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INSTEX successfully concludes first transaction

"sanction-bypass" LOLOLOL!!,are they fvcking serious?....16 months to do ONE paltry half million dollar deal,who are these eurotrash trying to fool?.
Chump must be laughing his fat neo fascist arse off right about now,the eurotrash are no threat to his policies on iran,they`ll happily keep on appeasing him like the good little fascist appeasing europeans that they are.What a sad,sad joke,still I`m sure that rouhani and co will try and talk it all up as a great success and proof that the jcpoa is still working in irans favor.:bad::tsk:
"sanction-bypass" LOLOLOL!!,are they fvcking serious?....16 months to do ONE paltry half million dollar deal,who are these eurotrash trying to fool?.
Chump must be laughing his fat neo fascist arse off right about now,the eurotrash are no threat to his policies on iran,they`ll happily keep on appeasing him like the good little fascist appeasing europeans that they are.What a sad,sad joke,still I`m sure that rouhani and co will try and talk it all up as a great success and proof that the jcpoa is still working in irans favor.:bad::tsk:

You don't know The so called reformers in Iran ....

Even if the western fucked them or their wives , some of them will happily say :" see how good the westerns are , they donated their seed to us "
So something that shouldn’t even be under sanctions and should be easily purchasable (Medical gear) was sent via a sanctions “busting” mechanism.

What a joke.
Medical supplies are exempted from sanctions but Iran is isolated from the international banking system. International banks that engage in transactions involving Iran are at risk of being targeted by US sanctions. So, legally, Iran may be entitled to procure medical supplies from, let's European companies. But in reality, Iran does not have the ability to perform the necessary financial transactions to procure the medical supplies because European banks fear possible US sanctions and thus refuse to engange in the financial transactions.
It's a lie. without buying Iran's oil there is no transaction. unless they tend to send their goods for free!
i rather nobody buy our raw oil. we can refine it for ourselves or sell it for several time the price of raw oil we can convert it to petrochemical products and sell it for hundreds time more than the price of raw oil.
you like to call some people traitor , tell me isn't throwing away our national resources a treason or no ?
Medical supplies are exempted from sanctions but Iran is isolated from the international banking system. International banks that engage in transactions involving Iran are at risk of being targeted by US sanctions. So, legally, Iran may be entitled to procure medical supplies from, let's European companies. But in reality, Iran does not have the ability to perform the necessary financial transactions to procure the medical supplies because European banks fear possible US sanctions and thus refuse to engange in the financial transactions.
Exactly,in addition chumps claims of making it easier to allow trade in medical and humanitarian items was a total and complete lie,it only further increased us oversight of what little trade that [in theory] was allowed.
The indigenous production of pharmaceuticals and medical products of all types are something that iran will have to become as completely self sufficient in as possible,because you arent going to be getting any from the west,well apart from pathetic little pieces of total political theater like the [drum roll please] :lol:first instex transaction:lol:.
Well I hope Rohani would not fall for such a trap .. when you put all your eggs in this new channel little by little others channel that you use to ditch sanctions would become unattractive due to higher prices and timing so you'd left them for this new one ... on the other hand they don't let us sell oil and would charge the channel by our own money in their banks that means after a while we won't have money neither ... so at that particular time all your previous ways to import things were abandoned just instext would remain you have no money and they would not provide you with anything .. don't put yourself in corner Hassan ...
Putting all our egg in Barjam wasn't a good decision let alone instex that even can not be compared to it in terms of sanctions, oil revenue, banking system and so on ... it is just a gesture by other side to say I stood against america I do my part of deal blah blah ..
Well I hope Rohani would not fall for such a trap .. when you put all your eggs in this new channel little by little others channel that you use to ditch sanctions would become unattractive due to higher prices and timing so you'd left them for this new one ... on the other hand they don't let us sell oil and would charge the channel by our own money in their banks that means after a while we won't have money neither ... so at that particular time all your previous ways to import things were abandoned just instext would remain you have no money and they would not provide you with anything .. don't put yourself in corner Hassan ...
Putting all our egg in Barjam wasn't a good decision let alone instex that even can not be compared to it in terms of sanctions, oil revenue, banking system and so on ... it is just a gesture by other side to say I stood against america I do my part of deal blah blah ..

The main purpose of this channel for Hassan , Nobakht and Nahavandian is too transfer their own illigal wealth to the west
Is he a moron or try to pretend? this level of hypocrisy & lying is just unbelievable ...

He also addressed which decisions the North Korean and Iranian regimes need to take. “Some of these countries continue to build bombs and missiles and nuclear capabilities, while their people are starving,” Pompeo added. “So, when they claim that, boy, they just don’t have the money to feed their citizens, these are decisions that these people, leaders, have often made, which were not in the best interest of their citizens. It is, indeed, quite sad to see those governments make those decisions that harm their own people.”Secretary Pompeo went on to say that the US often cares about people in those countries more than their leaders do. “We’ve worked to try and give assistance to North Korea,” he said. “We’ve offered assistance to Iran. When we first began, we’ve worked diligently in Venezuela to get humanitarian assistance to the Venezuelan people as well,” he added.​

The main purpose of this channel for Hassan , Nobakht and Nahavandian is too transfer their own illigal wealth to the west
I have no idea.
Medical supplies are exempted from sanctions but Iran is isolated from the international banking system. International banks that engage in transactions involving Iran are at risk of being targeted by US sanctions. So, legally, Iran may be entitled to procure medical supplies from, let's European companies. But in reality, Iran does not have the ability to perform the necessary financial transactions to procure the medical supplies because European banks fear possible US sanctions and thus refuse to engange in the financial transactions.
Conclusion - Iran cant actually buy medical equipment from western Countries. the end.
Just yesterday, a friend of mine who lives in Egypt and before worked for a company that develops nuclear medicine products there told me that a former colleague of his informed him yesterday that an Iranian supplier approached their company for business. But since Egyptian law forbids Egyptian companies (in that field) to engage in trade with Iran out of fear of sanctions, nothing came of it.
i rather nobody buy our raw oil. we can refine it for ourselves or sell it for several time the price of raw oil we can convert it to petrochemical products and sell it for hundreds time more than the price of raw oil.
you like to call some people traitor , tell me isn't throwing away our national resources a treason or no ?
There is a distance between what's Ideal and what's practical.

Nonetheless, Those people whom I call traitor (Rouhani, his oil minister Zanganeh, etc) have an ideal 100% opposite to yours, Zanganeh is one of the main oppositions of building refineries in Iran, his only projects were joint gas and oil extraction plants with foreign partners which even these were failed due to one-sided deals which allowed the partners to dodge their obligations with no penalty.
There is a distance between what's Ideal and what's practical.

Nonetheless, Those people whom I call traitor (Rouhani, his oil minister Zanganeh, etc) have an ideal 100% opposite to yours, Zanganeh is one of the main oppositions of building refineries in Iran, his only projects were joint gas and oil extraction plants with foreign partners which even these were failed due to one-sided deals which allowed the partners to dodge their obligations with no penalty.
Probably the companies fill hos and his advisers pockets
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