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Cant he plead via video conferencing atleast will save us his traveling costs ?

no he wouldnt

as why would he miss a foreign tour

"Arre UPA mantri hey hum ,desh lute ya jiye mujhe kya :lol:"
Fake news, There will be no change in the Himalayan border what ever happens :cheers:
LOL@ inside news, dont think the IA is in any mood to back out - specially against the chinese. Most probably a Chinese or Pakistani false flagger.
1st cant be new news before 3rd flag meeting. So its totally BS POST. :sniper: i too have contact... Just Called them up and they are saying army is not in a none to move back... THATS IT
few days of chinese camping there and india backs down and gives it land land to China ?? ..not buying..

Its not just barren land, from strategic point of view giving that part of china can be very very risky...Indian Govt would never even think of that
Seriously india media should give this incident a rest, I searched Chinese media and found nothing I google this incident and also couldn't find any western media article on this so called invasion
I think he is a false flagger:china::pakistan: Purposely selected Indian flag to troll.

This is no coincidence, a member joining this forum and the first thread he posted is a inside news which no active member of this forum has listen to.

Otherwise how he knew that people get banned here for reporting false exaggerating news.

This is not his first thread and his previous posts doesn't suggest that He is Pakistani or Chinese
Indians are so mentally unstable they have to create something out of nothing just to draw some sort of attention
i wudnt be surprised even if it happens .atleast our govt wakes up now and starts modernizing the army on the war scale.lets this incident be a reminder to them.so that when such incident is repeated at arunachal we could reply them aptly.anyway they already occupied our 100s of acres of ours in kashmir.at couple more donot make any difference.lets atleast protect arunachal completley.somuch for the peaceful rise of china
Just 50 PLA soldiers terrified an entire nation of 1.3 billion Indians and forced their government to concede territory :rofl:
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