much care abt it....... India is thousands of miles away frm her and is of not strategic importance to Iran!

Infact Iranian deals with india are just for the sake of economic interests!

P.S=Did u forget the IPI deal india backed off coz of US pressure? Khomeini talking abt Kashmir issue.

No, dats not correct, there is still lot of India-Iran transactions going on. There is still a robust multi-billion trade going on between the two countries. Complete breaking of relations will hurt Iran more than it will hurt India.

On the international scene, Iran needs Indian support more than what India needs Iranian support.
Make india pro USA? lol india is already pro america!

And Iran doesnt much care abt it....... India is thousands of miles away frm her and is of not strategic importance to Iran!

Infact Iranian deals with india are just for the sake of economic interests!

P.S=Did u forget the IPI deal india backed off coz of US pressure? Khomeini talking abt Kashmir issue.

Khomeini's comments on Kashmir were timely.
I am quite happy about these developments hopefully it will bring pakistan and iran closer.
No, dats not correct, there is still lot of India-Iran transactions going on. There is still a robust multi-billion trade going on between the two countries. Complete breaking of relations will hurt Iran more than it will hurt India.
On the international scene, Iran needs Indian support more than what India needs Iranian support.

Actually no it wouldnt but it sure will hurt india economically.......... Iran doesnt need indian support in anything......Iran is already under sanctions,it doesnt get any hi tech support frm india in any field.... If u can prove otherwise.
Iran 'could halt' India oil supplies

TEHRAN — Iran has "seriously warned" India that it could halt crude supplies if New Delhi failed to pay overdue payments hampered by international sanctions against Tehran, the oil ministry said Sunday.

"We have seriously warned the Indian side of the possibility to halt oil exports if a solution is not found to clear its arrears," Fars news agency quoted National Iranian Oil Company managing director Ahmad Ghalebani as saying.

Iran's state-run company, however, said it was working to maintain its trade with India, which as its second largest client after China absorbs about 20 percent of its crude exports.

These warnings "do not mean supplies have been halted and we have no plans to stop exports to the Indian market," said NIOC director of international affairs Mohsen Ghamsari.

India has been struggling for six months to pay Tehran for the oil supplies, through various Asian and European banking channels -- Germany in particular -- which have been successively closed one after another.

On Friday reports cited unnamed executives at two Indian refinery companies as saying Iran's state-run company had warned them that it could stop oil supplies from August if New Delhi failed to clear its long-pending debt.

As Tehran refuses to be paid in rupees, Indian companies have accumulated a debt of about two billion dollars since April, according to figures provided by the oil ministry to Iranian media.

The possibility of India paying in gold for Iranian crude is one of the solutions under consideration, according to Iranian media.

Iran is the second-largest crude exporter to India after Saudi Arabia but payments have hit hurdles due to international sanctions slapped on Iran over its nuclear programme, which world powers fear masks a military drive.

Despite the Islamic republic's repeated denials over its nuclear ambitions, the United States and the European Union have targeted Iran's banking, financial and vital energy sectors with unilateral measures.

The annual trade between India and Iran stands at an estimated figure of 12 billion dollars annually, with India purchasing some 400,000 barrels of Iranian crude per day.

Pakistani leaders are not the only ones that put american interests before their own countries interests. Such a shame India on the whole has had good relations with Iran but under pressure from Washington is changing its foreign policy. All countries in our neighbourhood should tell usa to back off and sort out their issues without americans who have ulterior motives and are not freinds of any non white anglo protestants/Jews etc
In this particular case, mistake lies with India. :(
If we have imported oil and not paid for that...it is bad.
If we were to listen to US and implement sanctions, then we must have done it for the next transaction. How can we change rules in the middle? Bad!!
Actually no it wouldnt but it sure will hurt india economically.......... Iran doesnt need indian support in anything......Iran is already under sanctions,it doesnt get any hi tech support frm india in any field.... If u can prove otherwise.

Its more abt political support than tech support.

Its true that India voted against Iran in IAEA but its also true that India made it clear its opposition to any military adventure against Iran.

Continued trade with India will also bring in revenue for Iran and will also help maintain some influence on this part of the region.

Stopping oil supplies to India will be a direct nail in Iran's own coffin.
I am quite happy about these developments hopefully it will bring pakistan and iran closer.
to get closer to iran u need to go against U.S..can ur country afford tht and as faar as India is concern we can easily hve close relation with both of thm due to our Non-Aligned policy....atlast how many countries in the wold has good relation with both Israel and Iran....or with Russia and America
In order to be able to argue something sensibly, one needs to know the gravity of a particular situation. Which you clearly don't. The problems between Iran and India is not that we are pulling out of contract after taking the supplies but how to bypass the sanctions that the UN has imposed in order to complete the transaction. Iran doesn't accept US dollars, Euro is sanctioned by the US/NATO brigade and we don't have significant Tuman reserves. So how to pay in international trade without a commonly tradable currency? Please tell us o great one.

Seriously what is with you and Chinese obsession? :blink:

It is like saying you bought a chocolate from the store and are finding ways to pay for it because currency is not allowed. The absence of a common reserve currency is creating problems. Not that we are not interested to pay. Get it?

damn sure all of iran's oil will be taken by china if other coutries do not buy it,

rest iran has give a warning in writing that it wil not give supply oil beyond aug 2011. let's wait and see what solution india provides to this payment issue if it loves to buy oil from iran.
I’m sure this issue will be resolved sooner or later but it just another case that highlights the complete incompetence our leaders have shown when dealing with India.

Pakistan leaders have done their utmost to annihilate our dignity and even if our best prospect of a competent leader in I.K ever gets elected into office he will most likely take a lenient stance with regards to India. Pakistan has had many prime opportunities to completely isolate India in the region yet it remains idle and acts on the interest of foreign nation instead of its own objectives while Pakistan itself is attacked constantly by Indian supported proxies.

Iran has supported the Kashmir issue from Ayatollah Khomeini(r.a) to Mohsen Rezai, former IRGC commander, both stating that they are 'alongside their Kashmiri brothers', and have warned Delhi on the subjugating the people in IOK. Mohsen Rezai even went further in his statement by saying Iran was prepared to go into battle with their Kashmir brethren.

Pakistan since its inception has made a calamity of errors and I doubt any change will happen in this country until it's people wake up this dormant nation up where it's leader observe objective which it's people are passionate in fulfilling. Pakistan and Iran should have a symbiotic relationship and should that not be the case then Kashmiri’s which has a decent shia population in would be wise to take matters into their own hands!

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