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Inside PTI

Some recent post by P(o)TI followers are suggests that all of them are in deep frustration. :

Rightly said by Tameem: P(O)TI followers read this and Sharam karo,Aisay shaks ko, App S.A.W.W k sat compare kartay hoye Sharam nai aati

Seriously? :lol:
see ---- the problems that come form "worshiping" one person bet it IK or someone else (BB, ZAB, NS or altaf kazab) ----
Some recent post by P(o)TI followers are suggests that all of them are in deep frustration.

Bcz Every liar and its associates initially starts associating first with our Great Prophet (PBUH) throughout history, be it Muslima Kizzab Or Mirza Qadiani….in our political history too many people brings something special in order to prove that they are backed by divine hands or prophet i.e., Altaf Hussain to Tahir-ul Qadri’s various maneuverings in past and public's unanimous views on them that it only shows their frustration in failure of acceptance nothing else.

In this backdrop, No one astonish if tomorrow P(o)TI followers comes up with something special on the same lines i.e., Imran names founds carved on Rice seed, on clouds etc.

Keep it up liars….you will be drained out nonetheless in your own personal tsunami soon!! Its writting on the wall now:wave:

Associate with the prophet?
Who is associating with the Prophet?
We are just following the Quran and Sunnah. You know, the same one that says don't steal, lie or be a crook.
We try to follow the Prophets examples.
you just try to follow prophit.

And that my friend, is the difference between us. ;)

You mean to say that those who are opposed to Imran Khan are like the people who opposed the holy prophet?

In the sense that they are trying to prevent progression, yes.
Both the enemies of the prophet and the enemies of PTI have the same motives. Keep the old structure so they can make financial gain.

see ---- the problems that come form "worshiping" one person bet it IK or someone else (BB, ZAB, NS or altaf kazab) ----

where did anyone worship anything?
Honest question, do you know the meaning of "worship" ?
Some recent post by P(o)TI followers are suggests that all of them are in deep frustration.

Bcz Every liar and its associates initially starts associating first with our Great Prophet (PBUH) throughout history, be it Muslima Kizzab Or Mirza Qadiani….in our political history too many people brings something special in order to prove that they are backed by divine hands or prophet i.e., Altaf Hussain to Tahir-ul Qadri’s various maneuverings in past and public's unanimous views on them that it only shows their frustration in failure of acceptance nothing else.

In this backdrop, No one astonish if tomorrow P(o)TI followers comes up with something special on the same lines i.e., Imran names founds carved on Rice seed, on clouds etc.

Keep it up liars….you will be drained out nonetheless in your own personal tsunami soon!! Its writting on the wall now:wave:


When you can not answer with logic, act like an idiot - G.W. Bush.
Tameem Dude has some real mental and pain issues. Tameem Dude, don't mix PML-N provincial achievements with National achievements. If shahbaz sharif had to run for PM, than i would not have voted PTI.

Now Come on National Level. What's PML-N performance there? Name one!.

Now next time when your ill and retarded mind begin to debate, Differentiate Provincial and National achievements of your party. Because PTI is making it's mark on National Level not on provincial level and on provincial level Most of PTI voters will vote for Shahbaz sharif.
These are the same people who would attack the prophet for every thing he did.

Let me ask you, what did the Prophet do when he conquered Mecca?

So according to these people, Islam has failed also because the prophet took the old people who had actually killed Muslims in the past.

Talk is cheap, that's why that is the only thing they do. :wave:
Islam is a Religion, a way of life and those people sincerely converted to it.
Can you say the same about Mr.Imran Khan's followers?
All i want is dont claim MORAL HIGH GROUND when such things are happening in you party. Rest we will see in elections who is suitable !

Why not?!?!

Nooners are PROVEN corrupt , and failed politicians. Imran Khan , on the other hand , has respect of everyone. He never did any corruption. He won the trusts of Pakistanis and he , and only he alone , engaged the whole sleeping youth of Pakistan in the politics--which is very beneficial for the future. So again , why not?
Why not?!?!

Nooners are PROVEN corrupt , and failed politicians. Imran Khan , on the other hand , has respect of everyone. He never did any corruption. He won the trusts of Pakistanis and he , and only he alone , engaged the whole sleeping youth of Pakistan in the politics--which is very beneficial for the future. So again , why not?

I requested to not claim Moral High Ground and in reply got some 6-7 Claims. Well this is :pdf: :whistle:
PTI completely exposed. For a party of change, this is so SHAMEFUL!

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