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International outcry over Russia-China veto on Syria

^^where are u getting this form...??
Assad has clearly become delusional calming his people still respect him ... he has no willingness to relinquish power..
What external parties are u raking about...america ,CIA??

NO amount of pressure amounts to unleashing of the military on ur own civilians.

An Al-Jazeera poll put his support at 55%. Al Jazeera is from Qatar, which is one of his opponents.

External parties are Gulf Arab states and Turkey, with US and Europe support.

china sucks :sick:

I see indians all happy and jumpy over the fact that Arabs are burning Chinese and Russians flags (see how quick they are to betray turn on their ally), but lets see if they enjoy this:

Kashmiris burning indian flag on Pakistan independence day:

I see indians all happy and jumpy over the fact that Arabs are burning Chinese and Russians flags (see how quick they are to betray turn on their ally), but lets see if they enjoy this:

Kashmiris burning indian flag on Pakistan independence day:

thanks a lot
Russia, Iran and Hezbollah are already intervening in Syria. Why aren't we?

By Michael Weiss World Last updated: February 6th, 2012

“Michael, I swear we are getting slaughtered.”

I had asked Alaa al-Sheikh, the spokesman for the Khaled Bin Waleed brigade of Syrian rebels, to give me an overview of what’s happened in the last 72 hours in Homs. He said that 42 people had been killed in the city of Rastan alone, although he admits that mention of statistics at this stage is irrelevant: “There are bodies that could not be documented because they were completely mutilated and disfigured.”

For those who haven’t had lunch today, I encourage you to see up-close what Russian weapons and Iranian and Hezbollah “military consultants” have helped accomplish in Syria. This video is of a young boy in Homs. His entire lower jaw has been removed from his head and I’m told that this is more watchable version of the footage; an earlier reel went round where he hadn’t been anaesthetised yet.

Vladimir Putin’s copper-bottomed support for Bashar al-Assad at the UN Security Council can be taken in one of two ways. There will be those who claim that here was one organised crime lord pledging solidarity with his human ferret counterpart. The two men really do understand each other and are even beginning to replicate each other’s c.v.s. Assad is doing to Syria what Putin did to Chechnya a decade ago and under the same pretext of combating “terrorists”. Moscow had its dodgy apartment bombings in 1999, blamed with credible evidence on the FSB, to justify the razing of Grozny. Damascus has had its spate of “suicide bombings” lately, blamed by the regime on the following actors: al-Qaida, the United States, Israel, the Muslim Brotherhood, the Syrian opposition and loyalists of former Syrian Vice President Abdul Halim Khaddam. Footage showing the mukhabarat’s theatrics before and after these incidents matters not at all because the Assad regime, with a little help from Russia Today and other Kremlin mouthpieces, has also blamed “foreign media” for presenting a mere domestic misunderstanding as a full-blown humanitarian crisis.
Taken another way, Putin’s support for Assad is a foreign policy “victory” that comes at just the right time for Russia, weeks ahead of a presidential election. The real challengers to the incumbent are not liberal bourgeois figures who cannot get their candidacies registered, but an indulged nationalist far Right which believes that Russia for is for ethnic Russians, and warm-water ports in the Mediterranean are as well. Like Assad, Putin sees foreign conspiracies at every turn. And so the tens of thousands gathered at the weekend at Bolotnaya Square demanding genuine democracy are no match for a narod convinced that runaway corruption and stuffed ballots aren’t as important as giving Washington and Brussels the finger.

Hillary Clinton, William Hague and Alain Juppe can grumble all they like about travesties at Turtle Bay and the inevitability of Assad’s fall. Even if they got their toothless Security Council resolution calling for Assad’s departure, then what? Would he pack up and go quietly? If so, where to? How’s the tabouleh in the Black Sea?

Here is the real travesty of this revolution. Russia, Iran and Hezbollah have all been “intervening” in Syria’s internal affairs for ten months now. Meanwhile, the Arab League, the United States and the European Union have all determined that any claim to sovereignty Assad might have had in 2011 is null and void in 2012. What is needed, therefore, is not condemnations, demarches and shuttered embassies but a Western equivalent of intervention in Syria, namely in the form of:

• Humanitarian “safe areas” to provide food, aid and medical supplies to the civilian population and give the various opposition groups a headquarters inside their own country

• Advanced weapons and communication devices for the Syrian rebels

• A no-fly zone to stop the regime from using its aircraft to conduct reconnaissance, offload security personnel and – yes – strafe rebel strongholds from the sky.

Elements of the dead Left view a US military presence in the Middle East as more of a menace than a Soviet-style totalitarianism which rapes young boys in front of their fathers and murders newborn infants just for the hell of it. I don't expect them to concede that their anti-imperialist theses are less important than Arab lives. But they have no right to misrepresent the will of the people doing the bleeding and dying. If certain comment editors have difficulty finding Syrians on the ground who want Nato fighter jets overhead, I’ll be glad to introduce them to several.

Here is al-Sheikh: “As an activist and a coordinator for the Khaled Bin Waleed brigade, I state that we in Homs, Idlib and Damascus suburbs call for unilateral American and British intervention. We also want to improve our relations with the US administration and people after the revolution, but we need you to save us. We are getting slaughtered, save us.”

Russia, Iran and Hezbollah are already intervening in Syria. Why aren't we? – Telegraph Blogs
^^where are u getting this form...??
Assad has clearly become delusional calming his people still respect him ... he has no willingness to relinquish power..
What external parties are u raking about...america ,CIA??

NO amount of pressure amounts to unleashing of the military on ur own civilians.

Assad is supported by majority of Syrians, and major source of unrest is fueled by West and Arabs armed terrorists.

If Syria would "unleash military against civilians", dont you think there would be far more than few thousand dead in almost a year? And considering few thousand policemen/soldiers are dead too, it proves once more Syria is fighting armed terrorists, not civilians.
The interesting thing is that the vote was 13-2 in the 15 member UNSC.

None of the other 13 voted with Russia/China.

None of the other 13 even astained.

They both end up looking stupid and isolated.

These are first steps towards confiscation of veto power from China. :laugh:
Coming times will be nice to see...

Good that India voted against repression, with Arabs and with the world opinion. :laugh:

You are day dreaming.....
You wanna confiscate our veto power?

How about take it up with our air force and nuclear arsenal.

Oh I see that we no longer have a problem with that veto power.

Have a nice day.
You wanna confiscate our veto power?

How about take it up with our air force and nuclear arsenal.

Oh I see that we no longer have a problem with that veto power.

Have a nice day.

LOL, we dont care who wanna be our enemy. after all ,60 years ago in korea ,our army beat these UN army's sh!t out
Assad is supported by majority of Syrians, and major source of unrest is fueled by West and Arabs armed terrorists.

If Syria would "unleash military against civilians", dont you think there would be far more than few thousand dead in almost a year? And considering few thousand policemen/soldiers are dead too, it proves once more Syria is fighting armed terrorists, not civilians.

u gata be shitting me..
im seriously not getting this ignorance ....???10000 people dies a year and tht not enough?
on one side i hear Quatar and Saudi are arming rebels & on the other hand i see Assasd forces maiming and obliteration civilians ....
what armed terrorist do artillery firing? name a terrorist organization tht has APC and tanks?
********.com - Guy still alive as half his face is blown off by Assad rocket attack (Homs,Syria) Graphic
********.com - Heavy incoming artillery as Assad forces continue attacks on Homs (Homs, Syria)

and then theres this where rebels are being blamed
this shits fked up..cant make F*cking sense of this all

You can clearly see ordinary Syrians with their outcry over Russia-China veto.
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Western and Arab powers are NOT the International Community. What kind of "news" is this? Please stop posting **** people, the West is NOT the world. Can you comprehend? I won't hold my breath.

Countries like China, Russia, Iran, Latin American countries etc. etc. are not the International community, but a bunch of western thugs in Washington and London are? Get outta here...
Another racist PRC poster is in the house .....
It's not racism by any means to expose western imperialism and those who obey their masters. I told you before that you should change your username because you are most certainly not seeking the truth.
On 17 March 1960, American president Dwight Eisenhower approved a document prepared by the 5412 Committee (also known as the "Special Group"), at a meeting of the US National Security Council (NSC). The stated first objective of the plan began as follows:[5]

A Program of Covert Action Against the Castro Regime
1. Objective: The purpose of the program outlined herein is to bring about the replacement of the Castro regime with one more devoted to the true interests of the Cuban people and more acceptable to the U.S. in such a manner to avoid any appearance of U.S. intervention.

In April 1960, the CIA began to recruit anti-Castro Cuban exiles in the Miami area. Until July 1960, assessment and training was carried out on Useppa Island and at various other facilities in South Florida

Cuba is a great example of the dirty game the US is playing. How many times have the US tried to bring down Cuba, Iraq, Iran, Libya and Syria? These countries don't have a US friendly policy and that's why the Americans will use any method to bring these countries down.

USSR wasn't threatening the US and still they placed nuclear missiles in Europe. Cuba was never a threat either and the Americans wanted to cause trouble in Cuba and had plans to kill Castro. Iraq-Iran War had nothing to do with US and they intervened to help Iraq just to make sure Iran couldn't win. Then in the name of fighting terrorists they invaded Afghanistan and eventually lied to the whole world about Iraqi's development of nukes. Then came Libya and now it's Syria's turn. Not to mention the missile shield in Russia's back yard with the excuse to protect EU from Iran and North Korea. I don't see these 2 countries threatening EU at all. Anyone who still think the US is doing this for protecting freedom and liberating countries from dictators must be blind.
The Americans trained and armed the Taliban against the Russian's involvement in Afghanistan. I don't know what happened after that but they became enemies otherwise there wouldn't be the 9/11 incident. Plenty of proof that US has their own agenda only the brainwashed believe they are the good guys.
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