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Interesting AMA on reddit from a current IS member


Sep 9, 2014
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Interesting AMA on reddit from a current IS member. The man in question is a former member of the Dutch army.


reddit link: Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL/IS) fighter taking questions; AMA. : casualiama

This is the man in question:

Once again; I condemn terrorism on all fronts and I certainly do no agree with IS policies. It just seemed an interesting topic to open, to see why someone becomes an IS member.
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DAESH is just a joke man. Never saw something more stupid.

just look at their wannabe flag. It is a shame, faking the insignia of Prophet Hz. Muhammad (pbuh)

DAESH Needs to be cleaned into the toilet sewer.
What's interesting about it? When you say it's interesting you're helping those who seek to damage Muslim's image. Those people love to over- sensationalize this little insurgent group in order to milk out as much hatred against Muslims as they can.
What's interesting about it? When you say it's interesting you're helping those who seek to damage Muslim's image. Those people love to over- sensationalize this little insurgent group in order to milk out as much hatred against Muslims as they can.

spot on!

If Hz. Muhammad (pbuh) the Prophet would live today, he would be a good citizen helping his neighbors. Spreading his wisdom to the youth.

He would not walk around searching for reasons to behead People like syrian civil war chit.

DAESH are murderers and they just want to kill People. they are perverted scum!
spot on!

If Hz. Muhammad (pbuh) the Prophet would live today, he would be a good citizen helping his neighbors. Spreading his wisdom to the youth.

He would not walk around searching for reasons to behead People like syrian civil war chit.

DAESH are murderers and they just want to kill People. they are perverted scum!

Daesh is what it is, an Iraqi insurgent group which isn't as bad as people portray. They aren't the only group that kills people, dictatorial regimes, modern states also indulge in Daesh like activities, most of the time on much higher magnitude. So I don't understand why people give Daesh all this attention, they should give Daesh, Israel, and others an equal amount of attention. Instead they have double standard and support killing if it comes from certain side or suits their interests. And we need to fight this double standard. Starting on this forum, if someone points of that Daesh kills people but refuses to acknowledge so about a dictatorial regime or modern state which also does, or in any way justifies the killing committed by other entities then that user gets 1 week ban.

If there is genuine justice it's not possible for Daesh to gain recruits. We need to develop real justice in the world and implement it.
Btw how is Reddit allowing this? Isn't this promotion of terrorism? Would Reddit allow a 'Ask Hezbollah' or 'Ask Hamas' session? Considering Hamas is a legitimate nationalist movement, how come the Western public is not allowed to learn about the Palestinian cause?

Also the clown posing as ISIS fighter is probably a Jewish troll seeing anti-Christian things to incite hatred between Muslims and Christians. Operating on internet is security risk and no one buys this bs.
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i am sorry for ugly post. but that guy opened this thread on purpose.

Offcourse I opened this thread for purpose fking idiot. This just seemed interesting to me to understand why people join terrorist groups. You can deny ISIS as long as you want, but in the real world (not the fairytale world where you live) there is a real propblem with young people joining these group.
You cannot defeat a terrorist organization if you dont understand there members
If you cannot discuss things on a regular way, than i suggest you leave this forum

What's interesting about it? When you say it's interesting you're helping those who seek to damage Muslim's image. Those people love to over- sensationalize this little insurgent group in order to milk out as much hatred against Muslims as they can.
Sorry if you feel insulted. I saw this on facebook and I found it interesting and thats why i reblogged it, since this is a forum where we talk a lot about ISIS etc. Once again, I dont agree with what he says , and I condemn all terror from ISIS and proxys, but that doesnt mean that we should close our eyes for why a regular Dutch soldier joins ISIS.
Offcourse I opened this thread for purpose fking idiot. This just seemed interesting to me to understand why people join terrorist groups. You can deny ISIS as long as you want, but in the real world (not the fairytale world where you live) there is a real propblem with young people joining these group.
You cannot defeat a terrorist organization if you dont understand there members
If you cannot discuss things on a regular way, than i suggest you leave this forum

Sorry if you feel insulted. I saw this on facebook and I found it interesting and thats why i reblogged it, since this is a forum where we talk a lot about ISIS etc. Once again, I dont agree with what he says , and I condemn all terror from ISIS and proxys, but that doesnt mean that we should close our eyes for why a regular Dutch soldier joins ISIS.

Nothing against you mate, you can post this no problem I'm just making a point that media/Islamophobes like to keep talking about ISIS and exaggerating it to bash Muslims.
@KingWest Dear Sir,

Military logic 101 dictates, in order to defeat the enemy it is imperative to understand it, inside out. What you posted was a re-post from Reddit. Nothing wrong with it, especially since you made your views clear in the disclaimer. If some people mis-understood your effort as promoting ISIS, then that is their problem.

The admin team is strong enough to care of anyone who stands in the way of a healthy sane debate. It is important that ISIS be exposed for the 'sham" it is. Kindly, re-edit the thread title and your OP.

Best Regards
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