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Iran concerned over Raheel's appointment as head of Saudi-led military alliance: envoy


Sep 20, 2014
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Iran has expressed its reservations regarding the appointment of the former army chief, retired Gen Raheel Sharif, as head of the Saudi-led 39-nation Islamic military alliance, saying it is not 'satisfied' with the coalition.

Iran's state-run IRNA news agency quoted Ambassador to Pakistan Mehdi Honardoost as saying that Pakistan had contacted Iranian officials before issuing the no-objection certificate (NOC) to Gen Sharif to lead the Saudi alliance.

"But that does not indicate that Iran is satisfied with this decision or it has accepted the same," the envoy said.

Honardoost said Tehran had informed Islamabad that Iran would not become part of such a military alliance, adding that neither had Iran been extended an offer to join a coalition of this sort.

He proposed that all important Islamic countries come together to form a "coalition of peace" in order to resolve their issues "rather [than] forming a controversial military alliance".

Gen Sharif is likely to assume command of the anti-terrorism alliance, being dubbed the ‘Muslim Nato’, in April.

The government had issued an NOC for Sharif to join the alliance after an understanding was reached between Pakistan and Saudi Arabia on the matter, retired Maj Gen Ijaz Awan, a defence analyst and close associate of the former army chief, had told Dawn.

A controversial appointment
The appointment of Gen Sharif as the leader of the 39-country military alliance sparked debate over how the move will impact Pakistan's foreign policy, and whether it was fully sanctioned by parliament.

Pakistan had initially found itself in the crosshairs of Middle Eastern politics as Saudi Arabia named it as part of its newly formed military alliance of Muslim countries meant to combat terrorism, without first getting its consent.

However, after initial ambiguity, the government had confirmed its participation in the alliance, but had said that the scope of its participation would be defined after Riyadh shared the details of the coalition it was assembling.

Gen Sharif last March accompanied the prime minister to Raadal Shamaal, the first military exercises of the alliance in which Pakistani troops also participated.

The coalition was envisaged to serve as a platform for security cooperation, including provision of training, equipment and troops, and involvement of religious scholars for dealing with extremism.

The Saudi government had surprised many countries by announcing that it had forged a coalition for coordinating and supporting military operations against terrorism in Iraq, Syria, Libya, Egypt and Afghanistan.

Iran, Saudi Arabia's archrival for influence in the Arab world, was absent from the states named as participants, as proxy conflicts between the two regional powers rage from Syria to Yemen.

ROFL emboldened by the shia liberals and Pakistan-haters,its none of their f***** business
esp. a country that is involved in funding terrorist groups against other muslims mainly sunnis around the world


These are the sponsored shia militias by our friendly neighbouring country Iran, containing Fatimiyoun [made up of Afghani fighters], and Zainabiyoun[made up of Pakistani, majority Hazara, Karachi and Parachinar]. The dead of Zainabiyoun & Fatimiyoun brigade are buried in Qom in secrecy. They were made to guard shrine but were forced by the sponsors Iran and trainee Hezbollah into Syria ands Iraq. These are the things shia liberals don't want Pakistan to see. This is just Syria imagine any sunni state sponsoring such fighting brigades around one country how the intl. community would've responded.

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Pak can not be dictated by every tom dick and harry... No offence intended towards Iran here.

Pak must move forward resolutely and focus on its core interest with cold hearted determination.

Anyone who has sponsored terror in Pak will be punished...if not today then certainly on the day of choice of Pak State.

The Good General Giant RS is there to be shield against terror and keeping ME safe from Secterian Strife.

All those wish Peace and Prosperity in ME must be Grateful for this appointment of a Great Soldier of Peace!

Let us all wish that RS be successful and there is lasting Peace and Harmony in his area of responsibilties..

I love ancient Persia... however, the modern Iran is opaque, very difficult to understand what they want...

Anyhow, they are most welcome to join CPEC and become stakeholders in Shared Peace and Prosperity.
Iran should mind its own business. Majority in Pakistan supports this decision and we also dont want any confrontation with Iran. If Iran is involved in terrorism only then they should be worried.
In any case, if you make a wrong move we will raze Riadh & Tel Aviv to the ground. No matter who is standing on your side!
Obviously Arab world is not our enemy but in fact USA is steaming up Arabs against us. USA will regret if a conflict is going to get started in the region, their puppets can start a war against us but the finisher of the war is only Iran.
Hope for peace wahabi! we have a keen sword.
In any case, if you make a wrong move we will raze Riadh & Tel Aviv to the ground. No matter who is standing on your side!
Obviously Arab world is not our enemy but in fact USA is steaming up Arabs against us. USA will regret if a conflict is going to get started in the region, their puppets can start a war against us but the finisher of the war is only Iran.
Hope for peace wahabi! we have a keen sword.

That is your perception and concern against arab states which is none of our business but whatever the fck we do should be of no concern to Iran..we showed no concern with iran-Indian chabahar pact neither raise our voice publicly against Iran supporting the likes of kulbashan Yadav and Uzair baloch,not to mention the zahidan Indian embassy working openly against Pakistan...So Iran's concern means a hoot to us..
That is your perception and concern against arab states which is none of our business but whatever the fck we do should be of no concern to Iran..we showed no concern with iran-Indian chabahar pact neither raise our voice publicly against Iran supporting the likes of kulbashan Yadav and Uzair baloch,not to mention the zahidan Indian embassy working openly against Pakistan...So Iran's concern means a hoot to us..
Huh thanks for your quote, i have never assumed Pakistan is our enemy until now and i think never gonna happen inshallah.
I hope such an alliance is not going to be used against Muslim countries, in the meantime i don't want to see Muslim world is being destroyed by USA's puppets in the region. But we are ready to defend ourselves brother.
Huh thanks for your quote, i have never assumed Pakistan is our enemy until now and i think never gonna happen inshallah.
I hope such an alliance is not going to be used against Muslim countries, in the meantime i don't want to see Muslim world is being destroyed by USA's puppets in the region. But we are ready to defend ourselves brother.

Indeed the alliance is not against Iran but against the fitna of ISIS which is destroying Muslim countries one by one and which is why a coalition is necessary to keep such terrorists in check but i still don't understand Iran's concerns when our political and military top brass have ensured Iran that it will not conflict with the interests of Iran..
Tel Aviv to the ground
Fell free to. In fact why doncha. It will be win-win. Riyadh. This is not persian empire where mullah can do whatever he likes !

Iran clealy says it has nothing to do with Yemen, so it shouldnt pee in the pants now, unless ofc it does

Indeed the alliance is not against Iran but against the fitna of ISIS which is destroying Muslim countries one by one and which is why a coalition is necessary to keep such terrorists in check but i still don't understand Iran's concerns when our political and military top brass have ensured Iran that it will not conflict with the interests of Iran..
Perhaps theyre worried that they will get caught red handed with pants down ?
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