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Interview of Muhammad Ali Jinnah with Doon Campbell

All other things aside, I don't see how our Indian posters here came to the conclusion that Jinnah wanted a non-Islamic state, where in this interview he said something like that? My signature is a answer to all those people in who are living in their wet dreams about Pakistan being a Secular state.

I wonder how many of them have actually read the 'Constitution of Medina' ! 'Equal Rights and Obligations' for the 'Religious Minorities' doesn't equal 'A Separation of Religion and Politics' but only an advocacy of 'Pluralism and Impartiality' ! One would do well to read 'Iqbal' alongside Jinnah to understand 'Our Father'.

P.S Grab a copy of Iqbal's Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam and try to understand what in 'their' opinion Modern day Muslim Polity ought to be.

P.P.S Unfortunately it wasn't the Pakistan of today either...! We need a lot of things to fix but 'Secularism', in my opinion, isn't the way to go.
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