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Iran and Saudi Arabia reportedly agree to resume diplomatic ties and re-open embassies within two months

The Chinese peace-pact between Saudi Arabia and Iran has shifted the stragetic map significiantly.

The Americans are the kings of allies and the plan was to sacrifice Iran for Israel, KSA, UAE, Egypt, Turkey and other regional allies. The Americans outside of NATO their strongest alliance is the Sunni-bloc and they are numerous in numbers if you add them on them of NATO it turns into like 80 countries coalition. If the Americans had delivered Iran meaning if they were to storm together Iran this would have only tightened their alliance further and enough to convince them to join them on a Chinese adventure in WW3 because at that point they will have a significiantly large cannon fodder group on top of NATO and land corridors. The Chinese understood that a large coalition was building against Iran which could have potentially splid onto china itself and Iran is tied to Russia and China can't leave Russia and they saw this major stragetic error and allies forming against Iran and in order to separate the allies the Chinese came up with the peace pact in order to divert this massive coalition forming against Iran and eventually and potentially one that could splid over to themselves at later date.

But now the Americans don't have anything to deliver to the regional states as they have mended ties. They have nothing to offer on the table to entice them. Hence why Israel's Ex-Premier minister Lapid said ''Our walls have been teared down'' Because the US and Israel wanted to use them as shield.

These regional states aren't chellengers for the world hegemony themselves but they are swing states and can swing the power balance to one of the 3 players (Russia/China and US) significiantly. The US has put alot of effort into grooming them in order to use them as cannon fodders at later date and the enticing price was suppose to be Iran on a plate but now they have lost that card for good
The Sunni states could never have attacked Iran without suffering severe damage themselves. In addition, US policies have brought an immense amount of pain and suffering to the Sunni world itself so the US has hardly acted like a benevolent “ally”. Actually, the US media has spearheaded the demonization of the Muslim world for the past four decades so that has also generated a lot of simmering resentment. Either way, the US has been full of hubris and has followed a destructive policy, China saw the opportunity to shift the global balance of power and took it. This would have never have happened either without the US turn against China. Now that China has nothing to lose, it will work hard against American interests with zero regards to the bilateral relationship unlike in the past, and China has many strings to play as well. It is a country that is spoken softly but carried a big stick for very long, now the world will see more of that big stick.
Even if Iran was not a military threat there is a good reason for Iran and Saudi Arabia to work together in a world where we are moving away from hydrocarbons. Saudis like $$$ to keep flowing in on a steady basis. One things that dictates that is the price of oil. That means good working relationships with other oil producers - Iran, Russia
I think the opposite, if you can f*ck your competitors you must do it because is good for you.

e.g: if Russia and Iran fall in internal wars, oil production decrease, oil price rises and it's good for KSA.

Iran accused KSA recently of Iran mayhem protests foreign driven.

But you can burn yourself if you play so many times with fire, and I think KSA is afraid of that.

Someday entire region could fall in a war, triggered by Iran/Israel conflict, that's not KSA interest.
The Sunni states could never have attacked Iran without suffering severe damage themselves. In addition, US policies have brought an immense amount of pain and suffering to the Sunni world itself so the US has hardly acted like a benevolent “ally”. Actually, the US media has spearheaded the demonization of the Muslim world for the past four decades so that has also generated a lot of simmering resentment. Either way, the US has been full of hubris and has followed a destructive policy, China saw the opportunity to shift the global balance of power and took it. This would have never have happened either without the US turn against China. Now that China has nothing to lose, it will work hard against American interests with zero regards to the bilateral relationship unlike in the past, and China has many strings to play as well. It is a country that is spoken softly but carried a big stick for very long, now the world will see more of that big stick.

It will cost them mostly resources but they have plenty. Example Only Turkey-Azerbaijan axis can do the job. Forget adding Egypt that has 120 million population and vaste armed forces. Not to forget Saudi Arabia, UAE, Qatar, Jordan, Sudan, Pakistan etc etc.

There is the Turkic branch (Turkey, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan and Kyrgestan)

There is the Saudi Group (Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Qatar, Oman, Indonesia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Malaysia, UAE, Sudan, Morocco, Jordan, Tunisia)

There is Afpak (Pak+ Afg)

There is the Algeria Group (Algeria)

Technically speaking UAE alone can close the Iranian airspace they will gain air superiority they have superior fighters
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You are almost correct in your post except for the bolded: Israel benefits from its relationship with America while America has not gotten the same value from Israel for decades. Once Israel might have been useful in the backdrop of the Cold War. But that era ended a long time ago. Instead, it is 'The Israel Lobby' , as brilliantly exposed by Mearsheimer and Walt in 2006, which has been driving America's foreign policy for decades against America's own interests. You know in the 'free' country of America an old decades long career of White House journalist like that lady who spoke against Israel can end?? If she had criticized Islam then I am sure she would have gotten away with that!!

And how is that even possible that a tiny country could drive a Super Power's policies?? It is not hard. You need to get to situation where only a few dozen media outlets can be controlled, a few hundred Congressmen/Senators to be controlled. You need to be in a position where any anti-Israel politician would be routed out of the Primaries by flooding money against such politicians--and, yes, this has happened in America! And you can use the stupid Rapture-seeking Christians. You need to hide in plain sight. You need to appear 'Western' and White to Americans.
And you got a Superpower in your pocket!!
I think you wrong. USA move in his own interest, and they use Israel to unstabilize Middle East.

I talk about war decisions, important decisions, it's not about if some unknown people is fired from his job or not, that can happen in benefit of avoid Israel critics, but that is not important.

In the important issues, USA almost provocated the destruction of Israel last decade, inciting a Israel/Iran war. So they dont give a fck about Israel really.

And no doubt a lot of powerful people in USA elite are Jewish-American, but they dont care about Israel.
It will cost them mostly resources but they have plenty. Example Only Turkey-Azerbaijan axis can do the job. Forget adding Egypt that has 120 million population and vaste armed forces. Not to forget Saudi Arabia, UAE, Qatar, Jordan, Sudan, Pakistan etc etc.

There is the Turkic branch (Turkey, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan and Kyrgestan)

There is the Saudi Group (Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Qatar, Oman, Indonesia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Malaysia, UAE, Sudan, Morocco, Jordan, Tunisia)

There is Afpak (Pak+ Afg)

There is the Algeria Group (Algeria)

Technically speaking UAE alone can close the Iranian airspace they will gain air superiority they have superior fighters
Having all those countries participate in an actual war against Iran was never seriously going to happen.
Having all those countries participate in an actual war against Iran was never seriously going to happen.

No that is unnecessary but in any case the Americans wanted to play the Cowboy and lead the way :rofl: with few countries tagging along Israel, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, UAE and Egypt plus the US, UK probably Poland including Ukrainian militia rag-tags who seem to have become extremely US loyalists in recent time. This is something Netanyhu lobbiest have been working on for last 10 years or something including Lapid. The Abraham Accords and all that was tying into this.

But none of this is happening I can tell you right now.. Any regional trade restrictions will be lifted from Iran and it will diplomatically resume all of it's missions regionally for the next couple of many decades.

This new agreement is a ground breaking and resets the entire geopolitics of the region and to some extent the world and will allow tourist flows between countries as well and free trade.

Once again well played by China and also this is good for both KSA-IRAN and can resume their brotherly ties for many decades to come
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I think the opposite, if you can f*ck your competitors you must do it because is good for you.

e.g: if Russia and Iran fall in internal wars, oil production decrease, oil price rises and it's good for KSA.

Iran accused KSA recently of Iran mayhem protests foreign driven.

But you can burn yourself if you play so many times with fire, and I think KSA is afraid of that.

Someday entire region could fall in a war, triggered by Iran/Israel conflict, that's not KSA interest.

Are Iran and Russia going to disappear because Saudis want it ? Russia and Iran are in the same boat. The next best thing is work among themselves. It is not perfect. Some co-ordination is better than one. Petroleum prices are dictated to some degree by mutual actions by OPEC and Russia. You might not care. Iranian, Russian & Saudi elites do care for $$$.
The Sunni states could never have attacked Iran without suffering severe damage themselves. In addition, US policies have brought an immense amount of pain and suffering to the Sunni world itself so the US has hardly acted like a benevolent “ally”. Actually, the US media has spearheaded the demonization of the Muslim world for the past four decades so that has also generated a lot of simmering resentment. Either way, the US has been full of hubris and has followed a destructive policy, China saw the opportunity to shift the global balance of power and took it. This would have never have happened either without the US turn against China. Now that China has nothing to lose, it will work hard against American interests with zero regards to the bilateral relationship unlike in the past, and China has many strings to play as well. It is a country that is spoken softly but carried a big stick for very long, now the world will see more of that big stick.
agreed...looks like china just decided usa is determined to make an enemy out of china
No that is unnecessary but in any case the Americans wanted to play the Cowboy and lead the way :rofl: with few countries tagging along Israel, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, UAE and Egypt plus the US, UK probably Poland including Ukrainian militia rag-tags who seem to have become extremely US loyalists in recent time. This is something Netanyhu lobbiest have been working on for last 10 years or something including Lapid. The Abraham Accords and all that was tying into this.

But none of this is happening I can tell you right now.. Any regional trade restrictions will be lifted from Iran and it will diplomatically resume all of it's missions regionally for the next couple of many decades.

This new agreement is a ground breaking and resets the entire geopolitics of the region and to some extent the world and will allow tourist flows between countries as well and free trade.

Once again well played by China and also this is good for both KSA-IRAN and can resume their brotherly ties for many decades to come
I really want to see many Dubais spring up across the Middle East. Enough of the violence and terrorism, I see the Middle East becoming a major tourism destination and also a prosperous place. I wouldn’t be surprised with the way Europe is going that in twenty years, Europeans will be overstaying their visas in the Middle East and their elites buying up properties there to get away from their shithole countries.
from the bible prophecy: a gogian army(including iran) leads by russia will invade israel when peace seems to be prevailing .....just saying that so watch the development....interesting times ahead....

Th 5:3 While people are saying, "There is peace and security," then sudden destruction will come upon them as labor pains come upon a pregnant woman, and they will not escape.
1Th 5:4 But you are not in darkness, brothers, for that day to surprise you like a thief.
I think you wrong. USA move in his own interest, and they use Israel to unstabilize Middle East.

I talk about war decisions, important decisions, it's not about if some unknown people is fired from his job or not, that can happen in benefit of avoid Israel critics, but that is not important.

In the important issues, USA almost provocated the destruction of Israel last decade, inciting a Israel/Iran war. So they dont give a fck about Israel really.

And no doubt a lot of powerful people in USA elite are Jewish-American, but they dont care about Israel.
Almost provoked the destruction of Israel in last decade? By who? And you said U.S. doesn't care about Israel after all that hoopla on America and Israel together for many decades? Ironic.
Almost provoked the destruction of Israel in last decade? By who? And you said U.S. doesn't care about Israel after all that hoopla on America and Israel together for many decades? Ironic.

one: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2011–2012_Strait_of_Hormuz_dispute
two: https://www.timesofisrael.com/worlds-largest-warship-docks-in-israels-haifa-port/

Twice near to a total Iran/Israel war, American instigated.

Are Iran and Russia going to disappear because Saudis want it ? Russia and Iran are in the same boat. The next best thing is work among themselves. It is not perfect. Some co-ordination is better than one. Petroleum prices are dictated to some degree by mutual actions by OPEC and Russia. You might not care. Iranian, Russian & Saudi elites do care for $$$.

They can unstabilize, they did it, or at least that was said by Iran. That's good for KSA.

But you can't play so much that game without get burnt.


Power in Washington "inside the Beltway", in other words, the last version of the Roman empire (Roman-Biblical Empire 1967 or AngloEmpire 2.0) can be analyzed in two ways:

A) Holy Trinity

1) Father: Permanent State
2) Son: oligarchy
3) Spirit: mental media Bubble

And it can also be analyzed as two teams of commercials discussing how best to serve the gods of the empire

B) Capitoline Triad

1) Jupiter: Global Domination
2) Minerva: Corporatocracy
3) Juno: "Our colonial proyect" (Jabotinsky)

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