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Insurgent & Secessionist movements in India

Arunachal Pradesh


Jammu and Kashmir (occupied/disputed area of the Kashmir valley only)






Tamil Nadu

So, now that the gloves are off and cards on the table, let's discuss how Pakistan can plan it's next moves, if it hasn't already ;-)

Will someone dig out the latest updated status of all insurgencies within India? Please.
So, now that the gloves are off and cards on the table, let's discuss how Pakistan can plan it's next moves, if it hasn't already ;-)

Will someone dig out the latest updated status of all insurgencies within India? Please.

As per news Maoists are leading and their kill score is higher than any one else.

But in case of Hindustan the most potent liberation movement is that of Khalistan , One of our PM in 90's made a strategic mistake by helping hypocrite Hindus to root out Khalisatn movement after a deal that Hindustan would come to negotiating table regarding Kashmir leaving her absurd atoot ang rhetoric but unfortunately proving again her sadist and inhumane nature India replied by supporting terror oranizations like MQM and later TTP in Pakistan.

But thanks to terrorists like Modi ground is again very fertile for Khalisatan movement as Sikhs around the globe are protesting against Hindu atrocities .


I did not mention Kashmir as the way they slapped Modi and Hindu fanatics after their leader was martyred clearly shows their resolve and the systematic way they attacked local police to make them desert police stations proves they have a line of action now to get rid of filth from their beautiful valley.

For first time in decades Kashmiris have made police and CPRF run away and now they are attacking IA else where.
+1 @Albatross . The grounds are indeed fertile and I hope they're being used properly by those who stay awake so we can sleep better.

India needs to be replied in the same manner as Hindu fanatics doesnt want peace they are still shocked and grieved that their so called motherland was divided and Muslims got a huge strategically important chunk of it.

They forgot the fact we Muslims ruled them for over thousand years and it was all our land before brits and Hindus should be content with whatever they have got.
So, now that the gloves are off and cards on the table, let's discuss how Pakistan can plan it's next moves, if it hasn't already ;-)

Will someone dig out the latest undate status of all insurgencies within India? Please.
All insurgencies have been severely weakebed thanks to Army, paramilitary and police.
From 289 security forces casualties in Northeast in 1996 it's down to only 8 in 2016.
There has not been casualties among civilians or security forces in Punjab since 2003 due to Sikh separitists.
Even in Kashmir casualties have reduced by 90% from it's peak in 2000?
Casualties due to left wing extremists are also the lowest since 1998.
All insurgencies have been severely weakebed thanks to Army, paramilitary and police.
From 289 security forces casualties in Northeast in 1996 it's down to only 8 in 2016.
There has not been casualties among civilians or security forces in Punjab since 2003 due to Sikh separitists.
Even in Kashmir casualties have reduced by 90% from it's peak in 2000?
Casualties due to left wing extremists are also the lowest since 1998.
Why do you even try,by reading any post in this page by a Pakistani should tell you these people live in their own world,and dont want to come out it.
They think they havnt tried before and they can do what they want and we wont return the favour.They dont realise ,if they can do it ,we being bigger country can do more infact much more to hurt them.
Some wounds are hard to heal,they still live in 71.
More than 67 active separatist movements in India continue to bleed

There are more than 67+ active separatist movements in different states of india including Punjab, Assam, Manipur, Nagaland, Bangal, Chattisgarh, Orrisa, Bihar, Andhra Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra & list goes on, who want freedom from india because of brutalities of indian Govt on minorities while Khalistan & Jammu Kashmir is about to get freedom pls Jammu Kashmir & Andhra Pradesh are illegally Occupied by india, this video shows the real face of so called "World's Largest Democracy".

@Albatross @Pakistan First @PaklovesTurkiye

Watch this:


Suspected Maoist rebels killed 24 paramilitary commandos and wounded six on Monday in a remote part of central India in one of the deadliest attacks of a long-running internal conflict.

The soldiers were guarding road workers in the Sukma district of Chhattisgargh state, a hotbed of insurgent violence, when they came under heavy fire.

“We have recovered 23 bodies from the spot and one soldier died in Raipur during treatment,” Anand Chhabra, a senior police officer, told AFP, referring to the state capital.

He said six other commandos from the Central Reserve Police Force were critically injured and had been evacuated for treatment.

Another police officer, Sunil Tiwari, told AFP that Indian security forces were looking for “some CRPF soldiers who are missing”, adding that the rebels snatched weapons during the ambush.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi condemned the attack and offered condolences to the families of the deceased, saying the sacrifice of their loved ones would not be in vain.

“Attack on @CRPFIndia personnel in Chhattisgarh is cowardly and deplorable. We are monitoring the situation closely,” Modi posted on Twitter.

Fatal attacks by insurgents on security forces in central and eastern India are frequent, but Monday's assault was among the deadliest in years.

Television footage showed injured commandos in their army fatigues being stretchered from ambulances into hospitals for treatment.

One soldier who survived the attack, Sher Mohammed, told reporters from his hospital bed that “almost 300 of them attacked us”.

More precaution needed
State chief minister Raman Singh said Sukma, where Monday's attack occurred, was a stronghold for Maoists waging a guerilla war from their jungle bases.

The Maoists opposed efforts to build new roads and infrastructure in the remote area because it undermined their long-running campaign against India's security forces, he added.

“In future we will need to take more precautions,” said Singh, who called an emergency meeting and rushed back from New Delhi after the attack.

The Maoist insurgency started as a peasant uprising in 1967, and since then has cost thousands of lives in the rebel-dominated “red corridor” stretching through central and eastern India.

Tit-for-tat jungle skirmishes often result in heavy casualties on both sides.

Last month 11 paramilitary policemen were killed when their convoy was ambushed in Chhattisgarh, while at least 20 troops died in a separate attack in 2015.

In 2010 Maoists killed 76 police in the worst-ever massacre of security forces by the insurgents. The incident shook the country and led to pressure on the government to rethink its tactics.

Critics believe attempts to end the revolt through tough security offensives are doomed to fail, saying the real solution is better governance and development of the region.

The guerrillas, who say they are fighting for the rights of tribal people and landless farmers, often collect funds through extortion.

Modi had been seeking to stem the insurgency by earmarking development funds for revolt-hit areas and improving policing.

In 2015 he urged Maoists to put down their guns and take up ploughs, saying “violence has no future”.
"And yet the latest, and most insidious, threat to India's territorial integrity comes not from the north but from the south. To be precise, Tamil Nadu, a region of some 60 million Tamils, who ostensibly have little in common with their Hindi-speaking northern neighbours." - "The Guardian" (London, England), November 27, 2000.

Read more about Tamil Nadu's thirst for independence at Freedom Movements in Tamil Nadu

@Rajaraja Chola @Nilgiri @Hindustani78

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New Active ones:

  • Dravida Nadu.
  • Insurgency in Northeast India. Assam separatist movements. Insurgency in Meghalaya. Insurgency in Manipur. Ethnic conflict in Nagaland.
  • Kashmir conflict.
  • Khalistan movement.
  • Naxalite–Maoist insurgency.

In detail States who wants separation from India:

By separatist movements, I guess you are referring to the movements that demand secession from India, and creation of a separate country. If so, as of now, the separatist movements that can be considered to be “active” are as follows :

  1. Separatist movement in Kashmir , demanding independence of Kashmir from India and Indian government. It is the most active separatist movement in India, which is supported by Pakistan and various terrorist groups.
  2. Separatist movement in Assam , where United Liberation Front of Assam (ULFA) demands a separate nation for the Assamese. ULFA is a designated terrorist group and Indian Army is fighting the insurgents more or less on a regular basis, just like in Kashmir albeit little less. There is another insurgent group in Assam called MULTA (Muslim United Liberation Tigers of Assam) which demands a separate country for Muslims of Assam. Apart from these, there are a few other small separatist groups as well, which operate in Assam
  3. Separatist movement in Nagaland , where NSCN demands separate country for Nagas. However, with recent peace accords, it seems the separatist movement has almost ended, though the groups continue to press for certain other demands.
Apart from the separatist movements that have been discussed above, there is Khalistani separatist movement which is completely dormant and almost non-existent in India…. though the members of Khalistani separatist movements still secretly operate from Canada, UK and Australia but have a very limited influence. It seeks secession of Punjab from India and create a separate country for Sikhs. As of now, Khalistani movement is dead but intelligence agencies are always on their toes so that it does not revive.

There is also a separatist movement in Tripura, led by National Liberation Front of Tripura (NLFT), which seeks secession from India and an independent nation called Tripuri. However, this movement does not enjoy enough support from people and is not a major threat to the country or people of the region.

PS - I have deliberately not put the name of Tamil separatist movement, as the movement is not fiercely secessionist in nature and lacks support from the Tamils. The fraction of Tamils involved in the movement is basically so less that it can be ignored for all practical purpose to be perceived as any threat.
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