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Intel Source Speaks on Iranian Nukes

Strike Iran, go for it.

But you better promise us that you will strike Israel first.
Come on now dudes , take it easy , They arent going bomb Iran through Airstrikes ..Its a stalemate for America but games over for Israel unless they realy bomb Iran and start a third world war...!
Action speaks louder than words
and will be a first to see US keeping any of its promise ever in History kept to date.
Say what...??? Did we not promised that we will attack Iraq and we kept our word? So how can you say that we never kept any promises before? :lol: At the very least, we will issue a stern rebuke to Israel regarding their (alleged) nuclear weapons before we attack Iran. We 'promise'.
Say what...??? Did we not promised that we will attack Iraq and we kept our word? So how can you say that we never kept any promises before? :lol: At the very least, we will issue a stern rebuke to Israel regarding their (alleged) nuclear weapons before we attack Iran. We 'promise'.

Why can Israel have nukes if Iran cant?

Well, Iran can't because they have insane leaders.

But, Israel doesn't? LOL:pop:
if israel can have it, why not iran???

One lion in jungle does not allow the other animal (even Lion) become as powerful as he is in the complete territory it owns. This is what Israel is doing.

If Iran manages to tackle this preassure(may be attack) from Israel and US then sure it will be another powerful lion in that area.
Why can Israel have nukes if Iran cant?

Well, Iran can't because they have insane leaders.

But, Israel doesn't? LOL:pop:

Everone knows that Israel has nukes but no one has proof as it has never tested one. So theoritically International preassure does not applies to Israel. While Iran is openly trying to build nukes which is inviting international preassure. Had it succeeded in keeping this process secret, it could have successfully made some of them by now.
Say what...??? Did we not promised that we will attack Iraq and we kept our word? So how can you say that we never kept any promises before? :lol: At the very least, we will issue a stern rebuke to Israel regarding their (alleged) nuclear weapons before we attack Iran. We 'promise'.

Wll said buddy. Now I understood what is going on between Israel and US.
One lion in jungle does not allow the other animal (even Lion) become as powerful as he is in the complete territory it owns. This is what Israel is doing.

If Iran manages to tackle this preassure(may be attack) from Israel and US then sure it will be another powerful lion in that area.
Bad analogy. While Israel may hold military superiority over individual country or perhaps a small alliance of them in the ME, Israel is not in control of the ME. The lion is not an appropriate analogy for the ME. The hyena or the jackal is as all of the despots there are more terrified of each other than of Israel. Interesting fact is that the leader of a hyena pack is usually female.
So Iran is next in line to receive democracy with the help of USA.:lol:
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