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Interfaith marriages

You can provide a hundred more, you'd still be wrong. I only read the first link of yours to see what you really meant that came out all wrong. QUOTE]

Question is close relation marriage is good or bad? Do not take few words from my post, take the meaning. From the first link I provided giving some quotes. Also read the third link, it may open your mind.

A cautionary note
In societies with a tradition of first cousin marriage, many
couples are often more closely related than first cousins are and
consequently their risk may be significantly higher.

Now I am bore to explain you that close relation marriage and tradition of marrying in small group is not good.

Munda, that is not proof close marriages are bad. Like most things, it depends. If the genes of both close relations are good, then a close relation marriage will produce genetically good offspring. In this case, if someone wants to maintain the quality of their gene pool (and some people do), then it is an idea to think about marrying within. However, it seems to be a lot of people do it for other reasons now, which have nothing to do with genes, more cultural.

But for sure, two close relations can produce genetically better children than two distant relations. It all depends on the quality of the genes in the parents, i thnk you can see.
As a Chinese, I have some opinion,

Make use of Malaysia as example,

I usually know some Chinese Malaysian's complaint about barrier to racial harmony, integration and interracial marriage in Malaysia due to Muslim faith marriage.

Malaysia consists of 3 main nationalities - Malay, Chinese and Indian (mostly Tamil), also many non-Muslim indigenous nationalities.

Because Malaysia is really a Islamic state (even though not constitutional), Muslim cannot not marry non-Muslim. Any Muslim violator will be sent to Sharia court.

If non-Muslim (Chinese, Indian, non-Muslim indigenous) want to marry Muslim in Malaysia, no way other than convert to Muslim.

If a non-Muslim boy (man) have sex (or just only inside one single room) with an unmarried Muslim girl and then be exposed by religious police, both of them will be sent to Sharia court. The boy (man) will be charged with rape, or he must marry the unmarried Muslim girl and automatically become Muslim. :rofl::rofl::rofl:

All ethnic Malay must be birth Muslim and have no choice for regilous freedom.
No one including Muslim convert can convert out of Islam. :sick:

In fact, this policy is to protect Malay interest rather than show faithful to Allah, because Chinese, Indian and non-Muslim indigenous occupy about 40% of the population.

Parallel of "Malay = Muslim" policy and "Muslim faith marriage" policy mean that Chinese / Indian / non-Muslim indigenous Muslim converts will automatically be assimilated to Malay.

The next Taliban are coming out of Malaysia.

Those "Islamic" courts are churning out such disgusting judgements - seperate infant from mother(interfaith marriage), exhume dead body and bury in Islamic manner...annuling marriages. Utter crap. Such a worthless degraded state of existence despite so many centuries of civilisation.

The next Taliban are coming out of Malaysia.

Those "Islamic" courts are churning out such disgusting judgements - seperate infant from mother(interfaith marriage), exhume dead body and bury in Islamic manner...annuling marriages. Utter crap. Such a worthless degraded state of existence despite so many centuries of civilisation.

Muslim Sharia Court : Once you are Muslim, you cannot get out.

Malaysia Sharia Court : Once you are Muslim, you are a Malay and you cannot get out. :hitwall::hitwall::hitwall:
my father married a non-muslim (but she converted) so wat?? is that a crime muslims can marry only non-muslim if they wanted too its not haram. im not a muslim but i think this is ridculous
my father married a non-muslim (but she converted) so wat?? is that a crime muslims can marry only non-muslim if they wanted too its not haram. im not a muslim but i think this is ridculous

What the hell are you talking about??????? try retyping the above with punctuation!
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