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Iran arming Hamas through Sudan


Oct 19, 2012
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Is this another excuse to attack Iran?

Sudan opposition: Bombed arms factory belongs to Iran's Revolutionary Guard

It is still unclear who is responsible for the attack on the Yarmouk military plant in south Khartoum, but according to past reports in the foreign media, Iran has built such facilities in order to arm Hamas.Opposition sources in Sudan claim that the arms factory bombed overnight Tuesday in south Khartoum, the Sudanese capital, belongs to Iran's Revolutionary Guard.

At this point, it is difficult to verify these claims since it isn't even clear who stands behind the bombing. Sudan's Information Minister Ahmed Belal Osman claimed that four Israeli planes are responsible for the bombing of the Yarmouk Military Industrial Complex in southern Khartoum. "They came from the east," he said. "You know that last year, and the year before that, Sudanese citizens were attacked in the Red Sea... it all point to Israel's involvement."

However, what was not said by the Sudanese authorities, who provided a plethora of confusing and conflicting reports (even regarding the number of casualties), was information regarding the factory itself. In recent years, several reports published in the Arab media said that Iran's Revolutionary Guard built weapons manufacturing plants together with the Sudanese government.

However, their military cooperation does not end with the establishment of one military plant, and even senior Sudanese officials have not denied in the past that Iran has military factories on their land.

In fact, according to foreign reports, the arms factories that Iran built in Sudan were meant to arm Hamas. In the past, European media reported that Iran has sent men from the Republican Guard in order to train the Sudanese army.

Moreover, after the fall of the regime of Libyan leader Muammar Gadhafi, the Al-Quds Force of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps succeeded in smuggling dozens of antiaircraft and SA-24 missiles from the Libyan army's crumbling arsenals to Sudan, in order to later pass them on to Hamas.

One of the reports said that these missiles are held in a military facility in north Darfur which is controlled by the Revolutionary Guard.

The bombing of the military factory in Khartoum took place after midnight on Tuesday. Initially, senior officials in Sudan claimed that the explosion was the result of an accident that occurred during routine maintenance. However, residents in the area told the Sudan Tribune, which is located outside of Sudan, that they heard a sound similar to that of a missile, and then several seconds later they heard a big explosion. It was also reported that at least two people were killed in the blast and eyewitnesses reported seeing a big crater in the facility

Sudan opposition: Bombed arms factory belongs to Iran's Revolutionary Guard - Israel News | Haaretz Daily Newspaper
Sudan-Iran links under scrutiny after arms factory blast

Sudan's links to Iran came under scrutiny on Thursday after Khartoum accused Israel of a deadly missile strike on a military factory in the heart of the Sudanese capital.

The cabinet met in urgent session late Wednesday after the government said evidence pointed to Israeli involvement in the alleged attack at around midnight Tuesday on the Yarmouk military manufacturing facility in southern Khartoum.

Sudan accused the Jewish state of a similar raid 18 months ago.

Analysts, however, said they had not ruled out an accidental cause for the latest blast.

Israeli officials have expressed concern about arms smuggling through Sudan and have long accused Khartoum of serving as a base of support for militants from the Islamist Hamas movement.

Israel refused all comment on the Khartoum allegations, but Amos Gilad, a top Israeli defence official, called Sudan "a dangerous terrorist state."

Gilad, director of policy and political-military affairs at the defence ministry, refused to reply directly when asked whether Israel was involved in the attack, which Sudan said was conducted by four radar-evading aircraft.

"The regime is supported by Iran and it serves as a route for the transfer, via Egyptian territory, of Iranian weapons to Hamas and Islamic Jihad terrorists," he told his country's army radio on Thursday.

"Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir is regarded a war criminal."

Bashir is wanted by the International Criminal Court for alleged crimes against humanity, war crimes and genocide in Sudan's Darfur region where a rebellion began in 2003.

His cabinet issued no statement after its late Wednesday meeting, where Bashir joined anti-Israel protesters in chanting "Allahu akbar" ("God is greater").

About 300 demonstrators denounced the United States and carried banners calling for Israel to be wiped off the earth.

"There was supposed to be an agreement between Sudan and Iran to produce some kind of non-conventional weapons," a diplomatic source told AFP on Thursday.

The source, asking not to be identified, said he was also told that the Yarmouk factory was involved in drone production.

But Jonah Leff, of Small Arms Survey, a Swiss-based independent research project, said he doubts such equipment is made locally.

Leff's project has documented the presence of a drone, landmines and other Iranian weapons in Sudan but he thinks they were acquired directly from Iran.

"There's a lot of speculation that Iran has provided technical assistance to the Sudanese for their weapons manufacturing but I haven't been able to confirm that they're producing any Iranian weapons," he said.

On a visit to Tehran last August, Bashir described the relationship between Sudan and Iran as "deeply rooted".

Leff identified Yarmouk as part of Sudan's Military Industry Corporation, which claims to produce a variety of weapons from pistols to battle tanks.

"They're highly secretive... It's hard to know what exactly they're producing and what is propaganda," Leff said.

Information Minister Ahmed Bilal Osman told reporters on Wednesday that the factory made "traditional weapons".

Nearby residents told AFP an aircraft or missile had flown overhead shortly before the area exploded in flames, sending bursts of white light into the night sky.

Sudan called on the UN Security Council to condemn Israel for what its envoy, Daffa-Alla Elhag Ali Osman, called "a blatant violation of the concept of peace and security" and the UN charter.

On Wednesday, before officials accused Israel, the governor of Khartoum state Abdul Rahman Al-Khider dismissed speculation that "other reasons" caused the explosion, which he said happened in a store room.

The diplomatic source said "the human factor" -- a possible accidental cause -- should not be ruled out although Sudanese officials are taking allegations of Israeli involvement seriously.

Leff said it is just as likely that the Sudanese are blaming Israel to avoid embarrassment after an accidental blast.

In April last year, Sudan said it had irrefutable evidence that Israeli attack helicopters carried out a strike on a car south of Port Sudan.

That incident mirrored a similar attack by foreign aircraft on a truck convoy reportedly laden with weapons in eastern Sudan in January 2009.

Sudan-Iran links under scrutiny after arms factory blast - Yahoo! News UK
I don't think Israel attacked. Most probably it was done by nearby nations. The attack must have came from Libya and this is the only possible theory. US SEALs are there and US did asked for more muscle in Libya. Now as they invaded,want to boost instability in Sudan. I do remember what Sudan said once to US recently- "don't interfere in our internal matter".
I don't think Israel attacked. Most probably it was done by nearby nations. The attack must have came from Libya and this is the only possible theory. US SEALs are there and US did asked for more muscle in Libya. Now as they invaded,want to boost instability in Sudan. I do remember what Sudan said once to US recently- "don't interfere in our internal matter".

Sudan has called on the United Nations Security Council to condemn Israel for violating the country’s sovereignty and bombing a military factory in Khartoum.

Sudan said on Wednesday that four Israeli warplanes attacked the factory in the capital before dawn, killing two people.

Sudanese Ambassador to the UN Daffa-Alla Elhag Ali Osman referred to the attack as "blatant violation" of the UN charter and demanded condemnation from the global body.

"Four Israeli aircraft invaded our airspace and perpetrated this heinous attack… We reject such aggression and expect your esteemed council to condemn this attack because it is a blatant violation of the concept of peace and security" and the UN charter, Osman told a Security Council meeting on Wednesday.

Israel jeopardized peace and security in the entire region, he added.

The Sudanese envoy also accused Israel of involvement in the Darfur conflict, saying, "We all know of the Israeli hands in the Darfur conflict" over the past decade in which the UN says more than 300,000 people have been killed.

According to the UN, half a million people were also displaced in Darfur since fighting broke out between Sudanese government forces and their allied Janjaweed militiamen on one side and armed rebel groups on the other in February 2003.

In May, Khartoum blamed Israel for a deadly attack that destroyed a car and killed a businessman in Port Sudan.

Sudan also blamed Israel for another deadly missile attack on a car near Port Sudan in April 2011.

The Tel Aviv regime, however, has neither denied nor confirmed its involvement in these incidents.

As far as I'm concerned, the USA and Israel will bomb planet Mars and some how insert Iran's names in there and shift the blame on Iran.
Now they have dragged this poor sudan in this, looks like they are brain washed out bunch of morons finding new ways to attack other countries cuz their army is useless!
Agree most of the later parts but don't you think Air strike is way too much for Israel. Israel do attack Gaza daily basis,but when they go for Sudan attack, certainly they must ask for support from their Grand daddy US, Britain.
evidence for: some one heard a noise they think sounded like a missile or aircraft
After an explosion at an arms factory there was a crater


5000k round trip over countries that didnt see 4 Israeli aircraft spending a few hours armed cruising their airspace.

Iran–Sudan relations


A Deadly Love Triangle | The Weekly Standard

Sudanese regime is Sunni, and it has a extremly close alliance with Shia Iran!

Following the Islamist-supported military coup led by Omar al-Bashir, Sudan sought close relations with Iran. The growing ties help continue the Islamisation of Sudan.
Next, it was reported that Iran sent up to 2,000 Iranian Revolutionary Guards to Sudan. Iran's Defense Minister, Ali Akbar Torkan also met with the commander of the Sudanese armed forces to discuss assistance and personnel exchange. By the end of 1992, Sudan's Popular Defense Forces were unveiled. Sudan modeled its army after Iran's Revolutionary Guards, who had trained them. Like their Iranian counterparts, the PDF marched with guns while reciting the Koran.

There is no Shia-Sunni divide in the middle east, there is only a divide between the anti-american muslim forces and the pro-american muslim forces!

All anti-american Sunnis in the muslim world want to have an alliance with Shia Iran!!!
So what if the factory belongs to IRGC? Iran can do business with whichever country it likes.

That being said, this is a big emabarresment on the part of Sudan. Not only where they not able to stop the Israelis, but they are also having trouble confirming that it was them in the first place!

Unless Iran can afford to equip Sudan based fixed-assets with more protection, they may have to shift operations elsewhere.
Agree most of the later parts but don't you think Air strike is way too much for Israel. Israel do attack Gaza daily basis,but when they go for Sudan attack, certainly they must ask for support from their Grand daddy US, Britain.

What support that might be?
Agree most of the later parts but don't you think Air strike is way too much for Israel. Israel do attack Gaza daily basis,but when they go for Sudan attack, certainly they must ask for support from their Grand daddy US, Britain.

Sometimes you guys say Israel owns the US. So confusing.
Now they have dragged this poor sudan in this, looks like they are brain washed out bunch of morons finding new ways to attack other countries cuz their army is useless!
Sudan's army is trained to genocide, rape and pillage. Its not trained to fight against another army.
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