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Intrastate Tensions in India and Pakistan


Dec 19, 2008
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I may get an award for starting more controversial threads on this forum. Hope its not ban.

Many threads discuessed about Indias ongoing internal issues. Free Tamil; Khalistan etc. Its not impossible but its not easy too. I want Indian members to jump and give details about the situation rather than just saying we are indians and united.
India as a counry with lotta diversity; ppl, colur, language, religion etc etc. We have lotta internal issues between states like sharing water resources. So ppl might hate onother state ppl as much they hate pakistan. Still what is keeping us united is culture; tradition and govt. The govt has done fantasic work to layout the factries, business and mainly economy to depend on each other. I will give more details in the next post.

When Mushrraf came to power in pakistan we used to hear that If mushrraf wasnt in power the pakistan will break into multiple countries and nuclear power might reach any terror group. So its good to have Mushrraf in power frm Indian POV. I dont know its media hype or real.

I want to ask the same question to pakistan frens; How united r u guys; Dont just give patriotic answers, Whats the steps govt has taken to keep everyone on same page; or whats the dependency on central govt by states; how difficult for a state to survice etc are few things u can bring...
in pakistan most people are united
as u can recall in recent events when india threatened war with pakistan even the pakistani taliban said that they would fight shoulder with shoulder with pak army
some may have different views on things but we are all united as we have faced the same problems, same enemies, same faith, and same langauge [urdu; widely spoken throughout pakistan]
I think India-Pak existance itself would keep both countries united. Its a very good point from Caption. Even indians feel that If we break up its difficult to manage it. There is lot of dependecy of central govt ppl and govt trying its best to make the major cities are filled with mix of different states so state cant just feel its by its own. Mainly people-people interaction has improved a lot in last 10 years. IT helped a bit too for ppl to move and settle in diff states.
I may get an award for starting more controversial threads on this forum. Hope its not ban.

Many threads discuessed about Indias ongoing internal issues. Free Tamil; Khalistan etc. Its not impossible but its not easy too. I want Indian members to jump and give details about the situation rather than just saying we are indians and united.
India as a counry with lotta diversity; ppl, colur, language, religion etc etc. We have lotta internal issues between states like sharing water resources. So ppl might hate onother state ppl as much they hate pakistan. Still what is keeping us united is culture; tradition and govt. The govt has done fantasic work to layout the factries, business and mainly economy to depend on each other. I will give more details in the next post.

When Mushrraf came to power in pakistan we used to hear that If mushrraf wasnt in power the pakistan will break into multiple countries and nuclear power might reach any terror group. So its good to have Mushrraf in power frm Indian POV. I dont know its media hype or real.

I want to ask the same question to pakistan frens; How united r u guys; Dont just give patriotic answers, Whats the steps govt has taken to keep everyone on same page; or whats the dependency on central govt by states; how difficult for a state to survice etc are few things u can bring...

Quite frankly, I have friends from all over India, including Sikhs and Tamils and I have never heard anything about separating from India. You would never hear such crap anywhere outside a Pakistani forum. There is a lot of garbage floating around the internet which Pakistanis selectively pick to paint India in a bad light to satisfy their own egos. For example, in that Khalistan thread, the guy has posted videos from 1984!

Let's be fair about it, in the earlier years of independent India there was quite a lot of discontent, especially because people in India belong to so many ethnicities, cultures and religions. But our government has done a good job of integrating India the way it has. Looking ahead, I see the differences between Indians diminish further and consequently any case for separatism. Of course, the Kashmir issue is an important exception.
The unity of Pakistan can be judged by the recent tension with India threatening war on Pakistan, where the Talebans, being pounded by every available weapon in Pak army, pledged their full support to Pakistan Army in case the war breaks out.

Our internal issues are not like Indian internal issues, we still are one regardless of what conflicts do we have internally.
The unity cant be really judged by India-Pak relations; but it could influence during war time. War-Cricket matches just feed to ppl emotions. See how much ppls daily activity changed in these India pak war tension. Nothing changed. but everyone started talking about it. Its natural in pakistan and even in India.

But whats going on between states and their interdependency, central govt control. ppl comfort to relocate btwn states is what matters. I must say in India things are getting improved not at best.
In a way pakistan might have less problems being islamic country and urdu being the language and most similar life style across.
Well I guess it was a blunder to divide the states on the basis of language. The borders of the princely states should have been kept as it was. Just for an example the present state of kerala is formed by merging Travancore, Cochin State and Malabar just becoz the people there speak a common language. Travancore got divided in between Tamil nadu and kerala. But the people there still have a love for their old kingdom.
Indians are united on hatred towards Pakistan. Their hate keeps them united.
Free Tamil? If you read lot of Anti-India forums, I am sure You can get more info on that. But, actual situ is not that way! There used to be a seperatist movement. Even during its days of existence, it never had a strong support base. And there was not a proper seperatist movement either. There was one, which demanded a seperate state, South Tamilnadu, with Madurai as its capital.
It is very amusing for me when people mention about Free Tamil Nadu. I earlier wrote about this in a thread but that was deleted by the mod, so I would present my views again in this thread.

Since birth I have lived in Tamil Nadu (30 years) and I came to know about the aspirations of free Tamil Nadu only from this forum. So, I checked with my father whether he had known about this aspiration in his generation. But he only remembers the struggle against Hindi imposition during 1963-65 as had participated in it with a scar as gift from the police lathi. Even at that time it was only against Hindi imposition and not against Indianism.

As I mentioned in my other thread the only aspiration of Tamil Nadu is to develop their state economically and become the diamond edge of the Indian sword.

The state is fast moving toward 100% literacy. It is already a 100% literate state for under 10 years of age. Tamil Nadu has the highest number of Engineering colleges in India and is producing the highest number of engineers in entire India.

With the advent of industrialization Tamil Nadu has benifited enormously and chennai being called Detroit of South Asia.

If there is any anger in section of HARDLINE TAMILS it is towards Srilanka and Pakistan. Pakistan... bcoz the bullets that kill innocent Tamils in Srilanka (leave that terrorists as_ h---- LTTE) say that they were made in Pakistan.
Quite frankly, I have friends from all over India, including Sikhs and Tamils and I have never heard anything about separating from India. You would never hear such crap anywhere outside a Pakistani forum. There is a lot of garbage floating around the internet which Pakistanis selectively pick to paint India in a bad light to satisfy their own egos. For example, in that Khalistan thread, the guy has posted videos from 1984!

Let's be fair about it, in the earlier years of independent India there was quite a lot of discontent, especially because people in India belong to so many ethnicities, cultures and religions. But our government has done a good job of integrating India the way it has. Looking ahead, I see the differences between Indians diminish further and consequently any case for separatism. Of course, the Kashmir issue is an important exception.

The same can be said about pakistan. i have a lot of friends that are balochi and sindhi and Pathan i have never heard from them that we should divide pakistan. Actually what i have noticed is that a lot of this division stupidity comes from people from older generations that havnt reconciled there identity to pakistani that are of my age dont really see things that way most of us think of our selves of pakistani first and then as any other identity. so i think as newer and newer generations will be born this notion of separatism will start fading away both in india and pakistan
separation movement increases due to suppression of common people. It keep on building the venom in people for gov and explode after some time.
history proves it,USSR 1991, 1971 Bangladesh, all independent movements from imperialism.
if people are allowed to express them selves without any discrimination then no way any country can break. Even if separatist movement started by some hardliners, they will never get support from common people.

I am from Rajasthan and i never heard such crap there, if you will talk about separation of any state of India. people will get angry:angry: there you will feel like 'its time to shut now'.
I think that the answer lies in the question itself ! Strong India , Strong Pakistan, CAN THEY BREAK UP EACH OTHER? I really wonder why such questions are even asked, but at the same time I also understand that this is exactly that both countries need to STOP THINKING. Why should Pakistan think of breaking up India if India does not think that way. There is a Qurranic verse that says "HAL JAZA UL EHSAN E ILLAL EHSAN", " Neki or good will is always returned with the same".
Both countries need to STOP and think HARD. Both nations need to resolve their differences peacefully with leaders showing statesmanship, not petty polotics for short term gains and amoungst issues, top of the list is KASHMIR.
Lets now b e honest that due to KASHMIR the two states have not been able to normalize their relations or even reduce the ever simmering animosity. The same has costed the nations and their citizens dearly. i am sure that India And Pakistan will remain in an incessent state of war till we resolve the Kashmir issue and then the two governments try to co exist with each other like US and Canada, atleast that is what the Father of the Pakistani nation had thought of.
The forces that keep Pakistan together and united are many and I need not go into the details to prove a point, as Pakistan has remained to be a geographic reality on the world map despite a hedgemonious India bent upon breaking it for the past 61 years. So leave this BREAK BREAK game and try to work out a WIN WIN THOUGHT for both countries, as this is the least that should be expected out of the young and much smarter generation of these two great nations.
with India threatening war on Pakistan, where the Talebans, being pounded by every available weapon in Pak army, pledged their full support to Pakistan Army in case the war breaks out.

That's believable, the Taliban rather be allies with Pak army than to let a Hindu army invade Muslim lands.

I remember reading an article on BBC long time ago that George Bush asked President Musharraf to contribute Pakistani troops to Iraq to help US soldiers. Musharraf said there is a chance he may send them but he also warned Bush that he can't promise Pakistani soldiers' loyalty to US soldiers. lolz :rofl: I cracked up. This shows that the Muslim Ummah has gotten so bad that Muslims are re-thinking how they should conduct themselves with each other against non-Muslim forces.
The same can be said about pakistan. i have a lot of friends that are balochi and sindhi and Pathan i have never heard from them that we should divide pakistan. Actually what i have noticed is that a lot of this division stupidity comes from people from older generations that havnt reconciled there identity to pakistani that are of my age dont really see things that way most of us think of our selves of pakistani first and then as any other identity. so i think as newer and newer generations will be born this notion of separatism will start fading away both in india and pakistan

Spot on brother..!!!!

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