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Intra-Yemeni Talks in Riyadh Restore Hope for Yemen Exiting Current Situation

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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Saturday, 2 April, 2022


Sarhan Al-Munikher, head of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) mission to Yemen, considered all solutions open to Yemenis to decide the fate of their country and get out of the current situation.

Meanwhile, Southern Transitional Council (STC) commander Maj. Gen. Salem al-Soctori reaffirmed that the GCC-sponsored intra-Yemeni talks represent hope for peace in Yemen.

“The Yemeni consultations have no choice but to succeed, and it is not impossible to overcome the challenges in the Yemeni scene with the support of the GCC states,” Al-Munikher told Asharq Al-Awsat.

Intra-Yemeni talks kickstarted last Wednesday, with the participation of more than 800 Yemeni representatives, and the presence of the UN, US and Swedish envoys to Yemen, as well as Western and Arab ambassadors.

“Whoever knows the Yemenis, realizes that they are advancing and surpassing themselves, and we are concerned with providing this platform, enabling them to talk to each other, leaving all solutions open,” noted Al-Munikher.

“These consultations may establish a specific mechanism to get Yemen out of its current situation, and form teams to follow up on what is being agreed upon by Yemenis through the talks,” he added, highlighting that the GCC would provide support to the outcomes.

According to Al-Munikher, this backing would aid in saving Yemen and ensuring a decent life and a stable country for all Yemenis.

The GCC ambassador explained that the second day of Yemeni consultations in Riyadh was devoted to exploring the current situation in Yemen, in all issues and axes, by dialogue panelists.

Intra-Yemeni talks tackled six axes with political, economic and development, relief, and humanitarian, social, and media aspects.

Al-Munikher stressed that “these axes were chosen by the Yemenis themselves, because they are the most aware of the problems that lie among them and are most eligible to propose the best solutions to them.”

“That is why the Yemeni-Yemeni consultations were called, to come up with a Yemeni roadmap and push for a comprehensive political solution to the crisis in the country,” he explained.

“The idea of these consultations is to give a platform to the Yemeni people to meet with each other after a break of years,” said Al-Munikher, adding that the GCC was keen to offer the invitation and gather all Yemeni parties under one roof.

Meanwhile, STC’s al-Soctori stressed that intra-Yemeni consultations in Riyadh constitute a key chapter in the history of the conflict.

“The invitation of the GCC is appreciated and it offers a great hope for the country to come out of the crisis and bring about peace in the next stage,” al-Soctori told Asharq Al-Awsat.

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