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IOK: 7 Amarnath Yatra pilgrims killed in attack, Yatri and policemen including total 30 injured

the entire world is facing propaganda warfare not just india so your excuse is lame as long as you do not impose tge ban on internet in india as well after all the rumours have caused more lynching in india than any in occupied Kashmir.
Kashmir is not equal to other parts of India, Ma'am. You can't expect Indian policy will be same in where militancy has an Islamic overtone, active foreign support and a bloody history of violence with any other region in this country.
Looks like the Kashmiri freedom struggle has officially graduate to religious war.

It has always been a religious war since the time they targeted Hindu Kashmiri Pandits starting from 1990, thus starting India's first mass internal exodus.

Time to take tough actions against these Islamic terrorists..and de-radicalization of Muslims of the valley should be the priority.

Kashmir was always about the religion...this started with exodus of Hindus from the valley in 1998 from of the threat of Islamic terrorists. And this is not the first time Hindus are targeted in the Valley.

This is undoubtedly religious terrorism...

I hope Indian Army culls these rats...

It was never about a region. It was about religious separatism always. Otherwise there is simply nothing about Kashmir that is distinct from the rest of our country.

Kashmir Struggle was always about freedom for Kashmir people against the forces that occupied their area. For decades, the people were not given their right to hold the promised plebiscite. The people took on the Indian forces not because of any foreign manipulation but because of the injustices done to them.
Now, I will not defend the killings of innocents are any other wrongdoings done to them. The wrongdoings done to the Kashmiris can certainly not be reasoned whether they belong to any religion.
People need to understand that the injustices were done not only to hindu kashmiris but also to Muslim Kashmiris....and Muslims suffered before the others both in the time period and in the magnitude. More Muslims are killed, tortured, raped, blinded, and what not in Kashmir than other minorities.

The freedom struggles and the effort of freedom fighters can not be tainted by others just because a small number of minority suffered too relatively to the majority.
When grave injustices are done to Muslims by the state, you can not expect them all to just sit quiet and do nothing. They will target the state institutions and military... And while doing it, there will be many cases in which the innocents will be caught. Muslims are not angels and are also ordinary people. In conflicts, innocents suffer. Yet, I will freely say that if any Muslim who is involved in any wrongdoing to the minority, shall be punished without mercy and same goes for any other person.
The freedom fighters especially in recent years have mostly targeted military institutions. Which is most welcoming and setting themselves in the right direction.
When people demand justice for Kashmiri Pandits, they should also demand for justice for Muslims of Kashmir that are suffering long before other minorities did. When the state itself is involved in wrongdoings, how can you expect justice?

Even in religious war, Islam does not allow us to hurt innocents whether they are hindus,kafirs,mushriks or whatever. In jihad, we can not hurt those who do not stand up against you to fight. We can not even damage the crops of our enemy. You people do not know anything about religious war and yet are the first to comment on it...Ironic.....
In the end, Whatever you consider it to be,regional war,religious war,war for resources,war for revenge, bla bla.....You can not dispute the fact that the only solution to the conflict is to hold a plebiscite.
there are more indian casualties there.
and Kashmir is not part of india so there is no question of separatism but freeing from indian occupationm
secondly Kashmiris do not want to impose sharia. they are more liberal than your conservative hindus in the valley.
you indians are running out of excuses so now want to convert Kashmir war into religious one. good do it. your stupid planners from saffron brigade think that by this way you will gain international sympathies but in fact you will end up bringing more attention to Kashmir issue.
Good..thats what we want ..to bring more attention to the Pakistan occupied Kashmir...It has always been a religious war...the day you guys killed and chased Pandits out it became one.
Oh man 7 dead thats big. Indian army is going to go crazy on the Kashmiri Muslims tonight, I feel bad for them.

Already hearing rumours that a huge cordon and search operation will be launched. Usually that means Kashmiri Muslim women are going to get some Hindu/Sikh Army men in bed tonight. Oh well thats the price you pay for terrorism.

Now look at your comment do you even look like a normal sane person.
After reading comments like these we even doubt should we condemn/or loud these attacks.

Its people like you play with other emotion. If those people who died it attack thought and acted like you then its better that they died.
Thread wiped clean of filth and this is all that remains out of 7 pages worth of useless shit posting.

Shame on you people. You're supposed to be f***ing adults.

And why did you delete my post ? For calling it a false flag attack aimed at bringing a bad name to the Kashmiri movement ?? Separatist leaders called it "an act of terror" and Kashmiri Freedom Fighters distanced themselves from the attack saying that this was carried out to malign the freedom movement.

Police sources told the BBC the attack did not appear to be aimed at the bus, but hardline Hindu groups linked to Prime Minister Narendra Modi's ruling party had long wanted to see tough action against the armed revolt against Indian rule in the Muslim-majority region.

And You believe that hardline Hindus are telling the truth and everyone else is lying ??

Shame on you ..
Time to take tough actions against these Islamic terrorists..and de-radicalization of Muslims of the valley should be the priority.

Kashmir was always about the religion...this started with exodus of Hindus from the valley in 1998 from of the threat of Islamic terrorists. And this is not the first time Hindus are targeted in the Valley.
First of all we have not enforced minorities of Kashmir to leave the valley it is a plan of extremist Brahmin samraj.
Your forces used mercenaries and criminals to create propaganda war in Kashmir and still they are using this tactics.
Islam is the spiritual aspect of freedom and Jihad will remain as it is until Qayamat.
First of all we have not enforced minorities of Kashmir to leave the valley it is a plan of extremist Brahmin samraj.
Your forces used mercenaries and criminals to create propaganda war in Kashmir and still they are using this tactics.
Islam is the spiritual aspect of freedom and Jihad will remain as it is until Qayamat.


The point is separatists were not comfortable with Amarnath Yatra ever, because separatists always felt that India will not loosen its hold on Kashmir because Kashmir holds some of the Hinduisms' most revered religious places such as Amarnath and Vaishno devi shrines.

Second, Kashmir is almost 40% non Muslim and separatists feel that Hindus and other sects have never supported their 'freedom' movement, and hence they have cultivated a anti Hindu mood.

Third, there has been growth of radical Islam in the valley and the 'freedom' movement was equated to establishment of Islamic caliphate. Zakir Musa is the example of that stain of 'freedom' movement. he even threatened to decapitate Hurriyat leaders.

This was not the first time Yatris are targeted. In 2000, 100 Yatris were killed.

And why did you delete my post ? For calling it a false flag attack aimed at bringing a bad name to the Kashmiri movement ?? Separatist leaders called it "an act of terror" and Kashmiri Freedom Fighters distanced themselves from the attack saying that this was carried out to malign the freedom movement.

Police sources told the BBC the attack did not appear to be aimed at the bus, but hardline Hindu groups linked to Prime Minister Narendra Modi's ruling party had long wanted to see tough action against the armed revolt against Indian rule in the Muslim-majority region.

And You believe that hardline Hindus are telling the truth and everyone else is lying ??

Shame on you ..

Because your are weaving a heinous story of false flag around death of innocent Hindus who were doing their religious duties. Shame on you.

The bus was not registered with the police, so there was no police party around the bus to protect yatris...why do you think no police was killed but only Yatris?

Moreover, those terrorist could easily see that it was Yatris' route and the bus was not a police convey. Even then they fired bullets on the bus killing 7 yatris and injured 20 more.
My dear Indians,,why r u trying so hard,,Do u think ur posts can change opinions of terrorist sympathisers.
For thm it is false flag,,leave it at tht.

The point is separatists were not comfortable with Amarnath Yatra ever, because separatists always felt that India will not loosen its hold on Kashmir because Kashmir holds some of the Hinduisms' most revered religious places such as Amarnath and Vaishno devi shrines.

Second, Kashmir is almost 40% non Muslim and separatists feel that Hindus and other sects have never supported their 'freedom' movement, and hence they have cultivated a anti Hindu mood.

Third, there has been growth of radical Islam in the valley and the 'freedom' movement was equated to establishment of Islamic caliphate. Zakir Musa is the example of that stain of 'freedom' movement. he even threatened to decapitate Hurriyat leaders.

This was not the first time Yatris are targeted. In 2000, 100 Yatris were killed.

Because your are weaving a heinous story of false flag around death of innocent Hindus who were doing their religious duties. Shame on you.

The bus was not registered with the police, so there was no police party around the bus to protect yatris...why do you think no police was killed but only Yatris?

Moreover, those terrorist could easily see that it was Yatris' route and the bus was not a police convey. Even then they fired bullets on the bus killing 7 yatris and injured 20 more.
You are misguided actually and the reason behind is your blind trust on your government. Freedom of Kashmir was started by both KAshmiri Pandits and Muslims against Maharaja of Kashmir so all residents of valley are against Brahmin Samraj and Hindu extremism.

On behalf of United Jihad Council statement we all residents of Azad Kashmir and PAkistan condemn this attack and loss of lives secondly we aim to target military installations only and neither we supported such attacks in past and we will not do it in future.

Zakir Musa has been left Hizbul Mujahideen and his role is very suspicious we have sympathies for him just because he was once part of Burhan's group.
There were two separate attacks. One on bus which was not listed with Shrine board and not part of convoy. Seemingly spotted with gujrat number. It seems 7 died in bus. Second attack was on small vehicle carrying security persons and yatris. 2 civilian are dead and 2 security personnel are injured. So 11 -12 people are in serious condition.
You are misguided actually and the reason behind is your blind trust on your government. Freedom of Kashmir was started by both KAshmiri Pandits and Muslims against Maharaja of Kashmir so all residents of valley are against Brahmin Samraj and Hindu extremism.

On behalf of United Jihad Council statement we all residents of Azad Kashmir and PAkistan condemn this attack and loss of lives secondly we aim to target military installations only and neither we supported such attacks in past and we will not do it in future.

Zakir Musa has been left Hizbul Mujahideen and his role is very suspicious we have sympathies for him just because he was once part of Burhan's group.

The problem with you Pakistanis is...you simplify Kashmir...and think from a Pakistani perspective...you people think why should terrorists kill Hindus and defame 'freedom' movement? The reality is terrorists think differently. If terrorists would have been rational in their thinking...TTP would not have killed scores of school children, Jamaat ul Ahrar would not have targeted Shias, ISIS wouldn't have killed millions of Christians, Shias, Kurds, Yazidis, 9/11 would not have happened, and 26/11 would not have happened.

As I said Kashmir is much more complex than your Pakistani prospective. There are different objectives of different terror groups in Kashmir...some want to go with Pakistan, some want independent Kashmir, some want Islamic caliphate, and some want to get rid of Hindus and other sects and make Kashmir 100% Muslim.

And, Zakir Musa is not somebody you can ignore. He commands the largest following in the valley. He is more popular than Burhani Wani and even Gelaani. Kashmir has never been so radical as it now, not even when the violence was at the highest in late 1990's and early 2000's

There were two separate attacks. One on bus which was not listed with Shrine board and not part of convoy. Seemingly spotted with gujrat number. It seems 7 died in bus. Second attack was on small vehicle carrying security persons and yatris. 2 civilian are dead and 2 security personnel are injured. So 11 -12 people are in serious condition.

Three attacks at three different places...one on a bus that was not part any convey, one on a car that was part of police convey and third on a Police picket. Maximum people killed were from the bus...yes 11 -12 people are in serious condition
The problem with you Pakistanis is...you simplify Kashmir...and think from a Pakistani perspective...you people think why should terrorists kill Hindus and defame 'freedom' movement? The reality is terrorists think differently. If terrorists would have been rational in their thinking...TTP would not have killed scores of school children, Jamaat ul Ahrar would not have targeted Shias, ISIS wouldn't have killed millions of Christians, Shias, Kurds, Yazidis, 9/11 would not have happened, and 26/11 would not have happened.

As I said Kashmir is much more complex than your Pakistani prospective. There are different objectives of different terror groups in Kashmir...some want to go with Pakistan, some want independent Kashmir, some want Islamic caliphate, and some want to get rid of Hindus and other sects and make Kashmir 100% Muslim.

And, Zakir Musa is not somebody you can ignore. He commands the largest following in the valley. He is more popular than Burhani Wani and even Gelaani. Kashmir has never been so radical as it now, not even when the violence was at the highest in late 1990's and early 2000's

Three attacks at three different places...one on a bus that was not part any convey, one on a car that was part of police convey and third on a Police picket. Maximum people killed were from the bus...yes 11 -12 people are in serious condition
Stop comparing Mujahideen of Kashmir wiv TTP and related organisations. Mujahideen of KAshmie are legitimate freedom fighters and their activities do not harm any specific sect or community, their targets are military installations and stooge government of J&K.
With passing time and momentum in Kashmir struggle compelled entire world to realize that Kashmiris are innocent and their right of self determination is legitimate. Give me a single statement where any other country then India portrayed Burhan Wani a terrorist even some of your politician realized him as a mistreated youth turned icon of resistance movement.
Such pathetic activities of Indian agencies are only planned and executed to defame freedom movement. We are united under banner of Islam and our target oriented attacks will bleed occupiers badly.
Zakir Musa is no doubt very famous due to his straight forwardness and ideology but Indians do not know that Hizbul Mujahideen and Musa have same cause which is Azadi Barae Islam.
The GOI has proven to be useless to protect civilians. How hard is it to defend against an attack that is coming ?

Azlan Haider said:
And why did you delete my post ? For calling it a false flag attack aimed at bringing a bad name to the Kashmiri movement ?? Separatist leaders called it "an act of terror" and Kashmiri Freedom Fighters distanced themselves from the attack saying that this was carried out to malign the freedom movement.

Police sources told the BBC the attack did not appear to be aimed at the bus, but hardline Hindu groups linked to Prime Minister Narendra Modi's ruling party had long wanted to see tough action against the armed revolt against Indian rule in the Muslim-majority region.

And You believe that hardline Hindus are telling the truth and everyone else is lying ??

If you have evidence to prove this please post. Otherwise you are peddling conspiracy theories.

India and Pakistan are unlikely to change their positions on Kashmir. What is the point of all this ?
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