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Iran arms embargo has officially been lifted by UN

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Does it mean an Iranian can buy my gun?-

Ah you are back...how is saudi arabia or should is say citizens of the greater israel. Who do u serve now. Saudi fat asses or their jewish masters

May be you tell us, how's the situation at Taftan border, how much is the traffic of riyal carriers... i think not much!
How much of Saudi aid you pocketed? Did you managed to get you hands on testing kits and masks from China? How much profit you made in reselling?

And yes, finally thank you for exposing the ever biased moderation.
now if Iranis are serious, start buying and building a complete fleet of AWACS along with real and credible fighter jet fleet. Along with refueling tankers fleet.

JF- 17 series , J 10 series, Su/Mig series are available to them. Tanks like Russian ''T'' series Al Khalid series or Chinese ''Type'' series are all available as well.

Dont do that foolishness again of just buying S four hundred and thinking you have conquered the world. Modernize the armed forces in all 3 services, Army, Navy and airforce.

And do all that ASAP!
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I posted this on other thread but I will post it here also:

Ironic how Pakistanis have been expecting procurement of Chinese fighters just around the corner for decades and now Iran will almost certainly manage to beat us to the punch and procure Chinese fighters before Pakistan. With Iran, they will not build up this stupid hype like Pakistan has been doing for last 10 years, Iran has the money so they will just buy whatever they want without any kind of show.

Despite being iron ally of China, I would not be surprised if Chinese got frustrated with Pakistan for taking so long and dragging feet on placing order for even a few J-10. I fully expect China to sell order of 50 to 100 J-10's that were earmarked and designated for Pakistan at half price but Pakistan took so long that now they will go to Iran instead. And it's hard to blame China for incompetence of PAF procurement program. Don't be fooled by Iran, they might have sanctions, but their economy is in excellent condition, they have tons of cash flow, and their economy is in much better shape than Pakistan. They have the money to drop an order for 100 J-10 procurement tomorrow with zero fanfare like its nothing, while China quietly sells Pakistan's J-10's to Iran for as long as Pakistan takes to decide something as obvious and basic as PAF needing to urgently acquire J-10's and that should have been done yesterday. Mark my words, Iran will beat Pakistan to the punch and buy out our own designated J-10's marked for PAF from China before us. This is the difference between Iran and Pakistan, their leadership is far more decisive and practical than ours, they don't have any stupid hype buildup for years like Pakistan with J-10, they will just buy it without any fanfare, and soon J-10 will be operational in Iran while Pakistan keeps dreaming with an indecisive and imaginary procurement program. Iran knows they don't have unlimited time to buy these fighters so they won't waste decades like Pakistan.

As the saying goes, even a bad decision is better than no decision.

Pakistan will only wake up once they realize that they took so long that Iran managed to buy the J-10's China had designated for PAF from us and put them into service.

I must say it is very ironic that China bought blueprints for J-10 from Israel and now they will sell it to Iran.
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May be you tell us, how's the situation at Taftan border, how much is the traffic of riyal carriers... i think not much!
How much of Saudi aid you pocketed? Did you managed to get you hands on testing kits and masks from China? How much profit you made in reselling?

And yes, finally thank you for exposing the ever biased moderation.
We all know how much you hate shias. Don't play dumb and pretend that you're some morally righteous and intellectually sound individual.

Go crawl back to the whole you came out of


Rouhani regime is desperate for any foreign policy achievement.

Since when is Iran “the UN”. Only Iran is saying is that the ban has been lifted.

I will await a joint statement by JCPOA Parties confirming that. Right now Zarif is trying to get points for his incompetent president.

Time to export

[Kawsar instead of Qaher]

That’s not even an Iranian drone.:coffee:
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