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Involve India if Pakistan becomes 'unstable' :: Donald Trump


Involve India if Pakistan becomes 'unstable' :: Donald Trump

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

By : Hindustan Times

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has said India will have to be roped in by the US to deal with the fallout of Pakistan becoming “unstable” in the future.

  • Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has said India will have to be roped in by the US to deal with the fallout of Pakistan becoming “unstable” in the future.

    “You have to get India involved. India’s the check to Pakistan,” Trump said during his appearance on the radio talk show hosted by Hugh Hewitt on Monday.

    Hewitt had asked the businessman what he would do if Pakistan, which the radio show host described as “the most dangerous country in the world other than Iran”, became “unstable”, The Hill blog reported.

    Asked by Hewitt if he would send US troops to neutralise Pakistan’s nuclear capability should the country go rogue, Trump said he wouldn’t reveal his military plans to a potential rival.

    “People can’t know exactly what your intentions are,” Trump said. “You want to have...a little bit of guess work for the enemy.

    “This has nothing to do with lack of knowledge, because I think I know as much about Pakistan as most other people...But I will tell you, I don’t want to broadcast my intentions.

    “I want to be unpredictable with this,” Trump said. “I don’t want to be like (President Barack) Obama, where he’s always saying you know, we’re going to do this in two weeks and then we’re going to do that.”

    Trump, however, said North Korea was a more immediate threat than Pakistan because it was already “a rogue group with nukes”.

    “I said (during the second Republican debate) we’re talking so much about Iran, and they don’t have nukes at this moment,” Trump said. “You have a madman over in North Korea who actually has nukes and he says he’s going to use them.”

THAT's how you kill Two birds with one stone. Two Nuclear powers.:mamba:
If we die we take them with us too atleast with our small sacrifice world live in peace

How can we do that? this is USA?? which can destroy the entire planet many times over with a click of the red button
If we die we take them with us too atleast with our small sacrifice world live in peace

We have same button too dont worry

Buddy we can not reach America and even if we could lob a few missiles at them they can monitor them in advance using their spy sats and take them out using lasers.
How can we do that? this is USA?? which can destroy the entire planet many times over with a click of the red button

Vietnam defeated Uncle SAM. Where was the Red Button ? They cant defeat Vietnam a single time how can they Destroy the whole world.:omghaha:
Vietnam defeated Uncle SAM. Where was the Red Button ? They cant defeat Vietnam a single time how can they Destroy the whole world.:omghaha:

USA withdrew from Vietnam as they lost the stomach to fight such a brutal war with a enemy who were using jungle warfare plus the public had enough as they were enjoying listening to beatles and smoking marijuana during the 70's.

This is just election noise nothing else the more crazy you sound the more Fox news loves you.
Trump is a bad choice for US....But given current US situation he will definitely become president....

God help this world....
If Pakistan becomes "unstable", as vague as that term is, involving India would be the least rational decision one could make. In any such situation, a statesman will try to insulate the country from any threats in order to suppress the probability of any impulsive decisions being made and then you address the cause of hysteria.
This guy is not suited for the position of POTUS and if he wins, then God help us all because the fourth Reich will be soon in the coming.
First of all, the odds of TRUMP becoming the US President are about the same as I becoming " Miss Universe ":cheesy:

Secondly , if thru some freak chance he becomes the Commander in Chief, he will be roped in fairly fast by the US military and the Civil Bureaucracy.

The US President in not an ABSOLUTE MONARCH. There are tons of " Checks and Balances " in the US System.
you are right POTUS is limited to United States

There is a better chance of Megan Fox sleeping with me than him getting selected!
This trump guy has some serious personal issues. He has a problem with Blacks, Mexicans and Pakistanis/Muslims. The so-called soulful, passionate, feisty and masculine races. Think perhaps his wife/ex-wife, girlfriend/former girlfriend or female relative must have had an affair with one of the above mentioned races. Could explain everything.
Democrats must be begging Republicans to made Trump as front runner for the Elections because he would make way more mess for Republican then G W Bush did when he went to Iraq.
Yeah u're gonna send troops to neutralize Pakistan's nuke capability . And in response Pak will destroy us and We'll destroy them nice strategy indeed Mister .:crazy:

I think its time to call back Sartaj Aziz and talk about those peace talks if we want to see a Indian subcontinent on map.:lol:

Thats called divide and rule
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