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Interview with the surgical strike team

As history has shown, whaterver an indian says or believes in, the OPPOSITE is always true. Compulsive lying, deception, corruption & dishonesty are hard-wired into the indian dna.

In UN language its hypocrite India.

How aptly named
To be honest, in purely military terms, use of special forces is to take out very selective target or a specific person. If Indian military has claimed that they targeted some "XYZ" commander or important figure of LeT or JeM or whatever suiting their propaganda it makes sense.
But a strike to destroy some "launching pads" with "x" numbers of terrorists does not make sense at all. As per Indian claims, these camps were just 500 meters to a kilometer or so from LoC. That means that can be easily targeted using artillery other safe (stand off) options. The objective was just to eliminate the camps and its inmates. There was apparently no objective to capture alive a specific person or to retrieve a specific document/device or a thing of interest (which necessitate the use of special forces)
There was also no near by civilian population which may cause a risk of collateral damage. If Indian Army has an intel, satellite imagery and exact coordinates, it was a super easy job for artillery or Brahmose or even Stand off released by IAF Mirages from 40-50KMs away.

Hence, it proved beyond any doubt that this was just a propaganda stunt and just another episode in 4th Gen. war against Pakistan.
As history has shown, whaterver an indian says or believes in, the OPPOSITE is always true. Compulsive lying, deception, corruption & dishonesty are hard-wired into the indian dna.
Please give an example.
And in the meantime, only preach what u practice, and keep in mind the number of times pakistan has been humiliated.
To be honest, in purely military terms, use of special forces is to take out very selective target or a specific person. If Indian military has claimed that they targeted some "XYZ" commander or important figure of LeT or JeM or whatever suiting their propaganda it makes sense.
But a strike to destroy some "launching pads" with "x" numbers of terrorists does not make sense at all. As per Indian claims, these camps were just 500 meters to a kilometer or so from LoC. That means that can be easily targeted using artillery other safe (stand off) options. The objective was just to eliminate the camps and its inmates. There was apparently no objective to capture alive a specific person or to retrieve a specific document/device or a thing of interest (which necessitate the use of special forces)
There was also no near by civilian population which may cause a risk of collateral damage. If Indian Army has an intel, satellite imagery and exact coordinates, it was a super easy job for artillery or Brahmose or even Stand off released by IAF Mirages from 40-50KMs away.

Hence, it proved beyond any doubt that this was just a propaganda stunt and just another episode in 4th Gen. war against Pakistan.
These were ops behind enemy lines, very much in the mandate of spec ops.
Artillery or airstrike would have been too overt and high profile, forcing pakistan to retaliate.
Now pakistan could deny the event even happened, win win for both.
These were ops behind enemy lines, very much in the mandate of spec ops.
Artillery or airstrike would have been too overt and high profile, forcing pakistan to retaliate.
Now pakistan could deny the event even happened, win win for both.

Artillery duel is a regular feature of LoC from both sides. Just last week your army used heavy cal weapons against civilians in Sialkot sector. 82mm heavy mortars are commonly used by both sides. I wonder, if you have any idea of stand off weapons also. Just chill, believe what you like to..
Every Pakistani claims and sincerely believes that there were no surgical strikes inside their territory. :pakistan:

But I have yet to see a single post by our western friends claiming that there were no Terrorists Launcing Pads inside Pak for Indians to destroy :p:
i was expecting a bollywood film :rofl:
Why not if some money could be made out it, any director will surely come out with this.
This world is all about money, why not make some. :chilli:
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