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Iran and Turkey become drone powers.

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Lmao! What? A training footage? is that the best you can conjure now?

You watched the first few seconds on the video and then proceed to comment on it. Is this your level of attention span? You cannot even watch 3 minute video? Since you need a version "for those with low attention span" here you go, enter site to see one of the short clips:

WATCH: Iranian drones attacking ISIS targets in Syria

Under control? I don't think so! otherwise Russia wouldn't have intervened. Damascus was about to fall almost they came from every direction after 3 years of fighting.

“Soleimani put the map of Syria on the table. The Russians were very alarmed, and felt matters were in steep decline and that there were real dangers to the regime.

Khamenei also sent a senior envoy to Moscow to meet President Vladimir Putin, another senior regional official said. “Putin told him ‘Okay we will intervene. Send Qassem Soleimani’. He went to explain the map of the theater.”

You ask for "going back to topic" and then proceed to copy and paste the same comment on Syria. It has not even been 2 hours since I addressed that very post with this reuters source.

By the way that training footage you provided is absolutely laughable.

If by training you mean training on ISIS terrorists, then of course.

That is not a conventional military conflict.

Who said it was? You seem to think your criteria of "conventional military conflict" is something to be taken seriously here. I have already explained to you why it is a silly request.

Drones are not invincible as you may think? They can be downed

Believe me, I understand fully their benefits and downsides, it is you who has this romantic fantasy with these low tier Turkish UAVs.

but it is the only best engineering types that are stealthy can be an annoyance.

You do not even understand what "stealthy" means, the fact you thought that TB2 was stealthy is quite embarrassing. Even the Turks did not have the audacity to make such a claim.

You have been coming with alot of mental gymnastics to convince your own ego something that is just not there in reality.

Unlike you, every part of my claims have been backed by independent sources. Coming up with drivel like TB2 is the most advanced UAV in the world, or it's a stealthy UAV etc, how do you expect anyone to actually take you seriously?

You don't have a proven conventional military conflict UAVs. There is not amount of worldly mental gymnastics that can change that fact

I do not need to prove something in highly tight contexts, that is not how it works. I can also claim Turkish UAVs are utterly useless because they have never been used against a nation with a modern and integrated air defence network. You see, by playing with criteria, you have create many outcomes. Then again likes I said before, you have a superficial understanding on warfare. Almost everything you say is wrong, and that is me being kind.
You watched the first few seconds on the video and then proceed to comment on it. Is this your level of attention span? You cannot even watch 3 minute video? Since you need a version "for those with low attention span" here you go, enter site to see one of the short clips:

WATCH: Iranian drones attacking ISIS targets in Syria

You ask for "going back to topic" and then proceed to copy and paste the same comment on Syria. It has not even been 2 hours since I addressed that very post with this reuters source.

If by training you mean training on ISIS terrorists, then of course.

Who said it was? You seem to think your criteria of "conventional military conflict" is something to be taken seriously here. I have already explained to you why it is a silly request.

Believe me, I understand fully their benefits and downsides, it is you who has this romantic fantasy with these low tier Turkish UAVs.

You do not even understand what "stealthy" means, the fact you thought that TB2 was stealthy is quite embarrassing. Even the Turks did not have the audacity to make such a claim.

Unlike you, every part of my claims have been backed by independent sources. Coming up with drivel like TB2 is the most advanced UAV in the world, or it's a stealthy UAV etc, how do you expect anyone to actually take you seriously?

I do not need to prove something in highly tight contexts, that is not how it works. I can also claim Turkish UAVs are utterly useless because they have never been used against a nation with a modern and integrated air defence network. You see, by playing with criteria, you have create many outcomes. Then again likes I said before, you have a superficial understanding on warfare. Almost everything you say is wrong, and that is me being kind.

Great replies but unfortunately you are wasting your energy on a HasbaRAT troll and a Dimwit who only argue in circles without an ounce of honesty.
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There was nothing intentional here, you imported because you simply cannot produce the said parts by yourself. So lets avoid these silly excuses. Given how your country has been sanctioned, it is foolish to rely on import intentionally for your assets. Morever, it is not just your Bayraktar drone that is heavily relying on foreign components but almost every single UAV you have.

The components are literally already completely replaced with domestic Turkish made ones. The reason why they didn’t do this before was to keep costs as low as possible whilst still getting most out of the drone. Its why most components were entirely from civilian commercial ones. These aren’t high end components or technological marvels, with the sole exception being the Canadian wescam. The sanctions don’t actually effect products meant for the civilian market, it just that these companies individually chose to embargo Turkey based entirely on Armenians bitching. No actual state level embargo or ban is in place. Just because you are to stupid to understand the fundementals of a defence industry doesnt mean your country is better lol.

TB-2 with Aselsan CATS

I never claimed it was, matter of fact I think it is delusory to think it is. This is what a more stealthy UAV looks like, the Iranian shahed/simorgh.

View attachment 713236

So this is the technological marvel with which you think Iran stands above Turkey? A half assed replica of a downed American drone? This is quite a joke indeed considering in terms of performance it doesn’t even come close to even decent MALE-class Turkish equivalents. Quite hilarious how you think a copying a drone, which is entirely impossible to do completely as evident by its much smaller size lmao. The foundation of your entire industry rests on reverse-engineering, copying and cloning existing systems and subsystems, yet this chaotic embargo ridden industry you call “defence industry” is supposed to match Turkey’s?

I dunno about this Simorgh drone but the TB-2 doesnt need to proof anything to anyone. The results and its reputation speaks entirely for itself. It has ruthlessly hunted down and destroyed a mind boggling amount of Russian air defence systems in Syria, Libya and Azerbaijan. Maybe actually first use this rust bucket before you stroke your dick.

You defined 99% of the UAVs around.

Not necessarily. The TB-2 is particularly smaller than most well-known “conventional” MALE-class drones, which could become the size of propeller aircrafts in many cases. Along with its sleek design and composite material being used makes it much harder to detect. It’s the different being a tactical and MALE-class drone. Even though it wasn’t designed to be stealth, by its very nature it becomes very stealthy.

48 per year for a UAV of that low tier UAV is nothing impressive, matter of fact it is lackluster. I suppose this low rate of production is due your limitations, i.e need to import parts.

Production rate of the 48 drones per year is an impressive number when your drones are as capable as the TB-2 has proven itself to be. Unless you can come with evidence that Iran has a higher production rate with a similar and bigger drone then I would be suggesting keeping your mouth shut.

There is nothing "extremely successful" about that UAV as I have already demonstrated. A great deal of them have been shot down and most of its "successes" are against groups/nations with very low level air defence capability. It is no surprise that a nation that is not prepared to deal with UAVs will be vulnerable to them. This does not mean there is anything especial about your UAVs, which are just low tier systems.

Atleast try to hide your inferiority complex and blatant jealousy. They arent invincible machines but they are have destroyed billions of dollors worth of equipment by itself. Most of them have actually been shut down in Libya because they took off from bases that were very close to the frontline, In actuall combat situation it has proven its worth. Its full use in the Karabagh war speaks for itself. It litteraly destroyed billions of dollars worth of equipement before they got a singe Bayraktar drone. Its why there are nearly a dosen country waiting in line to buy the TB-2. Eat your heart out :)

Iran has multiple UAVs in that class of your TB2 which is just a low tech UAV. Here is one example: Iranian M-6 Uav:

View attachment 713229

View attachment 713230

Another of your yearly drones you shit out? Seems you are good at making all these drones but most either don’t see production or are produced in limited numbers. Why is that again? They are certainly not the same class considering we actually get customers who buy our products whilst you at best sell them to your “non-state actors”.

Iran is more advanced than Turkey in every aspect of UAV technology. You seem to think importing bunch of hardware and putting them together makes you an advanced UAV power. Iran is not only producing next level UAVs of the jet powered nature, but those jet engines are actually being produced by Iran itself.

Based on what exactly? Do you actually even have a jet powered drone? From what i can tell the Simorgh actually has propellers (probably another ROTAX clone engine). If you want a good view of the Turkish defence industry maybe take a good look at the big boys such as TAI Anka, Aksungur and Akinci before you start flapping those lips of yours. We litteraly have a HALE-class drone in the form of Akinci, where was yours again? I cant see them among the all crap you have copied and shit out over the years. The drones arent even Iranian by design and yet you think you are a drone power lmao?

Perhaps you need to spend a little more time researching the UAV technology of other nations you're talking about instead of day dreaming too much about your own propaganda. AI and automation are playing a heavy role in Iran's UAVs today.

Its funny because this completely applies to you and your compatriots. Your entire drone industry is based on copied and reverse-engineered systems. We are well aware of our position and ranking in the global drone market dont you worry, time for your copy-pasting *** to sit down now.

Reverse engineering is a far more difficult task then simply importing like Turkey does. One requires very robust underlying industry, other relies on...paying cash to a foreign nation.

It certainly does. This is the reason why you have yet to make anything identical or even close to its actual design or performance. That smaller Simorgh speaks for itself.

Rotax is one engine Iran uses, Iran is producing multiple different types of engines ranging from piston to jet. Even if they R/Ed systems, once again as above, this is more impressive than a import based system of Turkey/Saudi Arabia etc.

Here is Iran's most recent turbofan engine that will be used for UAVs that utilises single crystal blades:

View attachment 713225

View attachment 713226

View attachment 713227

See thread below for more details:

Here are a whole array of (smaller) piston engines that Iran was producing over a decade ago:

View attachment 713238

View attachment 713240

If you wish to be informed further, visit Iranian section and related UAV/engine section.

LMAO you still almost solely use the copied ROTAX engine for almost every single drone you shit out, which can muster only about 100hp. Its litteraly used primarely in tactical-class drones. And the rest are much smaller in size and performance as you can obviously see. You want a dick measuring contest? You will have your dick measuring contest. You litteraly cant match the Turkish drone performance by your sheer inability to produce any engine beside the ROTAX you so gladly copied.

TEI PD170 170hp (In-Production)

TEI PD220 220hp (In-Production)

And thats a cute little Turbofan engine you got there. From which engine did you copy that one from again? I keep forgetting which one because there are just so many. Come to me when it either works and gets put into production.

Source for this claim?

Moreover, not everyone is importing Canadian sensors like Turkey is:

Canadian block on drone parts shows Turkey’s defense industry still not independent

So even if Iran's E/O systems fall short of their western counterpart, which I am sure they do, then at least Iran is still producing those systems internally and not risking its systems to the side effects of sanctions by relying on importing those assets, despite how advanced they may be.

COMMON SENSE? Do want me to point out that it even looks like a first generation FLIR system that was from the early 2000's. This by its very nature cannot be a high-end optic, if you are lucky it might be second gen and even then its already outdated useless. The resolution and capabilties on that thing will be worse then my old nokia phone. I dont even know the specs but a child can see that it certainly doesnt use the latest MWIR-concept/technology.

Iranian UAVs have achieved feats in practise that your UAVs have fallen short of. Whilst you're busy celebrating your low tier UAVs being used against adversaries with low level air defence, this is Iran:

View attachment 713217

In the above attack, Iran struck one of the most important facilities in S.Arabia, a country which has a very robust air defence. They and the Americans did not even know what hit them.

This single attack was more impressive than your UAV feats put together.

Congrats you managed to find out why drones are being used. The same way TB-2 drones avoided and destroyed S-300, you know in ACTUAL combat in ACTUAL war where they were aware of them. You managed to pull a sneak attack using drones. How awesome of you, You are the next superpower in the world.

News flash: Every country copied systems at some point. Even the Americans. That is not anything news. Actually you're not being honest, Turkey attempted to deny it uses foreign components, but it was caught out. You're admitting because you have no other choice.

Ah so copying and producting a much more inferior product is preferable over buying or developing your own more capable systems? It literally didnt deny anything lmao. If you bothered to actual read anything i wrote you would realize this. Its funny how you talk about that i should not only look into my own country's defence industry when you couldnt be bother to the most basic surface level research haha. Everyone knew, except for the uneducated apes that could be bothered.

All of which are using foreign engines and hardware yet again. This is the difference between Iran and Turkey. You celebrate hardware you are not really producing whereas Iran is actually producing its own systems

Yeah i already posted that everything has already been replaced in litteraly a couple weeks times with domestic equivelants.

PD-177 -> ROTAX
Aselflir CATS -> Wescam MD-15

And you know what the biggest difference is between Iran and Turkey in terms of drone industry? You copy everything, whilst people copy from us. Have fun with this one :)


Iran is showing a far greater emphasis on"specialised" munitions. Iranian UAVs today are being tested for Air-air roles. Moreover, there are so many other different types of weapon systems Iran is utilising for its UAVs, from glide bombs to E/W systems. Your attempts at disinformation are failing.

To summarise, the only area of UAV technology Turkey is ahead of Iran is when it comes to imports, nothing else. Frankly I think is a satirical to do a comparison analysis between Iran and Turkey because Iran is on a higher level of technological self-sufficiency. Bunch of piston powered UAVs whose engines, sensors and others are importing do not turn you magically into a UAV power. Even the likes of S.Arabia and UAE could do the same, I guess we should also consider them UAV power? Turkey is not as behind technologically as the likes of Saudi Arabia, but please be sensible and refrain trying to compare yourself to Iran. You are not in the same league but at-least one league below Iran. You seem to be under the impression that we should pretend to be ignorant of the fact Turkey is not a self-reliant nation technologically speaking. That is not how it works, until the day comes when you're not relying heavily on imports, then we cannot compare you to Iran because we are essentially comparing apples and oranges. Details matter. I understand your need to try and hide the reality or sugar coat it, but this is in vain.

You can tell the Saudis that their facilities going up in flames are just propaganda. As for Iran and Turkey, the ocean difference is that Iran actually produces its own hardware whilst the latter seems to be importing most of their hardware.

I couldnt be bother with the rest. To lazy.
The components are literally already completely replaced with domestic Turkish made ones.

No, I am afraid they are not. Turkey is trying to do that, but that has yet to come to fruition.

The reason why they didn’t do this before was to keep costs as low as possible whilst still getting most out of the drone. Its why most components were entirely from civilian commercial ones. These aren’t high end components or technological marvels, with the sole exception being the Canadian wescam. The sanctions don’t actually effect products meant for the civilian market, it just that these companies individually chose to embargo Turkey based entirely on Armenians bitching. No actual state level embargo or ban is in place. Just because you are to stupid to understand the fundementals of a defence industry doesnt mean your country is better lol.

Repeating the same thing will not make it true. Turkey could not produce those components to begin with, thus this notions that it was importing just for economical reasons is something that is merely an excuse you're putting forward. Not sure why you think it will be accepted when it is so blatantly obvious to be false.

TB-2 with Aselsan CATS

Even if this was being widely used, which it is not, where is the sensors being made for this? Presumably it is still being imported.

So this is the technological marvel with which you think Iran stands above Turkey? A half assed replica of a downed American drone?

That American drone is decades ahead of anything your country (or most other nations) can produce, so even if it was just a "half assed" system, it is still far beyond your capability. Do not underestimate that UAV.

This is quite a joke indeed considering in terms of performance it doesn’t even come close to even decent MALE-class Turkish equivalents.

You're comparing a stealthy jet powered UCAV to piston powered UAVs whose engine you cannot even produce by yourself. Comparing apples and oranges again.

Quite hilarious how you think a copying a drone, which is entirely impossible to do completely as evident by its much smaller size lmao.

Oh dear, another proof of the fact you comment without doing the basic level research. That is one drone in that family, a 1:1 sized system also exists:


The foundation of your entire industry rests on reverse-engineering, copying and cloning existing systems and subsystems, yet this chaotic embargo ridden industry you call “defence industry” is supposed to match Turkey’s?

Again you're just repeating yourself. I have already explained to you that reverse engineering is >>>>> than importing hardware like Turkey does. Turkey's entire defence industry is heavily reliant on import of parts. You have done a good job with final design in many causes, but when one looks inside, you'll see many flags.

I dunno about this Simorgh drone but the TB-2 doesnt need to proof anything to anyone.

You need to prove you can build it without importing most its hardware, that's the important part.

The results and its reputation speaks entirely for itself. I

You mean being shot down dozen of time? Sorry, there is nothing impressive here. Even against nations with antiquated air defence you lost dozens of them.

has ruthlessly hunted down and destroyed a mind boggling amount of Russian air defence systems in Syria,

Most of which were propaganda invented by Turkey. The few instants where we actually see it destroy air defence, they were mostly either old systems or systems not even in active mode as evident by the fact their radars were not in search mode i.e rotating. It has had some successes, but nowhere near the level that your propaganda is claiming.

Not necessarily. The TB-2 is particularly smaller than most well-known “conventional” MALE-class drones,

Not really, it is more or less a normal size:






Even the likes of MQ-1 are similar size.

which could become the size of propeller aircrafts in many cases. Along with its sleek design and composite material being used makes it much harder to detect.

No proof of that whatsoever, the fact it has been shot down so many times is a counter to that.

It’s the different being a tactical and MALE-class drone. Even though it wasn’t designed to be stealth, by its very nature it becomes very stealthy.

Oh please, you're just making mockery out of yourself with these statements.

Production rate of the 48 drones per year is an impressive number when your drones are as capable as the TB-2 has proven itself to be.

Your definition of "impressive" is upside down. Do the basic mathematics and realise on average how many that would be per week. For a UAV of that low tech, this is nothing to brag about. Of course I am not surprised with this low figure given Turkey has a bottleneck i.e needing to be provided with the components from the outside.

Atleast try to hide your inferiority complex and blatant jealousy.

Yes, Iran a country that is producing its own hardware will be jealous of a nation that cannot produce most of its own subsystems?

They arent invincible machines but they are have destroyed billions of dollors worth of equipment by itself.

That is a quality of UAVs in general. If a nation is not prepared to deal with them, this damage is something to be expected. This does not mean however that your UAVs are anything to brag about.

Most of them have actually been shut down in Libya because they took off from bases that were very close to the frontline, In actuall combat situation it has proven its worth

So in other word, when you attempted to use them in a proper contested zone they were shown to be mostly useless. Which is what we would expect. UAVs have their uses, but they're no sliver bullet.

Its full use in the Karabagh war speaks for itself. It litteraly destroyed billions of dollars worth of equipement before they got a singe Bayraktar drone.

See above for my reply to this claims.

Its why there are nearly a dosen country waiting in line to buy the TB-2. Eat your heart out

Good luck with that. Why would nations purchase ftom Turkey which itself is a client state of other nations when it comes to underlying hardware? They're much more likely to purchase from nations that can provide for most of the UAVs themselves.

Another of your yearly drones you shit out? Seems you are good at making all these drones but most either don’t see production or are produced in limited numbers.

That UAV is in active production and is being produced in the needed quantities. Iran has dozens of different types of UAVs that are being produced for different sectors/needs.

Why is that again? They are certainly not the same class considering we actually get customers who buy our products whilst you at best sell them to your “non-state actors”.

That's because Iran had been under an embargo and could not sell on the open market. You should know about sanctions given how Canada sanctioned your UAVs by refusing to provide with needed parts. Difference is, Iran was under far more severe sanctions.

Based on what exactly? Do you actually even have a jet powered drone? From what i can tell the Simorgh actually has propellers (probably another ROTAX clone engine).

I literally posted one in my previous comment, are you not fully reading these comments?

f you want a good view of the Turkish defence industry maybe take a good look at the big boys such as TAI Anka, Aksungur and Akinci before you start flapping those lips of yours. We litteraly have a HALE-class drone in the form of Akinci, where was yours again?

And like I mentioned in my previous post to this very statement, those UAVs are all using Ukrainian engines. Without those engines, you have no UAV. This is tantamount to bragging you made your own supercar but you're importing its engine.

I cant see them among the all crap you have copied and shit out over the years. The drones arent even Iranian by design and yet you think you are a drone power lmao?

Vast majority of Iranian UAVs are indeed Iranian designs. Morever, even if Iran has taken certain Americans systems down and used them to build its UAV industry, that is a very pragmatic approach. It makes no difference one way or another, those UAVs in the end have to be built in Iran using Iranian technology. You see, Iran is not relying on Cananda or UK.

Its funny because this completely applies to you and your compatriots. Your entire drone industry is based on copied and reverse-engineered systems. We are well aware of our position and ranking in the global drone market dont you worry, time for your copy-pasting *** to sit down now.

I wonder how many times you will try to repeat this "reverse engineering" post as if it is anything to be looked down on.

It certainly does. This is the reason why you have yet to make anything identical or even close to its actual design or performance. That smaller Simorgh speaks for itself.

That comment was debunked, sadly you only demonstrated that you could not even do a 30 second search to see the other sizes of that UAV.

LMAO you still almost solely use the copied ROTAX engine for almost every single drone you shit out, which can muster only about 100hp. Its litteraly used primarely in tactical-class drones. And the rest are much smaller in size and performance as you can obviously see. You want a dick measuring contest? You will have your dick measuring contest. You litteraly cant match the Turkish drone performance by your sheer inability to produce any engine beside the ROTAX you so gladly copied.

It seems to me your strategy here is to pretend you did not see the comments that were previously posted to you. By far the vast majority of Iranian UAVs are using its own designed engines. Since when does ROTAX import engines to Iran? Iran is producing its own version of those engines

TEI PD170 170hp (In-Production)

No, it is not. This is a project that has yet to be used in your UAVs.

TEI PD220 220hp (In-Production)

A CGI, are you serious?

And thats a cute little Turbofan engine you got there. From which engine did you copy that one from again? I keep forgetting which one because there are just so many. Come to me when it either works and gets put into production.

That "cute turbofan" is something your have little hope of producing anything similar in its class in the near future, unless of course you end up importing its subcomponents like most of your other systems.

COMMON SENSE? Do want me to point out that it even looks like a first generation FLIR system that was from the early 2000's.

Your common sense deviated from the normal use of that term. So unfortunately for you, we will require more than that.

This by its very nature cannot be a high-end optic, if you are lucky it might be second gen and even then its already outdated useless. The resolution and capabilties on that thing will be worse then my old nokia phone. I dont even know the specs but a child can see that it certainly doesnt use the latest MWIR-concept/technology.

I am not under the impression Iranian FLIP systems are on par with their western counterparts, the question is can they do the job needed, yes they can. What we were discussing is the importance of Iran being able to produce those systems itself. As you have seen from Turkey, you cannot rely on importing such crucial systems. Sanctions come by very quickly.

Congrats you managed to find out why drones are being used. The same way TB-2 drones avoided and destroyed S-300, you know in ACTUAL combat in ACTUAL war where they were aware of them


You managed to pull a sneak attack using drones. How awesome of you, You are the next superpower in the world.

Sneak attack on a country that is riddled with early warning radars? At least try to make sense.

Ah so copying and producting a much more inferior product is preferable over buying or developing your own more capable systems?

Preferable over buying? of course. As for development, well that takes time but if you're relying on your own capabilities you will get there.

It literally didnt deny anything lmao.

Of course it did not, because I never claimed Iran is on par with the west in various military hardware.

If you bothered to actual read anything i wrote you would realize this. Its funny how you talk about that i should not only look into my own country's defence industry when you couldnt be bother to the most basic surface level research haha. Everyone knew, except for the uneducated apes that could be bothered.

On the contrary, I have looked into what you have said, it's just that your imagination is not aligned with reality.

Yeah i already posted that everything has already been replaced in litteraly a couple weeks times with domestic equivelants.

PD-177 -> ROTAX
Aselflir CATS -> Wescam MD-15

Not at all, there is no proof this has occurred. From what we can see Turkey is still trying to get its hand on those foreign systems.



See thread below for more details:

And you know what the biggest difference is between Iran and Turkey in terms of drone industry?

Biggest difference is one country produces whilst other mostly imports.

You copy everything

What is this a copy of?

Shahed-129 MALE uav:


whilst people copy from us. Have fun with this one

I can see your imagination is at work again, you see superficial similarities is not the same as "copying". Lets be honest, nobody in their right mind would need to copy anything from Turkey. If they would copy from a nation, they would do so against a nation that is an actual creator of the entire systems. Regarding a nation "copying" a UAV, here is an Iraqi UAV:


Which is based on an older version of the Iranian MALE UAV "Kaman-12":


I couldnt be bother with the rest. To lazy.

Frankly you did not do a very good job with the rest of your comments either, most of them were a half a job as you apparently did not even put a small amount of effort to research prior to clicking the reply botton.


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Turkey wins hands down

Don't compare midgets with champions in the industry lel.
Stick to posting your anti-Chinese propaganda, that's the only thing you're apparently "good" at. Then again, even there you're pretty useless.
Good luck, now I add Iran to my hit list. I've warned you people :lol:
It's too late to place bets, it's late in Indonesia. Don't you have school in the morning? Off to bed. Don't let dad catch you using his laptop so late.
yes it's 1:07 in the morning here. guess what?? I don't need to seek permission to Tehran to post.
On the contrary, I have looked into what you have said, it's just that your imagination is not aligned with reality.
Not at all, there is no proof this has occurred. From what we can see Turkey is still trying to get its hand on those foreign systems.

Biggest difference is one country produces whilst other mostly imports.
imports, liek this??

imports, liek this??

Did you even read your own article?

They say Iran was using German engines for Houthis, obviously for plausible deniability. The other part of your article:

Iran has used a range of Dutch and German engines in its drones to boost domestic production.

Germany has a very sound engineering base, if Iran can use their technology to boost its own, then it must do so when it gets the opportunity. Short cuts are essential, otherwise you'd be spending decades to master certain technologies.
Did you even read your own article?

Germany has a very sound engineering base, if Iran can use their technology to boost its own, then it must do so when it gets the opportunity. Short cuts are essential, otherwise you'd be spending decades to master certain technologies.
So why you complain when Turkey sourced it's equipment from abroad?
I mean the whole point why Turkey is using wescam products is because it's more convenient to do so.
So why you complain when Turkey sourced it's equipment from abroad?
I mean the whole point why Turkey is using wescam products is because it's more convenient to do so.

You're confusing things. Iran was already producing systems similar to those, when it tries to gain access to technology, it is not getting those in mass quantities because it needs them for its hardwares. Instead, it gets small number of them in order to aid in its own technological development. Iran has mutiple private companies that produce Iranian designed mini-jet engines:


Iran is not relying on imports like these other nations you're thinking, that is the biggest difference. For example, Iran has been producing mini-jet engines for decades, however when it downed the RQ-170, it used it to further its engine technology by a few decades and it is now at a stage where it is producing its own small-mid sized turbofan engine. German technology also helps but Iran also uses those foreign systems to distant itself from the hardware used by its allied forces. Regarding the development, even if Iran had not gotten access to these technologies, it still would have continued to develop, albeit at a slower pace.
Turkey wins hands down

Don't compare midgets with champions in the industry lel.

It is one thing for Iranians and Turks to have this discussion; it is completely different when an Indonesian, whose irrelevant nation never contributed anything to human civilization, tries to bring a constructive and relevant opinion in the argument.

This is the so-called mighty Turkish UAV industry:


The Turks, even with all their NATO training and access to western technology, are struggling to come up with a largely indigenous industry when Iran is already self-sufficient in many areas.

Even from a historical point of view Iran has always been superior to Turkey/Anatolia when it came to science.
You're confusing things. Iran was already producing systems similar to those, when it tries to gain access to technology, it is not getting those in mass quantities because it needs them for its hardwares. Instead, it gets small number of them in order to aid in its own technological development. Iran is not relying on imports like Turkey, that is the biggest difference. For example, Iran has been producing mini-jet engines for decades, however when it downed the RQ-170, it used it to further its engine technology by a few decades and it is now at a stage where it is producing its own small-mid sized turbofan engine. German technology also helps but Iran also uses those foreign systems to distant itself from the hardware used by its allied forces. Regarding the development, even if Iran had not gotten access to these technologies, it still would have continued to develop, albeit at a slower pace.
scrapping the bottom of the barrel eh? you're not producing similar systems to those, because if you had, you're not in the business of importing engines from abroad anymore, again this is the same arguments when it comes to Turkey, it can already produce those ASELFLIR but buying Wescam is a more convenient options. the same is true for the engines, Turkey already produce engine similar to a Rotax in the form of it's PD-170, but for now it's more convenient to buy than to set up a whole industry to support making the engine.

beat that.

I mean Turkey is not in the business of making bizarre claims like Iran, they're not in the business of modifying tankers to aircraft carriers. lel :rofl: :rofl:
It is one thing for Iranians and Turks to have this discussion; it is completely different when an Indonesian, whose irrelevant nation never contributed anything to human civilization, tries to bring a constructive and relevant opinion in the argument.

This is the so-called mighty Turkish UAV industry:

nah, we Indonesians are not in the business of wasting our money on defence projects while our common man starves for geopolitical ambitions. North Korea and Iran suits that better than us hands down

oh btw Iran contributions in modern times are the exports of terrorisms btw,

we are a $1T economy, beat that.
It is one thing for Iranians and Turks to have this discussion; it is completely different when an Indonesian, whose irrelevant nation never contributed anything to human civilization, tries to bring a constructive and relevant opinion in the argument.

This is the so-called mighty Turkish UAV industry:


The Turks, even with all their NATO training and access to western technology, are struggling to come up with a largely indigenous industry when Iran is already self-sufficient in many areas.

Even from a historical point of view Iran has always been superior to Turkey/Anatolia when it came to science.

Loolll Armenian story,,,,,
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