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Install Windows 10 for Free !!!

The following is the URL to Microsoft Windows 10 download page. Please check compatibility of your applications and do a backup.

Windows 10


Read third point.

If you will be installing the operating system for the first time, you will need your Windows product key (xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx).
If you have legit copy of windows 7/8/8.1, only then you're eligible for free upgrade.
will wait for the user review, till then the the update button stays in the taskbar tray.
Let it come to the region, or the famous something happened screen will show up
If you have legit copy of windows 7/8/8.1, only then you're eligible for free upgrade.

dude... even a pirated/ non-genuine product will be able to upgrade, that's exactly what MS said. but to use still need a genuine Windows 10 license to activate the Windows. you can use it as 30 days trial,but then you'll have to get the key if u want to continue
I am thinking about permanently shifting to Linux. Btw how is Mint, it shows most downloads in distrowatch.

Mint is more lighter and faster than ubuntu.. also mint is some what like windows... i mean some ideas on UI is adopted from windows, while ubuntu is from OSX...
sorry i use linux
First sensible person on this forum . I use mint what do you use?

I am thinking about permanently shifting to Linux. Btw how is Mint, it shows most downloads in distrowatch.
I use mint cinamon 64x . Lets put it this way , I went to a village in faisalabad dist to vist relatives, a cousin had his laptop plagued with viruses , was in the process of re installing it . I restarted the lappy with usb running mint and he was hooked. Everything that he was using just worked. To cut it short my cousin got a copy from me and installed it on more than 10 peoples machines , saying its a new windows. Till date they are happy using it and no blue screen of death and no viruses. So if some people from a village are happy using it
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