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IOK: 7 Amarnath Yatra pilgrims killed in attack, Yatri and policemen including total 30 injured

This is very unfortunate loss of human life , India must leave kashmir, anger in kashmiris is increasing.
Sir believe me , my mom's eye were filled during the APS attack and was not able eat on that night ....we are humans first then something else ......
Unfortunately that's the dilemma we face. Both sides have dehumanized the other so much that for the more feeble minded, its beyond comprehension to even imagine the "others" as humans. This attitude needs to change on both sides.

My condolences on the needless loss of life. There can be NO, I repeat, NO justification for the murder of innocent, unarmed non-combatants. NO religious edict and NO nationalistic motivation is above the life of an innocent. The moment you taint your ideals with the blood of innocents, it is no longer pure and you are no longer in the right.

Rest in Peace.

I'd stand behind that policy 100%. Suicide Trolls are a real problem these days. Ruin the discussion.
zakir musa has already stated that it is a fight for sharia & islamic state. More ever this is nothing new, its the same since middle ages. It is no surprise that a very few of the temples are still standing in kashmir.
First of all accept my condolences for the sad loss of lives.
as far zakir musa"s announcement it is strange that he becomes so powerful just after a day to stage such a brazen attack

Kashmir fight was always against the oppression and still is. it is another matter that the oppressors many decades back were non Muslims and the oppressed were mostly Muslims. today it is the same equationm
few years back indian media tried to link Kashmir struggle with Taliban and i warned your indian members that your media is playing with fire. today many indians on forums are claiming the same which means you are creating the atmosphere for a monster that does not exist
please do not pave way for suicide bombing in india since the monster you want to invite will not be limited to occupied territory it will reach india.
How many killed as per latest updates?

Last number was 7 killed. Any progress?

ISI had warned that india might stage false flag attack on this yatra for internationals sympathy....
Sir believe me , my mom's eye were filled during the APS attack and was not able eat on that night ....we are humans first then something else ......

I've spent a good couple of years face to face with the Indians, we've shot at each other, we swore at each other, we'd taunt each other but whenever it came to dealing with the dead, we were both respectful.

We once asked them not to fire while we recovered an unidentified body from the river and they didn't despite us being in the open.

Similarly we recovered an IA soldier's body that had drifted downstream, despite the suspension of all communication, our CO informed the Indians on open channel that we had a body that was theirs and we were looking to hand it over, he informed HQ who in turn lodged a request with the Indian mission in Islamabad who in turn relayed the message to the other side.

Two days later, the border flag meeting and hand over was arranged, as a final act of respect, our CO took the Indian flag from our mess (raid trophy) and put it over the soldier's coffin because he felt it was an indignity for him to leave in a bare coffin and the flag served a better purpose on his coffin.

Our forces are generally respectful of each other, despite our animosity. I would hope our people could also learn that. Its not you who fight, its us, so why is it that you harbour all the hatred and seething anger?
RIP..... So sad.... Hope terrorists are sent to their final destination soon...
Just kick all the journalists out of Kashmir and cut internet and mobile signals..send in the army and clean the place out .India needs to learn from the Russians, Chinese and Israelis....It can be done..just need the will.
Looks like the Kashmiri freedom struggle has officially graduate to religious war.
Not the first time Hindu pilgrims were attacked. 208 temples are destroyed as per the Govt. Who wants to hide these figures. The real number is higher.
I've spent a good couple of years face to face with the Indians, we've shot at each other, we swore at each other, we'd taunt each other but whenever it came to dealing with the dead, we were both respectful.

We once asked them not to fire while we recovered an unidentified body from the river and they didn't despite us being in the open.

Similarly we recovered an IA soldier's body that had drifted downstream, despite the suspension of all communication, our CO informed the Indians on open channel that we had a body that was theirs and we were looking to hand it over, he informed HQ who in turn lodged a request with the Indian mission in Islamabad who in turn relayed the message to the other side.

Two days later, the border flag meeting and hand over was arranged, as a final act of respect, our CO took the Indian flag from our mess (raid trophy) and put it over the soldier's coffin because he felt it was an indignity for him to leave in a bare coffin and the flag served a better purpose on his coffin.

Our forces are generally respectful of each other, despite our animosity. I would hope our people could also learn that. Its not you who fight, its us, so why is it that you harbour all the hatred and seething anger?
for the last two lines of your comment.
Because the internet troll warriors are unaware of the pain soldiers and their families face forever due to these war zones

Just kick all the journalists out of Kashmir and cut internet and mobile signals..send in the army and clean the place out .India needs to learn from the Russians, Chinese and Israelis....It can be done..just need the will.
you have already done that but failed to block images of innocent Kashmiri civilians blinded by indian pallet guns ftom reaching the world.
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India needs to learn from the Russians, Chinese and Israelis....It can be done..just need the will.
India lacks the will, man. Parties - Governments...
Core issues require a decisive leadership... I just hope lessons learnt are implemented without delay... but alas...
for the last two lines of your comment.
Because the internet troll warriors are unaware of the pain soldiers and their families face forever due to these war zones

you have already did that but failed to block images of innocent Kashmiri civilians blinded by indian pallet guns ftom reaching the world.
India did not fail blocking the images....we allowed news media in..this time just shut the whole area off (Quarantine)..no Jornos, no mobile signals and no internet (No phones connections and cut the power off as well)..then you will see the area cleansed.

India lacks the will, man. Parties - Governments...
Core issues require a decisive leadership... I just hope lessons learnt are implemented without delay... but alas...
I salute what the Lankan forces did to clear out the LTTE scums. I did not like it when I saw the images, but hey it needed to be done....India needs to do the same, heck with what anyone says...!

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