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IOK...Kashmir....Cruelty of barbaric forces of evil.

CRPF should've showered them with pellet guns all over again

Just like what you did in Balochistan or is this another wet fart by your maulavi on your face!
Why don't you ask Balochis on this forum,or one from Balochistan instead of running like headless chicken.
I think you have forgotton kunan poshpora mass rapes,in which brave Indian Army raped women as young as 8 and as old as 80.
@Slav Defence @waz @Irfan Baloch @The Eagle
Do you people still thinks these messengers of evil allowed to cheer deaths of civilians?

@WebMaster @Horus
Is posting an opinion that deviates from your's the prerequisite to be labelled a 'messenger of evil' on this forum?
I always thought that required at least a pair of horns and hoofs.

What he said makes sense even to a kid. Don't jump in front of moving vehicles.
How come all this usually happens only after Friday namaz? All week they will be Ok and just after Namaz-e-Jummah they all become brain dead zombies, throwing stone, running in front of moving vehicles...

I wonder what's the Indian strategy to control mosques in valley atleast. They are the biggest inciters of this violence and immediately need to be brought under observation.
Why don't you ask Balochis on this forum,or one from Balochistan instead of running like headless chicken.
I think you have forgotton kunan poshpora mass rapes,in which brave Indian Army raped women as young as 8 and as old as 80.
should we believe whatever you say? Would you agree if we say the same thing about BD or why raiders in 1947 could not take over srinagar? We are still waiting for the arithmetic to add up on 700k troops myth propagated by you ppl.

Stop giving yourself certificates.
should we believe whatever you say?
Don't believe truth never needs your certificate to be believed upon.
AFSPA is enough for any sane mind to believe such horrors.
Would you agree if we say the same thing about BD o
You are free to say,whatever you want.Histroy is written by those,who have the ground, BD and India can write whatever feels good to them.
why raiders in 1947 could not take over srinagar?
That was untrained and undisciplined militia,still they managed to almost capture 50% of Area and hold 40% of it.
In that regard you are free to believe whatever fairytales of Loot,Plunder etc you want to believe for feel good.
We are still waiting for the arithmetic to add up on 700k troops myth propagated by you ppl.
It can be easily added up,if true number of soldiers in Indian Northern command and auxiliaries are disclosed.
How come all this usually happens only after Friday namaz? All week they will be Ok and just after Namaz-e-Jummah they all become brain dead zombies, throwing stone, running in front of moving vehicles...

I wonder what's the Indian strategy to control mosques in valley atleast. They are the biggest inciters of this violence and immediately need to be brought under observation.

There is no strategy currently. But sooner or later, Chinese type policy will have to be adopted.
There is no strategy currently. But sooner or later, Chinese type policy will have to be adopted.

Instead I would suggest we follow the Pakistani policy. Secrect service picking up the leaders and after that the person goes 'missing' or maybe found as a 'boriband laash'. Don't even spare the Maulvis and Muftis. Pakistan has killed more Maulvis than India can ever imagine, and look they have culled all kind of protests in P0K and GB.

The whole islamic administration in JK should be either pro-Indian or Indian. We should send a lots of Barelvi Imams and Maulanas from the hinterlands of UP.
Don't believe truth never needs your certificate to be believed upon.
AFSPA is enough for any sane mind to believe such horrors.
AFSPA is to deal with terrorists. Its a legal law whether you like it or not makes no difference. People can approach Supreme court on it or take a hike. It is only applied in 10 of 22 districts of kashmir. Rest of the districts have no issue. Does jammu have AFSPA ? No
Kargil? No.

can you please let us know which law your army follows in FATA & KP while fighting terrorists using jets & artillery?

You are free to say,whatever you want.Histroy is written by those,who have the ground, BD and India can write whatever feels good to them.
Please apply the same thing to kashmir as well where they hounded out the kashmiri pandits and play the victim card. Pakistan can say whatever you want without any evidence, we all know what they said during kargil war and 1947.

That was untrained and undisciplined militia,still they managed to almost capture 50% of Area and hold 40% of it.
In that regard you are free to believe whatever fairytales of Loot,Plunder etc you want to believe for feel good.
These brutes were led by pakistan army so you cannot deny them just like kargil. I am not saying this but by kashmiris themselves.

Here is a terrorist mouth piece giving the evidence.

" I feel like I am hearing the cries of those innocent women who were robed, raped, kidnapped, and killed by the raiders. I pause and mourn for them."

Now this is the same paper which published this very news, if you believe the posted news you need to accept this fact as well. If you not you are just a hypocrite who cherry picks.

It can be easily added up,if true number of soldiers in Indian Northern command and auxiliaries are disclosed.
Oh is it selective amnesia or is it plain mathematical illiteracy. Northern commands structure and strength is very well documented but for ppl spreading propaganda it is not always visible.

There is only one corps in kashmir and that is XV corps which has 2 divisons. Each division has around 10-13k troops which totals to around max 35k with supporting staff.

As usual you are too economical with truth... it must seriously hurt a lot to speak truth or know facts. These victim playing tricks is well known to the world hence the reason why world does not bother to react to such nonsense.

Instead I would suggest we follow the Pakistani policy. Secrect service picking up the leaders and after that the person goes 'missing' or maybe found as a 'boriband laash'. Don't even spare the Maulvis and Muftis. Pakistan has killed more Maulvis than India can ever imagine, and look they have culled all kind of protests in P0K and GB.

The whole islamic administration in JK should be either pro-Indian or Indian. We should send a lots of Barelvi Imams and Maulanas from the hinterlands of UP.
You cannot have rule of law while dealing with terrorists. Its a weakness that is exploited by the terrorists. A good example is bitta karate who killed kashmir pandits and is still roaming free. If it was in pakistan they would have dispatched him with one bullet here we need to pander to the judiciary and leftists scum.
AFSPA is to deal with terrorists. Its a legal law whether you like it or not makes no difference. People can approach Supreme court on it or take a hike. It is only applied in 10 of 22 districts of kashmir. Rest of the districts have no issue. Does jammu have AFSPA ? No
Kargil? No.

can you please let us know which law your army follows in FATA & KP while fighting terrorists using jets & artillery?

Please apply the same thing to kashmir as well where they hounded out the kashmiri pandits and play the victim card. Pakistan can say whatever you want without any evidence, we all know what they said during kargil war and 1947.

These brutes were led by pakistan army so you cannot deny them just like kargil. I am not saying this but by kashmiris themselves.

Here is a terrorist mouth piece giving the evidence.

" I feel like I am hearing the cries of those innocent women who were robed, raped, kidnapped, and killed by the raiders. I pause and mourn for them."

Now this is the same paper which published this very news, if you believe the posted news you need to accept this fact as well. If you not you are just a hypocrite who cherry picks.

Oh is it selective amnesia or is it plain mathematical illiteracy. Northern commands structure and strength is very well documented but for ppl spreading propaganda it is not always visible.

There is only one corps in kashmir and that is XV corps which has 2 divisons. Each division has around 10-13k troops which totals to around max 35k with supporting staff.

As usual you are too economical with truth... it must seriously hurt a lot to speak truth or know facts. These victim playing tricks is well known to the world hence the reason why world does not bother to react to such nonsense.

You cannot have rule of law while dealing with terrorists. Its a weakness that is exploited by the terrorists. A good example is bitta karate who killed kashmir pandits and is still roaming free. If it was in pakistan they would have dispatched him with one bullet here we need to pander to the judiciary and leftists scum.
Its funny when Pakistanis refers to AFSPA, a law needed in the constitution for better operational efficiency while their army chiefs have jailed their prime ministers, runs a parallel economy and what not.. This is what their COAS think about their constitution while the make fun of some law which Indian army follow.
Indian army is the only army is south asia which haven't done military coup and respect the constitution. AFSPA only prove that fact that even while using heavy hand, we do it within constitutional rights.
Time to bring back the Ikh
AFSPA is to deal with terrorists. Its a legal law whether you like it or not makes no difference. People can approach Supreme court on it or take a hike. It is only applied in 10 of 22 districts of kashmir. Rest of the districts have no issue. Does jammu have AFSPA ? No
Kargil? No.

can you please let us know which law your army follows in FATA & KP while fighting terrorists using jets & artillery?

Please apply the same thing to kashmir as well where they hounded out the kashmiri pandits and play the victim card. Pakistan can say whatever you want without any evidence, we all know what they said during kargil war and 1947.

These brutes were led by pakistan army so you cannot deny them just like kargil. I am not saying this but by kashmiris themselves.

Here is a terrorist mouth piece giving the evidence.

" I feel like I am hearing the cries of those innocent women who were robed, raped, kidnapped, and killed by the raiders. I pause and mourn for them."

Now this is the same paper which published this very news, if you believe the posted news you need to accept this fact as well. If you not you are just a hypocrite who cherry picks.

Oh is it selective amnesia or is it plain mathematical illiteracy. Northern commands structure and strength is very well documented but for ppl spreading propaganda it is not always visible.

There is only one corps in kashmir and that is XV corps which has 2 divisons. Each division has around 10-13k troops which totals to around max 35k with supporting staff.

As usual you are too economical with truth... it must seriously hurt a lot to speak truth or know facts. These victim playing tricks is well known to the world hence the reason why world does not bother to react to such nonsense.

You cannot have rule of law while dealing with terrorists. Its a weakness that is exploited by the terrorists. A good example is bitta karate who killed kashmir pandits and is still roaming free. If it was in pakistan they would have dispatched him with one bullet here we need to pander to the judiciary and leftists scum.

But then we are not so weak as Pakistan.

I am talking of non-violent methods to tame in the source of this every Friday violence. This religious congregation needs to be controlled. No more Aazadi/Pakistani songs being played from Masjid. The Imam/Maulvi should be charged for treason if they fail to curb it. World over these Imams/Maulvis are appointed by the government, must be done in valley ASAP.
Is posting an opinion that deviates from your's the prerequisite to be labelled a 'messenger of evil' on this forum?
I always thought that required at least a pair of horns and hoofs.

What he said makes sense even to a kid. Don't jump in front of moving vehicles.
You are not posting an opinion but enjoying and advocating the death of innocents...have some shame but not expected from Indian Hindus...who stooped too low to be called even animals.

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